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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Trigg,

    You better get busy posting. You need to make up for lost time. Your blue thingy count has been stalled and a few people have left you in the dust. If you look in your rear view mirror Frank and Jason are about to pass you in the fast lane.


    Good Luck! Happy Posting! :D

    Drat!! My plans to usurp Trigg's position in hais absence are crumbeling to dust! :P

  2. I had the same thing happen and the banker said they never had trouble with people getting a visa without 12 month totals. I explained that it was for Immigrant VISA not a credit card. She said "oh...Ok, I will do it then, sorry for the misunderstanding." Geez


    I thought you were kidding about the name of your bank :D


    Wachovia--- Watch over Ya! Walk over ya!


    Sorry, I am from California :D

    I always jokingly called it "Watch ova' ya" too :D I always hated them... then they bought my bank out (First Union) and suddenly I was a client.


    So, I switched to Bank of America. You californians should be familiar with that one.

  3. Well, my plan was to provide financial information for both my cosponsor and me, and also to provide all of the attachments just as a CYA thing.


    I called Wachovia again, spent 15 minutes trying to make some poor girl cry. I must say she deserved it though. I must have heard "we can't", "I don't know", and "not our standard procedure" 100 times.


    Basically if I want the 12 month totals, they want me to send them an additional $5 PER MONTH, PER ACCOUNT and it could take 2 weeks. Strangely in April when I did this, they provided this info with no extra charge, and in 3 days.


    I asked why they did it for me before, "I don't know". I asked why they took my money and sent me an incomplete letter when I asked them to return my money orders in the prepaid envelope if they couldn't give me EVERYTHING I asked for "I don't know, but it's not our policy to contact the customer" I told her to get someone who would know, and she came back and told me she could refund HALF of my payment, but I would still need to send them $120 if I wanted the 12 month totals.


    I told them I couldn't wait that long, but if they would put in writing that it is their policy not to provide them, and that they were told by USCIS as they claim, that it was sufficient I would accept that. "We can't, it's not our standard letter."


    I said, You can't type a few words on a sheet of paper and sign it?? It's physically impossible? "I don't know." I said, get someone who does. And she said she would ask when she took the money order to be returned to me. I told her to do that, and I WILL be calling back shortly.


    I am NOT an asshole. I have worked in call centers, collections, retail, fast food... all the positions where you have to deal with pissed off customers all day, and I know how hard it is. I always try to be reasonable. But NOT ABOUT THIS.


    gaaah! :D


    I'll submit the letters they sent me, the ones they sent in April, and my co sponsor's 12 month statements (if he has them - I don't have mine), and my bank letter from BofA which I switched to in June (and they provided the letter for a $30 fee, with a smile and a have a nice day sir), as well as a letter from them if I can get it without an act of congress.


    Customer service is as dead in this country as chivelry.

  4. I called them. They said "We have contacted the USCIS, and they will not require a 12 month total. We have never had one turned down. We won't provide the 12 month total." When I asked him to put that in writing, he said "Sir, we don't do that. We have never had a problem. If you have any problem, definately call us and we will straighten it out, but it will be fine."


    I generally like to avoid kicking people's asses, but I just might. Has anyone else had a similar problem??

  5. I hate Wachovia. I cancelled my account with them back in June. Yet they still found a way to screw me over.


    I mailed them the request for a bank letter for both my dad and myself (along with $50) and specifically requested the total 12 months deposits be shown, and if they couldn't get it for my account, being closed, just to return the money order. Well, they took my money... and sent me 2 bank letters... minus the 12 month deposits!!!


    I'll be calling them tomorrow. Problem is, I need to have the I-134 stuff mailed to Jun by Friday. It's tighter than I feel comfortable with, even using global express. Since GZ told me about 10 days ago they recommend I file a whole new affadavit of support, even though they have my original one. And I can gaurantee those morons will either tell me they can't get that info (which is BS because they did it 8 months ago for me), or that I have to pay again, or both.


    Interestingly enough, their balance conformation service is located in Roanoke only about 1.5 miles from my house... I might be knocking on (down) someone's door tomorrow if I'm not given an answer I like.


    Sorry Just had to vent.

  6. The thing I miss the most in term of food here is lamb chop, cooked medium rare.  The steaks are much too rubbery most of the time.  Also I did not find Godiva anywhere.  What do you miss the most in terms of food while in China?

    Godiva... I miss that just living in Roanoke, Virginia. I mean, I could always order it, or get the piddily selection offered in bookstores... but nothing beats a fresh truffle...

  7. I hired a lawyer just before I found CFL. Looking back, he was helpful, but any thing he told me I could have found by scouring posts here.


    One thing that still makes me cling to being glad I did: I and my father (cosponsor) Sponsored and cosponsored the I-864 for my ex wife. We divorced before the interview, she moved on to apply for and recieve a work visa and has since returned to Japan. The I-864 never went into effect, and we are under no obligation... BUT the I-134 doesn't ask that! It only asks "Have you ever, who, and when"? I can see a VO looking at that and thinking "Oh, they are also still obligated to someone else." From the financial perspective, even if we were our income is more than sufficient... as a matter of fact, if the interview had come in February, I wouldn't even need a co-sponsor. But the interview is so subjective... who knows what the VO will think/do? I like having the lawyer in the wings just in case an appeal needs to be filed ASAP.


    If it turns out I hired him for nothing... GOOD. But if I do need him, he's there, already up on my case, etc etc...

  8. The best one I have seen in is the footprints on the upper rim on the Western style toilet at my friends school in Guangzhou. 


    I guess some Chinese really don't know what to when faced with a seat in the WC.

    According to Jun, this is because many places don't clean the restrooms well (suprise suprise), and people are afraid to sit on god knows what. In the US we have those disposable covers, in China... they improvise :)

  9. Well, to throw my story in again... I didn't go looking for a Chinese girl specifically, and had no issue with American women. Jun being Chinese wasn't a plus or a minus... it just was. I love her for who she is, period. If nothing else, knowing the difficulties of a long distance relationship, and what I knew of the immigration process (And I underestimated it) were little things in the back of my mind saying "What are you, crazy?!?!" when I first began to entertain the idea of pursuing a relationship with her. They were no match for her though... :unsure: I've never been so crazy about anyone.

  10. Well, sadly there is no hard fast way to answer that, since the interview is so subjective. Many members here only met once and did fine. And that is all that is required, technically speaking. But I think that during a long process, the longer the time between meetings, while it might not "raise a red flag", may make them concider other things more closely, be a little more careful in their consideration.


    I would say, if it's humanly possible to meet more than once, do. It's good for both of you to see each other again, and good at interview time. If it's not possible, then don't worry about it, just be sure all the other "bases" are well covered. Have a good tight packet. No sence in worrying about something too much if you can't change it.

  11. Well, I will send it if I have it. But my new company will not give out W-2 until the 3rd week of Jan (Same week as her interview - maybe after her date) hard to email what doesn't exist.


    I thought by law companies had until mid February to send out the W-2. How can they require something that by law we can be denied?


    Then again... that can be government logic I suppose. I will just have to trust in the visa-fairy.

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