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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Maybe you could explain that it is an American, English-speaking phone. So the number doesn't contain "Si", but rather "Four" - and "Four" sounds nothing like "Death" in English, so as long as she always gives the number in English that the bad juju won't fall from the sky. (Just make sure it doesn't also contain the number 13, or you'll be in trouble either way) :rolleyes:

  2. Even in Japan it must be an unlucky number.  SATO blamed his bad performance in Formula One racing on the fact he was #4 this past season, as I recall, and that was bad luck.  Seems he really believed it.


    Yep. Japanese use their own numbers, but also Chinese numbers. Japanese word for death is "Shi" (derived from Chinese) & the "Japanized Chinese" number 4 is also "Shi"

  3. Same here.  Maybe it's because my wife is from the north central area and the family has been 'citified' for generations, but I'm not allowed to pay for anything.  My family bends over backwards to see to my comfort and happiness each time I'm here.  Their generosity (and love) seems to be boundless.


    I asked her last night about dowery: She said when her oldest sister was to marry the groom's father approached her father to determine a dowery for her.  My late father-in-law said the only dowery he required was that his son-in-law love his daughter forever.  Did I find a great family or what! ;)


    Reminds me of shopping with Jun and her mom. Jun's mom wanted to buy us sheets for the bed here in the US, and have me take them back with me. While she was picking them out, Jun whispered to me "Mom will try to pay, don't let her." So when she starts for the counter, I rush up beside, and whip out the yuan I had ready in my hand, and try to give it to the cashier... Jun's mom protests, and pulls out her money. I push mine to the cashier, Jun's mom pushes her money to the cashier. The cashier just keeps looking back and forth between the two of us not knowing whos money to take, Jun's mom telling her in Chinese to take hers, and me doing as best as I can with hand gestures and facial expressions (god I must have looked like an idiot). Well, the cashier gave me MY money back, and Jun wasn't happy. I was like "What could I do??"


    At least I managed to pay for the 2nd set we picked out.


    (as a little aside, the much fought over sheet set was just bleach-spotted into retirement by me, earning me the priviled... errr... punishment of never being able to do the laundry again)

  4. Congrats Jason!! We're right behind you!


    Looks like we got approved the same day :ph34r: Of course the tradeoff is, you had to interview - but got a stamp right away, and I didn't have to interview, but have to wait for a couple more weeks for the card to come by mail.

  5. (One issue many seem agreed on is the strongly inconsistent handling of VOs, to the point that some have developed nicknames and reputations.)


    A comment on this. I strongly believe that these "nicknamed" VOs are largely fictional characters, only loosely based on real people. ANY female, black VO will now result in someone posting "interviewed with black pearl". The first person who was given that name on 001, was likely rotated out years ago, as well as the likely different person given that name on CFL the first time. Yet if your SO knows of "Black Pearl" and a black lady happens to be interviewing her, she will walk to the window with a lump in her throat anticipating to be treated rudely by the fabled hard-assed VO of doom... "Beware Black Pearl - pray for Geeky Guy with Glasses" lol our own mythology.... the less read into that kind of thing the better. It's useless.

  6. I gave Jun an ipod last Christmas. Best gift I ever gave anyone, she's used it daily ever since. Well, until today when it blew up... :P


    Luckily it's still under warrenty, and HP is sending me a pre-paid fedex box to send it back in, and will send out a new one within 6 days.

  7. Dark brown retenas + blue/ green/ hazel contact lenses looks like... ass.  :unsure:




    Dark brown retenas? Holy cow! Jun's Irises are dark brown, but I'm pretty sure her retenas are white (though when I tried to slice open her eyeballs to double check, she kicked me in the groin and took my scalpel away)


    lol, sorry mooncarol. I got your point. I have seen many bad "eyejobs" too. Especially on very dark complected people with very bright contacts, or very oddball colors. Though, once in the Lotte hotel shopping center in Seoul, I saw a beautiful Korean counter girl - very pale skin, straight black hair, and luminescent blue eyes. Fake or not, I did a triple take, got caught doing it was told "it's ok, you can look" embarassed me, but it stuck with me for quite some time.


    I think sometimes color contacts look bad, sometimes good. Of course some people will always prefer au natural. :P

  8. I would say, blue, dye the hair blond and consult with Michael's doctor to see if there are other changes needed to fit in.


    It's not about fitting in. If I died my hair black, or wore brown contacts, would it mean I was trying to be Chinese? Jun's gorgeous just as she is, trust me :unsure: and contacts are as temporary as lipstick.

  9. Taking Jun to the optometrist today.  Her contacts are nearing the end of their life.  She's decided she wants to try colored contacts this time.  I keep trying to picture her with blue or violet eyes, and while a little strange... well, let's just say it puts a crooked little grin on my face.


    It just made me curious if anyone had any strong opinions about things like colored contacts, dyed hair, that whacky thing they do to make the eyes bigger, other "westernizing" cosmetic changes (temp or permanent).


    Instigating? Trolling?  Nah, just curious.  Lemme have it.  Oh, and I'll put up a pic later... lol


    Go with Green eyes.

    But watch out for David Lo Pan. :P


    Yeah, wouldn't want him making off with her to rule the universe from beyond the grave ;)

  10. Taking Jun to the optometrist today. Her contacts are nearing the end of their life. She's decided she wants to try colored contacts this time. I keep trying to picture her with blue or violet eyes, and while a little strange... well, let's just say it puts a crooked little grin on my face.


    It just made me curious if anyone had any strong opinions about things like colored contacts, dyed hair, that whacky thing they do to make the eyes bigger, other "westernizing" cosmetic changes (temp or permanent).


    Instigating? Trolling? Nah, just curious. Lemme have it. Oh, and I'll put up a pic later... lol

  11. David: Even if you had to drive 3 hours and make it an all day trip, that would be my option. We showed the doc her chicken pox scar on her arm and the doc said O.K.. We showed her Amy's yellow book with entries in Chinese and Russian. Amy interpereted them and the doc hemmed and hawed a little but Amy insisted so the doc signed off on them. I have never heard of the MMR needing a booster shot.

    Be sure to ask them for a copy of the I-693 supp that is in the envelope you you don't get any suprizes.

    Also, a blood test is NOT needed as blood was drawn and examined as part of the original exam.

    Don't let them rip you off!!!!!

    Another thing, you can go to a second CS if you don't like the results of the first. The CS does not enter anything into a computer or otherwise make note of the fact that you went to him first. The A number is only required by the CS because there is a place for it on the form!


    One note. If she has never had Chicken Pox, or is uncertain, a blood test would be necessary to see if she required the vaccine. The CS might take your word if you're sure she has had the vaccine, or might not - but they aren't required to.


    The adult MMR does need a booster. Our CS didn't require she have had it in order to sign the form - but beyond getting the form signed, if your goal is to be sure she is immune to those diseases - make sure she gets the booster.

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