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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. I was also told by GZ that for Jun's interview (Jan 21) we WOULD NOT need 2004 tax returns OR W-2s.


    Dear Mr. Jason,


    Thank you for your email. For a K case, we need the affidavit support of I-134, it's better for you to prepare a new I-134. You don't need to prepare the tax return and W2 for year 2004.


    Immigrant Visa Unit



    Mr. Jason???

  2. Thanks for everyone's input. I think I found our best option. AT&T/Cingular doesn't have service in Roanoke, but T-Mobile does, and supports GSM phones. T-Mobile will sell an activated SIM card, that can be used in any SIM unlocked GSM phone. So as long as Jun can purchase a SIM unlocked GSM phone that matches one of the phones T-Mobile uses, then I can send her the activated SIM card, and she will have a Chinese language phone that works in the US.


    Also by switching out the SIM card, it could be made to work in China as well, so if she goes back for a visit, we will have a cell phone while in China without having to get a new one.

  3. Does anyone know of any carriers or specific phones, that will display an SMS in Chines characters, or perhaps even (though I'm doubtful for this) allow Chinese text input?


    Jun is a complete SMS junkie, and while being able to send Chinese character SMS is something she could live without if she had to, not being able to view them from her family would be a real drag.


    I'm looking into sending her a wireless phone to bring to the US with her, but I'd like to find one that can at least display the Chinese SMS. I know mine will not. It's not exactly a feature that the US wireless companies advertise either. So before I begin emailing and calling every wireless provider in the US, I thought I'd take the easy way out and see if anyone has dealt with this before me :D

  4. For any of you that are using a DSL or High Speed Cable Modem, look into BroadVoice. It is a VoIP ( Voice Over IP ) phone system that allows you to get a calling plan with "Unlimited" calling to all USA and 21 country's ( Including China ) for $19.95 USD.


    Thanks Bryan,


    Some one here had this system as was having problems, but I think it is still worth a try, the monthly price is hard to beat. Is it expensive to get setup? I know enough about computers to cause trouble, Will it work with my AOL DSL?

    You could use it with DSL, but you will need a router as well as the analog - digital converter. So you would pay a slightly higher set up fee I believe... (I'm speaking of voip in general, not necessarily this specific service)

  5. I've been where you are Alex.  And I know that there's little I can say that will ease the pain. B)

    Maybe just that as horrible as it seemed, you are on the other side of it, Moon.


    Like everyone here, I want to add my congratulations for you - and my prayers for Alex.


    Everything is temporary. Good and bad. So enjoy every good thing in your life as if it will be the last time, and take some hope in that all dark times will end.


    God bless all of you, and please try to find some joy in this Christmas season.

  6. Kim and others. I love my fiancee. She is Chinese. I have been hurt by other women in the past. (Though my ex was not an American one in this case).


    But let's not take our happiness, and past hurts and turn them into an insulting view of 50% of our fellow Americans, or a starry-eyed storybook fantasy regarding our chosen love's people.


    Maybe you missed pk's original post. He edited it. I think he did so, because to his credit he realized he had insulted some members of this board, and though better of it.


    We all know that MANY generalizations and stereotypes hold SOME truth... that's why they exist to begin with. But they are NEVER the whole truth, and often are only a small part of it, sometimes even completely inaccurate.


    Using those assumptions to make some very negative statements about an entire gender of an entire nation is not a way to start a constructive discussion with members of the group you have just included in your statement.


    what about my post back there (IF I had been serious) would anyone feel like that was a starting point for constructive discussion? I basically just changed the words of his a little to apply it to a different group of people - US (American men).


    I agree some of the concepts may be worthy of discussion if handled correctly - presented correctly. If we were having a more "enlightened" discussion about the effects on the collective psychology of Americans and chinese, and how differing value systems, language, culture, economic status, and political systems lead into our most common differences and similarities, as well as where such stereotypes begin, how valid they may be, and at what point they fall apart.


    However... the "Chinese women good... American women BAD" kind of statement is not how to begin this.

  7. What I can't figure out JP, is why you don't just send Jun the damn passport by DHL ~?


    My understanding is that you can't go --- and have no immediate use for it.  She, of course can bring it back to you after her interview, which we all expect to be a slam - dunk!


    Merry Christmas !

    Simple... if we get a nightmare situation, and the VO takes my passport as they took MoonCarolCafe's driver's license. Then I need to go to China to try to help with the blue slip, but can't because I have to get a brand new passport... one with no prior visas or stamps.

  8. Hi all,


    I remember a member or two here posting thet their fiancee was asked to provide a certified copy of their passport. So, I decided to send Jun one just in case.


    However my city court refused, saying that you CAN'T make a certified copy of a passport...


    So what's the real story? Am I asking the wrong people? Do I have "certified" confused with some other term... or was that GZ's way of saying "no"... "Bring us something that doesn't exist, then we'll give you the visa"


    I figure someone out there knows.

  9. American men are cowards.


    They are afraid of strong women.


    American men seem to have control-freak issues.


    They think women should be grateful and depend on them for everything.


    When they do that, the woman gets fed up and leaves the man.


    Divorce, alimony, child support, new husband.


    Americans talk about "family values". Go to Asia, the outward appearance of "family values" rule.


    Ten thousand years of history, they've had more time to practice, and know how to cheat on each other, treat each other like crap, and use social pressure to keep dead marriages together anyway.

  10. Jun tried to use her ikobo card (www.ikobo.com) to make a purchase last night and was refused.


    For those who don't know, ikobo is a way to send money. The recipiend gets a visa check card, and any money you send is put into their account. The recipient can make withdrawels from an ATM, or use the card for purchases (ideally).


    However, the numbers on the card aren't raised... it's a completely flat card. This caused the Chinese shop owner to suspect it was a fake card of some kind (what does he care, if it goes through he gets paid) and refused to let her use it.


    She had no problems with it in the past, and it works fine in an ATM, but just a word of caution for those who may be considering it.

  11. voltage adapter is easy. first though, look at your power pack... if it says AC 100 ~ 240... or something 220 or over as the high-end... you can just plug it right in no problem. So many electronics are made in China or other Asian countries (other than Japan which uses 100 volts) they support a wide range of voltages.


    If you still need the adapter, Radio Shack has them, as well as many travel sites online.

  12. Hello All,


    As I've posted before, Jun's interview is on January 21st, and due to still being at my new job for under 90 days, I'll be ineligable for vacation until February 1st. So, I won't be attending. :P


    Also, Jun doesn't know anyone in Guangzhou and will be going alone. I know some of you have interviews around that time and/or visiting your loved ones who live there.


    If anyone would be so kind as to offer to meet Jun there so she would have some people to talk to and some support, we would greatly appreciate it.


    You can email me at jeikun@verizon.net


    thank you!!!!


    - Jason

  13. I have sent many things to China prior to my LaoPo coming here.


    You have to make out a declaration form with who ever you ship with Mail UPS FedEx etc. You Declare the value and or if it is a gift. Declare 0 zero value it is a gift and it will go through the Chinese Custom inspection just fine.. If you Declare it as say$100.00 US then they will charge you/your SO upon delivery about $50.00 US to bring it into the country. I have had very good luck using the US Postal service with no problems ever.

    crap... I declared it as full value because I wanted it insured, in case it managed to vanish before reaching her. live and learn... *sigh*

  14. But a mutual friend of ours (in China) told her that she would have to pay a customs fee for the cell phone I sent.

    No you should not have to pay anything.


    You bought the phone in the USA, the phone left the USA, and is coming back to the USA. How is this any different from you buying yourself a cellphone, flying to China, and then coming back?


    Also, I've never had any problems charging my USA cellphone at our flat in GZ. read the specs on your wall charge, if it says INPUT 110V-240V or some such you shuold have no problem at all.


    (My laptop, camera, camcorder also charge up just fine in China)

    He means when it arrives by post in China. Not when she flies to the US with it.


    I was wondering the same thing, as I was planning on doing the same thing soon. I also sent Jun an ipod for Christmas... and was told "there may be a customs fee" I'm just praying it's not something insane - otherwise I would have just kept it for another 2 months rather than paying an extra 50% for it (worse yet, JUN having to)

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