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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Lets' assume for a moment that "the relationship just wasn't what she expected." Does that give her the right to stay anyway?


    I guess it does, just like any American resident has the right to stay. They are no longer our wards or dependants in this case, and we have no right to determine their future. In this instance, why not let them stay? Say she leaves everything behind to come from another country and be with an American guy here. Tries to make the relationship work, for 2 years. Goes through greiving for home and family, adjusting to a new life, finding a niche, finding a job, building a social circle... but the marriage fails for one or many of the millions of reasons they do....


    What is the use of adding to this hypothetical woman's pain by booting her out of the country? Punishment for hurting the American guy? What does the American guy lose by not seeing her deported? vengance? "I brought ya in to this country, and I'll take you out of it!!" This isn't a macho contest. Though I know divorces can and do get even uglier than that.


    Again, for anyone who missed it... I refer not to the visa chasers ( a really dedicated one in this situation would suck it up for one more year or so and get the permanent visa) But to a woman who spends her best faith and effort with us for a year or two, and it just doesn't work out.


    Let's not be selfish, here. Honestly.

  2. You know the drill on this board. Say something deragatory and it will be erased.


    Unless it degenerates to personal attacks on other members, an argument so driven it turns the thread into a "chat room", or total character asassination against someone who we don't know at all in a situation we have few of the facts about, I have no intention of deleting anything, nor do I think Don or the mods will.


    This will perhaps need to be moved to another section though, as it's not so much "general visa discussion". Though I'll leave it here for the moment as it seems to be a pretty hot topic.

  3. Well, yes in that case I would be outraged. I guess one of the reasons everyone isn't furious and condemning this woman for being a visa digger is that it's not definate that this is what she is. Many marriages fail, and cross cultural ones based on long distance relationships may be more fragile than others, especially in the beginning. Just because the marriage will get the woman a visa doesn't mean that every woman who leaves her husband after coming to the US married him just for a visa.


    Am I defending her? No. I think communication is the most important thing in a relationship, and that she would let the marriage break down to nothing, hide it from him all the while, slip off when his back was turned, and have a 3rd party give the news is reprehensible. She has a lot of strikes against her. I just hesitate to instantly assume visa fraud everytime one of these marriages ends.


    I think what squeaky is going through is terrible. It's what all of us fear most, whether we think it is likely to happen to us or not. The sad fact is that some of our members reading right now who are engaged, in love, and blissfully happy, will be in the exact same position in a year, and none of them right now could concieve of the notion. I feel bad for even saying it, but it is an inevitability. Some of us will get burned, bad.


    Some of these will be cases of the girl willingly using the guy for a greencard. Some of these will be cases of the girl being unable to adjust to the US, or falling out of love when reality comes calling. Some of these will end it and run back to China. Some will probably keep it quiet until they get the green card, and then bolt either because they still want to live in the US, or are afraid to face going back to China a failure. People in a deaperate and troubling situation often have to choose from shades of grey. Going back to China would be more honest, but it might be a frightening concept.


    We all need to realize these possibilities, but not be obsessed or frightened of them. While a red flag is a red flag, no one needs to resort to spying or jumping to conclusions, etc, etc. There are no fairy tales, and there are no happy endings, because nothing ever ends. Life moves on always, and with it brings change for weal or woe.


    I think squeak is better served by our support, condolences, and (if it becomes necessary) advice than by having us vent our rage about his wife, and run down someone who until just recently was the closest person to him. At least unless he initiates it. If he says "That lying $#$#" then I'll say "Hell yeah!", otherwise I will remain politely silent about it.

  4. It seems clear that:


    1.My girl friend and her daughter dont have to leave usa while I am filing for their green card,but I need get her adjustment of status first?

    2.The forms I need to file up are 1_130 and 1_485, thank God, that will be fine for me, not so complicated and many as I thought.So probably, I can do them by myself.


    I still have some questions:


    1.When can I apply for the adjustment of status for her? Before our marriage or after,is it at the same time with the green card forms?


    2.How can I get application for temporary work permit?


    Adjustment of Status IS applying for the green card. You are adjusting her status from temporary (tourist) to permanent (green card). It's that simple.


    There are many resources here on the AOS process, search around. Basically, the I-130 and I-485, are the core documents you will need to file. You will file these after your marriage.


    The application for work permission can be filed at the same time as the I-485.


    Best of luck. The USCIS website has all the forms you need available for download, and some information as well.

  5. I have to second that. My ex and I were in a similar situation. She was here on a student visa. You would be filing the I-130 and I-485 (and application for temporary work permission if you like). As long as her visa is still valid when you file, she won't be overstaying - just can't leave while it is being processed. No need for K visas and all that stuff, those are only to get her here, and well, she's already here.


    The only issue would be if they suspected she used the visitor visa for the sole purpose of coming here to marry you. That could possibly be fraud, and result in deportation. Of course that's not easy to prove. I would advise not getting married too quickly, as that may throw suspicion on you. You really shouldn't have a problem though. Getting here is the hard part, adjusting status is just a waiting game for the most part.

  6. In all fairness, it's our ability and right to be (over)critical of the government that makes it function as well as it does. Not just a right really, more of a responsibility. If we just keep our heads in the sand and go along with everything, we will slowly become a facist state (or even socialist, perhaps). Point is, this is first and formost a government "by the people" if we leave only 2% of those people to make all the decisions, and just go quietly along, that will no longer be true, and we will only have ourselves to blame. That's why even when I see a zealous nut job (in my eyes) ratteling on and on about something, I don't lose much sleep over it, because somewhere else there is another zealous nut job arguing the extreme opposite. They cancel each other out, and keep things as moderate as possible, as long as we all let our voices be heard (that's the idea anyway).

  7. LOL yep Chinese will put that incident as front pase news. But only for political reasons. DO they really care one of their citizens was beaten? Heck no!! I guarantee you that in the time it takes me to write this post there will be a dozen incidents of police brutality in China.


    The difference? A guy does it here, he is prosicuted, sued, fired, and humiliated (as he should be). In China NOTHING is done about it. People just look the other way (if they know what's good for them).


    The hypocrasy of it reeks. For that reason, I can't feel much empathy in this case. Even though I hope the guy who did it is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


    China calling us out on human rights... it is to laugh.


    I agree however on the homeland security issue. It is about the ILLUSION of security. Not about actual security, except by coincidence maybe. But sometimes, that's more important (especially when the goal is to pacify people).

  8. Should I not lie for a moment? Not rewrite my history and my thinking to make me feel like a better person? I joined a dating site to look for local women. My ex girlfriend had been a member before we met and had showed me the site. My ex wife was asian (Chinese/Japanese - there's 2 parents who were over the sino-Japanese hatred for you), as well as my first girlfriend. I like caucasian women... heck I like PRETTY women. Race is just one factor, like hair and eye color for me. But after dating 2 caucasian women in a row, I thought I'd check the site and see if there were any local asian women. There weren't. So I was browsing the foreign women just for some eye candy, and joking around with a friend of mine (making fun of the ugly ones, the ones with ridiculous english mistakes "I am need love man now" etc). Jun's pic made my eyes bug out frankly. If it hadn't I wouldn't have even got past the thumbnail. So yeah, I only considered her because she was hot. Sorry, but I look for physical attraction as catagory 1, and expect to be judged similarly (maybe why I only dated so much... lol) Don't get me wrong there has to be a lot more to a relationship, but if the physical isn't there neither am I. I'd rather be alone than settle. Well, so after seeing she was a babe, I HAD to read her profile. That's where it ceases to be shallow. I found her profile and essay touching, and very in tune with myself. I was so impressed that I knew I had no choice but to write her, other side of the world or not. I did not expect a response (she seemed too perfect - call me skeptical). But suprise suprise, 3 days later we were talking 2-6 hours a day. I tried to be "pragmatic" but was so quickly smitten, I've just been rushing forward blindly ever since.


    Wow, that was pretty raw. My testosterone must be up this morning. But hell, I could word it to make it sound better - but why? I'm happy, she's happy. You could give me the old "it's not about looks, it's about heart" bit... but I always believed I could have both. Took till I was 30, but BINGO! I'm cashing out.


    later :angry:

  9. Sorry but I don't see what you guys are talking about. I see happy Chinese men- Chinese women couples everywhere around me. Chinese women that marry foreign men are definatly in a very small, not visible, minority. Admitedly, my own situation is even less visible....


    I think the original article quoting 20% was speaking of Asian Americans. Not a global statistic.

  10. Jun just received her EAD, and has enrolled in the local community college.


    VIRGINIA WESTERN?...cooL!....... ;)


    What news of the Driver's License?


    Yep, Virginia Western.


    Got the learner's no problem. Can take the behind the wheel test on August 12th. Virginia still doesn't test parallel parking, right? :D


    Thanks for the advice about not needing the EAD first though. It sped things up enough for us to ensure she can take classes.

  11. UPDATE: Jun just received her EAD, and has enrolled in the local community college. She is taking an 8 credit english class. Not ESL, but the class designed to bring students who are lacking in reading/writing/vocabulary skills up to speed to be able to take the true college level English. This will be difficult for her, but I have looked at the course material and I think it's exactly what she needs. She's beyond ESL but not to the college entry level. The reading text even has some "ESL concideration" sections at the end of chapters, further confirming to me that it's an excellent bridge between English for foreign speakers, and advanced English for Native speakers. I know she will do well.


    This will prepare her better for work, for taking advanced courses taught in English, and for feeling more at ease expressing herself. Jun desperately wants to feel like this is "her home" and not to feel like a foreigner, a burden, or a second class citizen. This is a great start in my opinion.

  12. With an I-797C notice of acceptance of I-485 for AOS and her passport with visa and I-94 (expired or unexpired), both of you should be able to get a DL or a Learner's Permit for your wive's.


    I thought I've mentioned this to you before, MRMC. I thought my wife had to have the EAD card before getting a license too. NOT TRUE! It helps but not needed. Look at www.dmvnow.com, Jeikun.

    Although, a SSN doesn't hurt to have.



    For MRMC: Florida Requirements

    your previous post


    For Jeikun: Virginia Requirements


    *Jeikun, Print out DMV51 and DMV141. Take these to DMV with the required documentation.


    -Armed with this information, stand your ground with the DMV reps

    good luck to both of you,


    Thanks!! I had been told differently! If they give us one, I'll take you and your wife out to dinner. Stay tuned!!! <_<

  13. Same problem here in VA. From my understanding we just have to suck it up and wait for the EAD. This is driving my wife stir-crazy. She is literally climbing the walls. Over 3 months, can't work, can't drive... She was always a very active person, and this is crushing her spirit.


    I could type some four letter words to better express my feelings twoards the government for providing this little catch 22, but it wouldn't really help anything. Just hoping it comes before Jun truly loses her mind.

  14. Back to the original post, and why people from England, etc get visa's much faster - well it is "discrimination" of a sort, but I don't think it's something that we are going to be able to change, or something that results from evil intent.


    Yes, I know the majority of our SO's are loving, well meaning, innoscents. The government does not know this.


    The government does know that countries with democratic governments, and high standards of living generate fewer immigrants. The government also knows that countries such as this generate fewer illegal immigrants, and visa scammers.


    Also, countries such as Canada, England, and Austrailia are our very closest allies, their governments are in out most inner circle of trust. This expedites things. Many other European and American nations are close, but not quite... hence a longer wait. For good or ill, China is not concidered an ally of the USA. It is in many instances considered a borderline enemy. Hence an even longer wait time.


    When I see someone from Canada get a visa in less than 90 days, I am not shocked or offended. Canada is practically America anyway, eh buddy?


    Of course, I still think things are moving too slow. Things could be handled much better. And public apathy and mis-information bothers me, but this will not change. The public at large has no reason to give a rat's ass, and nothing will make them do so. I can see people pushing for immigration becomeing more - not less difficult, then if you beat the system and get here illegally, giving you residency... like it's a gameshow or something.


    If there is unfair discrimination I think it comes form the fact that middle eastern nations still get visas more quickly than China. Of course, I know what this is about too... Money. Doesn't make it right, but it does bother me.

  15. Let me add my agreement as well. Jun and I only took about 5-6 hand written letters to the interview. The VO glanced at our emails, but only barely and didn't even ask for the hand written ones. I'm sure everything will be fine.


    All those things are just elements used to create a bigger picture. If any one is lacking or missing entirely, as long as you're good in the other areas (as you are) there doesn't seem to be a problem. Assuming the VO even looks :lol:

  16. called AGAIN. Got... "We WERE going to issue the card, but then got an 'integrity report' asking among other things if she had informed DHS that she was married and no longer K-1"




    I said she IS still K-1... we filed AOS, and when we applied for her card, it was in her married name, we brought her marriage cert in as proof... we were married BEFORE application.


    "But has she notified DHS?"


    Of course!


    "That's all we needed... she should get her card within 2 weeks and another approval letter"


    WTF again?? That simple? Why do I not trust this?

  17. Well, first Jun "wasn't in the system yet" so we were told it would be around 6 weeks. A month later we recieved a letter that she could expect her SSN in 2 weeks, and to call if it didn't arrive. We waited three... no SSN yet. Called the office and got "well I see her application, but there is no number so one wasn't issued... but I don't know why something obviously got messed up somewhere" after holding for 30 minutes, got "our systems person is based in Baltimore, and she's not in her office... she might not be back until Monday. We'll call you when we know something"


    "When we know something" lol this is the government... I'll die of old age before they "know something"


    All of this BS DOES stop at some point, doesn't it?

  18. Several shots on that list she is now older than some cut-off age set by the CDC, so they are not required. Several of the shots she is too young to require. Varicella (chicken pox) she won't require if she has had it as a child, etc. It sounds like the clinic in China knew what they were doing.


    My local health department knew the shots required, as did my civil surgeon. At age 30, Jun required: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, and Varicella. Since she had Chicken pox as a kid, no need for the Varicella. The Diphtheria and tetanus is given as one shot. The other 3, are given as the "MMR", so only 2 shots total... but according to my doctor the adult MMR requires one booster 28 days later. The civil surgeon took Jun's word about the Chicken pox, and listed "vaccinations complete" even though she had only had the first MMR... they may or may not do that in someone else's case, but the vaccination requirements should be the same.

  19. Thanks for the link. Trigg may very well be right... those instructions are quite ambiguous, perhaps even contradictary... but I guess we should expect nothing less from our friends in the USCIS. I'll be taking Jun to see the civil surgeon on Friday, and all of her shots are complete (and thankfully 100% covered by my insurance), so I'll just follow the route of keeping a copy if it's asked for later, and sending in the supplement with our application.


    I had similar pains as some of you in setting up the appointment. It seemed the receptionist simply could not contemplate that we only needed the supplement, or even what the supplement was... just when I thought I had explained it well enough, we would be right back to "The physical begins at $175"... finally in frustration she transferred me to a nurse who immediatly knew exactly what I was talking about (except for mistakingly thinking I was the applicant, and complementing my English and saying how glad she was I could understand her... :rolleyes: ) She assured me the doctor would know as well, and apologized for the receptionists saying it was uncommon here for someone to only need the supplement, so they just didn't know what I meant - and transferred me back to the receptionist... who I AGAIN failed to explain it to while trying to set the appointment. Finally she said "I'll just schedule it as a physical, and you explain it to the nurse when you arrive" ugg! but good enough I suppose. We'll see what fun Friday brings.

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