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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Ok, I look at the instructions and swore it said to send the vaccination record with the AOS application...


    Am I wrong?


    Seems as if I've heard many here refer to needing it for the interview, and someone told my wife something similar.


    We're K-1.




    - Noob

  2. aosnow,


    Racism in China has been discussed at great length here at the Candle --- many times...  but these discussions pre-date your involvement here.  Suggest you go back and find the various posts.


    While no one on this particular thread talked about being spat upon in China, I did specifly mention that there are racists in China as well ------ as did others.

    Didn't get spat on, but had a drunk Chinese guy poking me in the chest and telling me "My uncle was in Korean war!" "You America? You USA?" Goofy grin and thumbs up "OK USA!" (read this as as sarcastic as someone who doesn't really speak English and is drunk can sound while getting in your face) as well as asking my wife what was wrong with her, why she couldn't marry a nice Chinese guy...


    He was a dildo yeah, but I don't blame the whole country :P Dumbasses know no borders.

  3. Hey!


    For those who don't know me :blink: My wife came over on a K-1 on Feb 28. I was about to File the I-485, I-765, and I-130. Then I finally read a post or two here, and... am I doing something dumb? Is the I-130 necessary? I'd be happy to save the $185 if it isn't. I was just plugging along doing the same forms I had done for my ex years ago, but she wasn't k-1. Somebody set me straight. :huh:

  4. Dude. Fellow Virginian here. You need to show:


    1: proof of identity (Passport works, but if you want to change her last name, bring the marriage cert as well)

    2: proof of citizenship, or legal alien status (The unexpired I-94 and K-1 visa)

    3: proof of virginia residence (This one is the pain in the ass. They accept ony a very few things available to a recent immigrant. A utility bill in her name sent to your address will work, as long as it's not for a cell phone, so will a voided check with her name and your address on it, or a bank statement)


    We ended up having to use a bank statement for number 3. The bank wouldn't put the account in her married name without a state ID. The state wouldn't give an ID without a bank statement... we had to open the account in her maiden name, get the ID after her statement came, then change her name at the bank :lol:


    The license will only be valid for as long as the I-94 is valid. The DMV screwed up with Jun's and made it valid for the duration of her visa, but they weren't supposed to :lol:


    To make it valid longer, they will need the EAD or Green Card. So probably bringing in the EAD when you get it to renew would be best, then finally when she gets the green card she can get one of normal duration.


    Hope it helps :D

  5. Yeah in VA you have to put maiden name only on the Marriage cert. Which makes me wonder... if the SSA needs to see "A document showing the new name" how the hell do I do that, since VA wouldn't let me put her married name on her Marriage cert? Am I in a catch 22?

  6. Hey guys,


    Wondering if I can ask for a little info, though I'm sure it's been asked before. I'm particularly interested in tywy99's input, if you would be so kind (or anyone else from Virginia who has gone through this).


    My specific question was on order. Jun and I are married, and still waiting for our marriage certificate (should be able to pick up in a few days). My question was in what order do I file for what?


    Do I file for SSN first, then AOS? The other way around? Or both at the same time? And does Jun need an SSN to get her learner's permit, or just her I-94?


    Last question... Since Jun is changing her name (please save any debate on this issue for another thread) do we do that when we apply for the SSN, and should we use her new name on the AOS application, or the old? (I just want to avoid any issues of her green card and her SSN/Driver's license having different names).


    Thanks! I know it's a big list.


    Everything's going great by the way, I'll have pics and some stories later :lol:

  7. Just "tellin' it like it is", not "what the world wants me to say"... LOL :P


    Guess it's not always acceptable?


    You're right, I'm just a wee little babe. In 25 years, experience will teach me to agree with you - that or I'll just be an idiot who can no longer claim youth as an excuse, right?


    LOL - or maybe I'm right.


    Or maybe I'm insane.


    Who cares really.... sorry for pushing too hard.


    I apologize for the profanity. It wasn't directed AT anyone, just used to color the examples I was giving. I guess some subjects I should just avoid. Wasn't trying to piss you off Trigg. Well, maybe on some level I was, so I apologize for that too. Either way... sometimes it's better to just shut up and walk away, and I should have. Friendship (even of the online message-board variety) is more important that attempting to "get an upper hand" in some retarded argument.


    See you guys this weekend. Sorry.

  8. LOL no offence taken. Not even at Trigg's post which got me ranting. Trigg has done nothing to piss me off (except maybe the JP thing). I just get a bit frustrated from time to time... I don't take it to a personal level though, no need to go through life being pissy.


    (If anyone saw my little tiff with enight... now THAT was me taking it personally... it was ugly and I hope not to make a fool of myself like that again)


    Now... yep it's my wedding day coming up! I cooked a big meal today, Jun ate too much and passed out cold on top of the covers. I'm letting her sleep... for now. Gives me a few precious moments with CFL :lol: After tomorrow, I'll be incommunicado for about a week though. I'll have updates to my site, etc when I return.

  9. A nice defense of political correctness. To hell with the truth, let's all be PC. don't say what you believe-unless it is PC. C'mon JP-tell it like it is, not like the world wants you to say it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes I think what I write and what you read are 2 different things... like a little gnome lives in your computer and translates my paragraphs to you.


    There is a HUGE difference between being PC and just knowing when not to be a biggoted asshole, trigg.


    It's like you said about being "too patriotic" or "too ethnocentric" there is also "too PC" but it existed for a reason.


    If I say all American women are self-serving bitches.... If I say all southerners are toothless cousin-fuckers... if I say all blacks are only good for manual labor... I'm not "telling it like it is" I'm being a bigoted, closed-minded fuckhead.


    There's a line, Trigg... it can be crossed. Every time I disagree with you I get the feeling it's always all or nothing... black-white, on-off, forward-reverse (left-right).


    I would think with your age, wisdom, and experience you would have a broader view.


    Or maybe there's a little gnome living in my computer too??


    and my name is JASON

  10. And believe me there are plenty of Chinese women I'm quite sure most of you guys wouldn't be able to stand.

    Hear Hear! :P


    Seriously guys, I don't want to sound like I'm trying to be too PC here. In ost instances I spit on the concept. I guess I still remember a post a long time ago, where someone literally spit venom at "American Women"... very very hate-filled post, I argued against him, and his counter-point was "well since you don't agree with me and have to get the last word in, you're a troll and won't talk to you anymore" (paraphrasing). Many people at least in spirit posted defending his post in that thread. I was and still am shocked by that.


    I believe in cultural diversity... dur WTF am I doing here? I've been in more cross-cultural relationships than not, lived in Korea, spent a lot of time in other Asian countries, and various states. I'm not saying "We're not differrent" I'm saying use some freaking tact! (I was also sauced when I posted last night... lol)


    PC or not... if I made a post no matter how "true" speaking of the virtues of a white woman, and how I would never date one of those horrible black women again... and proceeded to list a laundry list of pros and cons for each... I would be eaten alive.


    Constructive threads about cultural difference, even stereotype is cool with me. Posts that go "Those f***ing selfish, me-first child abandoning American women!! They're all alike!!! bla bla bla..." just suck... sorry but if you want to show your ass go right ahead....


    I feel the pain... I'm a young, white, protestant, southern, straight, conservative, american... I'm everyone's asshole. Every thing is my fault from religious opression, to racism, to the war in iraq, to inequality of the sexes, right? LOL Big Deal.

  11. lol this topic is immortal I think.


    I think most opinions here are shaped by bad first (sometimes second and third) experiences with American women prior to finding (at least relative) bliss with a Chinese woman. This skews one's opinions and views. Lotsa (formerly) bitter old dudes here... LOL :P


    I guess my opinions differ as I had the luxury of having my heart ripped out and stepped on by a Chinese/Japanese woman - then some pleasant experiences with American girlfriends (just didn't prove to be "the one").


    I get what everyone says about "stereotypes are based in fact or they wouldn't exist"... but they don't make it right or ok to perpetuate negative stereotypes. We should be sympathetic, as to the public at large men who seek foreign wives are stereotypes to be defective, controlling, ogerish, social retards. Obviously that stereotype is wrong in our cases, right?? Let's extend the same credit.


    If I were a woman reading a post here about American women being awful would be like reading "hey f**ck you American girl, you aren't welcome here"... and we have many female members with a unique perspective to offer. And saying "well, there are exceptions, so present company excluded" don't make it okay.





  12. Man,  Wish I could be there....


    Now, lets all chant together:  "Storm the Consulate, Storm the Consulate, Storm the Consulate  ~!!!" <_<

    That's a damn dirty lie Kim!!! You and your wife need to apologize now!!! No one has EVER stormed the consulate!!! You weren't even there, your wife wasn't there, your mom wasn't there!!! Why must you make up lies??? Why do you hate Chinese women so much??? ahem... er... oops... Sorry, wrong thread :P lol



    Congratulations Mark!!!!!! :angry: :D :D

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