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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. As always, I must post whenever I get to update my sig. Talked to NVC today. Our petition cleared VCS on June 1st, was received by NVC on June 4th, and cleared and was sent on to GZ on June 23rd.


    Nineteen days, nothing approaching a speed record, but I'm breathing a little easier knowing another potential bottomless pit has been crossed sucessfully.


    Of course now comes the real waiting. All of my previous steps have been completed within weeks. From now on, I realize time between steps will most likely be measured in months.


    That's fine with me, really, as long as we continue moving forward, and don't fall into any bottomless pits. *knocks on wood*


    Well, wish me luck - and the best of luck to everyone else!! :)


    - Jason

  2. Go back a year or so in Candle's history and there was a very good series of posts by Owen and Mick about teaching in China. The theme that I remember is their students were always looking for the 'right' answer. They had a very difficult time (or impossible) to understand that, in Englsih, there are many ways to say the same thing....there is no single 'right' answer.

    That's a concept I've had trouble getting across as well. Jun often asks me "How do you say <blank>" I try to explain that there's so many ways to say it, that I can't be clear what she wants to say unless she uses it in a sentance, or tells me the whole concept of what she's trying to say. Many times we don't make it past that point. :P


    I should note though that despite this, she's doing very well ;)

  3. I'm in the same boat. Jun and I almost exclusively talk by Yahoo instead of snail mail, but the relatively poor audio quality moved us to also make fairly regular phone calls.


    I agree with Don. Write some real letters, send cards, make phone calls. That will add more weight to your proof.


    As far as your screen shot... Hold down the <ctrl> button, while holding it down, press the <print screen> key (it's just to the right of the F12 key). Then open a graphics editor (the "Paint" freebie program bundled with windows will do just fine), paste it (from the edit menu, pressing <ctrl> v, however you like), then save it to a file. viola!


    I agree that bringing in 20 reams of paper showing all of your chats is excessive, but a few screen caps won't hurt, so why not?

  4. Interesting article. I also remember hearing somewhere, that children who are raised in a more sterile environment are more likely to have severe allergies when they mature. It seems that our immune system gets bored with no real germs to fight and starts attacking other things.


    I knew there was a good reason for the "10 second rule" ;)

  5. My wife uses her rice cooker to make hot drinking water--maybe that's wht he means??


    Welcome back frank. you are 100% right. At least meet at the POE. To many ways to get confused on a connecting flight.

    It's a stand alone appliance, looks kind of like a coffee warmer. You push the button on top, and hot water comes out. At least that's one make. I'm sure they can differ :)

  6. Congratulations!! :)


    That's great news. I really do think they often make up their minds to a large extent before the interview. They know whether they will basically just ask a few routine questions and call it a day, or grill them.


    It's great to hear it went so well for you two. So when is she coming to the US? Flying back with you?

  7. [One other thing you should consider is which consulate you wish to process the application.


    However, as a K3 applicant, the application is normally processed by the consulate where you get married.  Best of Luck,


    Thanks yet again Clifford,


    Very insightful post. Just to confirm something: I-130 and CR-1s are one in the same? The first day or two here I noticed the two terms bantered about as if they were a different process.


    Another "Keelec Eye Opener" (for me) was the above quote. I was under the impression that I HAD to go through the hallowed halls of GZ. Maybe I misread the government sites info before I came to CFL- stsrted with what is and is not an immigrant visa. It was as clear as freshly stirred mud. Finally had a post here about this a week back.


    Mary is from Shanghai and the marriage WILL take place THERE. It seems there will be no debate on this issue. Mom, Dad, Daughter, Sisters, best friend etc. WILL be there at the actual "Wedding". Of course, there is a Consulate in Shanghai. So essentially when my I-129F gets approved it gets sent to Shanghai?


    I have not noticed any history on the Shanghai Consulate. I'm guessing that is GOOD NEWS- as opposed to GZ being the unlubricated, squeaking, rusted out wheel. Anybody aware of Shanghai having the customs delays or other problems of GZ? Different interview procedures?


    This thread keeps making things look better than I first thought. Hopefully 4-5 months out of NBC then on to Shanghai for further and hopefully timely processing- Realizing my mileage can and may vary. Just look at Clifford's timeline, right? I had previously figured 14-16 months with the assumptions that BOTH the I-129F and I-130's had to be processed- adding in CSC's time.


    (Prior 3 experiences with I-130's were ex wife (Thai) in 1973, step- daughter and ex's brother in 1976 (His took 8 years- he passed age 21 during the visa process).


    If I'm not mistaken, wat Clifford meant is the K-3 gets processed in the consulate of the COUNTRY that you're married in. In the case of China, that's gonna always be GZ. If you were married in Hong Kong, or Japan, or Thailand, or Canada, etc however, it would go there.

  8. Hello

    I did not mean to start anything here everyone had some great thought to add,and a few assumed that I got married real quick,but all in all very good.

    Now here is some food for thought would these same CHINESE women in already here in the united states,


    I like this question. Something good to think about, maybe it deserves it's own topic. Also something that like Schrodinger's cat may be impossible to answer.


    For myself, I think the answer is "yes". Only because Jun wasn't looking to meet an American specifically. She was talking to a Japanese, Philipino, and a German guy online amoung several others before she met me. I always had the impression that me asking her to come to America wasn't so much giving her something, as asking her to make a sacrifice.


    Warpedandbored - we have something in common, like you my ex wife was Japanese (well, half Chinese half Japanese, but a Japanese citizen).

  9. When my #1 daughter (Jet) was 3, one year after her adoption, we learned that the Oskar Meyer 'wiener-mobile" was going to visit Portland, and if she could sing the wiener song : "I wish I could be and Oskar Meyer Wiener...!! .... that is what I would really like to beeee"... etc.. she might win Big money for collage....


    Naturally, we coached her a little, and took her down to the audition....


    Also naturally, the PETA people were there to scare the holy beeeee - gebizzas out of all the children entering the event, so of course, Jet was very disturbed and distracted, and forgot the lines ... but it was very cute anyway....


    At least they wern't handing out the "Your mommy kills animals" comic book. Yep PETA... scarring our children is a small price to pay for anumal rights.


    forgot to mention it: I love watermelon too  

    hey honey, hope it grows well in VA  


    Some growing out back now... :P

  10. Yeah,  Jason,


    Maybe you're right ..  it might BE "Tofurkey"


    So PETA  (USA) is based in  the  Old Dominion!!! 


    .... let me make a wild guess:  bet it isn't Roanoke...

    No it's not! :D The fact that I'm not writing this email from prison should be one indicator :D


    Aah, PETA... animal nazis funded by daddy's credit card...


    Actually PETA had a rally downtown here not too long ago. One of the local radio station guys tried to get a girl dressed up as a tiger to eat one of the free hot dogs they were handing out (yeah, looking for trouble) when she refused, they countered... "Humph! Well, a REAL tiger would eat it..." :D


    oops, sounds like a topic for the rumpus room

  11. All guys seeking Chinese brides are either social retards who haven't had it since it had them, male-supremesist ogres who can't accept an independant woman and heard that Asian women are submissive, or 2+ time losers who can't maintain a relationship with "one of their own kind" and hopes that a foreign girl will be so glad they're an American she won't notice they're a pretty sorry one.

    I am guessing you are trying to make a point, You must have had lessons from DaveG. :D :D :P


    Well I had to come back for a minute, I think before this goes any further we should remember where this thread resides it is not the RR.

    Yeah Dave is one of my heroes :D No, seriously, I realize I got a little carried away there, you're right this isn't the rumpus room. I'm just more than a little upset at how some stereotypes are acceptable and others aren't when they are just as derogatory.


    I won't reply to Ray, since he doesn't want to play anymore, but it's not really a question of me feeling the need to be right. If someone's personal choice is to look for a foreign bride for whatever their reasons, there's nothing wrong with it at all, and nothing wrong with trying something radically different from what you have been trying, etc. My point was only that spitting venom (seriously, read his post) at American women in general is uncalled for. I don't need to quote it... just scroll up.


    I have nothing against Ray, or anyone here who may share his viewpoint as people. I realize my previous post could be seen as a typical trolling tactic. But honestly, it was not to inspire angry replies or start a long argument, but it was more to say "Hey, if this generalization upsets you (hey, it upsets me too I'm marrying a Chinese woman too remember?) then maybe you can empathize and realize the stereotype you're propogating here is just as upsetting to our female members and just as incorrect."


    But hey, I know that ain't how the world works. I know I shouldn't have made such a big deal about it. Some people can't have a debate without feeling personally insulted. I don't think that's what I did, certainly wasn't my motivation - but if that's how some people took it, I apologize.

  12. All guys seeking Chinese brides are either social retards who haven't had it since it had them, male-supremesist ogres who can't accept an independant woman and heard that Asian women are submissive, or 2+ time losers who can't maintain a relationship with "one of their own kind" and hopes that a foreign girl will be so glad they're an American she won't notice they're a pretty sorry one.

  13. Jason,

    I thought we were talking about spouses. In my opinion, when talking on this site (woman) means wife not mother, sister, aunt, cousen, grandmother, friend or  duaghter. Unless otherwise stated.

     Thats the one last freedom we have in america, I can express my opinion. you do not have to agree, that is your right. I did nothing, but point out how her own words supported my view. And why I have given up on american women...

    Ok... Well all those people I mentioned in my last post WERE/ARE someone's wife. That was my point. If American women or even "American wives only" are as you say, then this would more than potentially include "mother, sister, aunt, cousin, grandmother, friend, or daughter." So I don't understand how you think there is a distinction??


    Also I think as far as the post you directed towards maiyademama, you misinterpreted her post. She didn't mean it as a personal attack, or to put "words in anypne's mouth". Her point was women are women, and have the same basic needs. I think you blew it a little out of proportion.


    Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but keep in mind:


    Cultural sensitivity, diversity and acceptance of all people are fundamental principles of Candle. Any racist or stereotypical statements are strictly forbidden.


    I'm not trying to be a little nancy-boy whipping out the policies. I don't mind a good argument. But we have female members here... they are *gasp* people's wives... therefore, you are speaking of them as well.


    We have some African American members here. If I wanted to express an opinion about how I think black guys make terrible husbands and fathers, for example... would I just be expressing my opinion? Yes... But would that opinion be offensive and unacceptable? Yes... Your's is about an even broader group of people. The only reason I think it is acceptable here, is most people here agree with you to at least some extent. I mean, I can even understand where you're coming from even though I don't agree with you. But that doesn't make it any different from my example though, or any better.

  14. And what does an American women do if things get a little shaky?

    Well, I could waste everyone's time and say what my Mom would have done, what my Aunt did, what some of my very best friends would do.... ugh!!! I know things have happened in your past to upset you, Ray, and you're a bit emotional in answering that post, but still... Some of the most important and loved people in my - and most of our lives are American women!! Think about how broad a statement you're making... and offensive too I might add.


    I'm not the type to get too up about this sort of thing, and I'm not going to go off on a complete rant... but seriously.. think about what you're saying and who you're saying it about man.

  15. Tazsa and Syl,


    You both made my point better than I could.




    I by no means think everyone is the same. And I do agree that common cultural influences make one group different from another in many ways. Steroetypes are created for some reason, like myths there is some basis in fact, very little in some cases, more in others.

    But basing an important decision or making a broad judgement based on them is not wise. Turning down someone for a job, offering someone a job, deciding what tenant you will allow to rent from you, deciding who you will marry... etc based on a stereotype is asking for trouble.

    Stereotypes will always influence our way of thinking, but more important is knowing an individual. I never said "Wow, American women stink, maybe I should try a Chinese woman." I think given the right circumstances, and meeting the right person, or the wrong person, you'll get the entire range of personality types in both the US and China.

    It's funny, because while I don't see it that way.... Jun has the opposite stereotype "Chinese men are selfish, uncaring, care only about working, cheat on their wives, etc etc" I told her the same thing. I know lots of American men who are just as bad. worse. But since she chose me, hey, I won't complain ;)

  16. Lets face it i,m a two time looser to american women ,so i thought I would try based on a friend that married a lady from russia,

    The real fact of the matter is that some of us are short on something that the money hungry america women want,in my case its not money ,but in my early 50s,gray,50 pounds over weight,and enjoy the simple things in life,again not because of lack of money,just my desire,

    my chinese wife is starting to sound like all the others ,all about money,having houses in multi locations,but the other part of it is that the chinese women all meet and talk and they are always telling each other,not to tell there american men to much,as they might not understand,what is the real differance between the two being chinese or american



    Ok, maybe I'm going to be the odd man out here, but what is wrong with American women? Yes, like all of you I'm marrying a wonderful Chinese girl, and I couldn't be happier wouldn't change it for the world, etc. But more than the fact she's a Chinese girl, she's just the woman I love. I didn't specifically seek any certain Nationality, and certainly wouldn't have based it on a stereotype that as a nationality, they are satisfied with less.


    Over and over I hear about "money hungry American women" etc. Well, American women are my friends, and my relatives. A couple are my ex girlfriend's too, but it had nothing to do with some kind of cultural character flaw. People are people. Some are bad, some are good, most are some jumble in between. If you're basing your decisions on American women = faithless, greedy, selfish... Chinese women = faithful, selfless, giving... you are likely to be disappointed. It seems more benign, but these kind of broad generalizations are really no better than the ugly ones All jews greedy? All black people lazy? And they are no more true.


    Look at the woman, not the race.

  17. Just out of curiosity, how much bandwidth does this site generally go through in a month?



    I know I'm a little late in adding my 2 cents, but I'm about to pick up a hosting plan myself. Depending on which of the 2 plans I'm considering I decide on, I will have either 3 or 5 Gig of space, either 50 or 70 gig of monthly bandwidth, and be able to register up to 5 domains. I'd be happy to donate space, either for the forum itself or to hold people's multi-media, photos, etc. I could even register a domain and redirect it to the site to try to draw more hits. As much time as I have on my hands lately, I'd even be open to mirroring or hosting or whatever. I think preserving the site in it's entirity is important.


    If not, let me know when a pay-pal is established, and I'll be happy to donate.

  18. I was waiting to see what a moderator would say... Not to be rude, but this really is not a place to advertise.


    As far as how to promote your service, I would suggest buying a low-cost domain name/hosting package (with liquidweb, hostmatix, etc) building a site to promote yourself, and then advertise through search engines (most hosts like the 2 I named will help you list your site). Mentionioning your site without a lengthy advertising plug on various messageboards, and through word of mouth may help as well. It's really not terribly difficult to set up.


    As a matter of fact, for a small fee.... :lol:

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