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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Yup, we have the same 'guest' signed it 47 times.
  2. Ok, thanks guys. I think this answers wifey's questions. Her friend owns a home on the mainland and has a good job BUT--no kids, no hubby to come back to etc.. I'm 100% sure she would never get a B2 from mainland China and it sounds doubtful she will get an HK one either. thanks Trigg
  3. I understand the how's and whats to obtain a B2 visa. My question is, is it more doable when the principle lives in Hong Kong rather than mainland China? My wifes friend wouldn't stand a chance in hell of getting a visitors visa if she lived on the mainland but is HK less restrictive??
  4. My wife has a friend who lives in Hong Kong that wants to visit. Anyone know if it is any easier to get a visitors visa from Hong Kong than it is from mainland China?
  5. Poof!!! Anti-bush post have magically disappeared! Debate-YES. Bush bashing-NO! Trigg
  6. News to you? Have you cashed traveler's checks in China? Nevermind, a silly question, it's irrelevant. He paid a fee. I "buy" my travelers checks for free and and, as best I can recall, have always paid a fee to exchange travelers checks. Honestly I have not, but I've never seen any signs or indications that cashing a travelers check would be assessed a fee. New knowledge for me. Always willing to learn something new. Do you remember how much they charge? Is it a flat fee or a %? Thanks. I've cashed travelers checks in china with zero fee.
  7. As is the case with many 'visa lawyers' your is an idiot when it comes to visas and visa related issues. There is NO rule that says your SO must speak English. Rather, as proof of relationship they may ask 'how do you communicate'. Chinglish, some English, some Chinese, pocket translators, computer translators and human translators are all valid forms of communication. Just be sure your SO tells the VO you use them.
  8. Why did I know that Mikey's favorite recipe would have both balls and sausage in the title? SHUP UP BABA shup up???
  9. Why did I know that Mikey's favorite recipe would have both balls and sausage in the title?
  10. This is a VERY familiar writing style!! Any guesses as to who it is?????
  11. Lee, i was told by the IO at our AOS Interview that anyone under 15 DOES NOT NEED the security check done!!
  12. Roggie did this when he was there. Something about running for the hills when he refused to pay for his 'foot massage'.
  13. Gee thanks Roggie!! Wifey came in a bit ago and saw all the info you wrote about china etc.. she said "HUSBAND!! Why you no tell me LuLi and her rich husband come home?" So I had to fess up. Now she is calling LuLi. that means that soon I'll be buying two, bigger and better , homes in china. I guess I can finance this through my new purse selling business! Thanks Roggie. now you will pay. you may have me for a neighbor!! Can I borrow a cup of money??
  14. No order. If they need something thye will ask you for it. so organize it so you can find it. The only standard questions are the 'do you plan on overthowing the governmne't type thing. The correct answer to these is NO! They will likley as how you met etc... It is no big deal!
  15. http://www.iespell.com/download.php I use this--it's the only one of your questions i can answer.
  16. I hate to admit it--bit I agree with you 100%!!!!!!!
  17. Anyone who believes the civil courts are willing to exercises their authority and hold someone based on suspicion of terrorist intentions has either been in a coma for the last 50 years or holds to a value our judges and law makers discounted long ago. Release of habitual sex offenders and child molesters back into the general population should be proof enough of the courts lack of ability or willingness to make the attempt to try to protect the general welfare of the community. A read of the 14th Amendment shows that Due Process is a floating bar and not a hard and fast line in the sand, some throw the word around as if it has a fixed meaning that everyone should obviously know, but in truth it is meant to vary based upon the circumstances. My whining is about people whining about the current status quo and not willing to present any form of realistic alternative. So you are saying we can trust 'suspicion' over our courts system?? sShould we abandon this system for vigilante law?? Should we yield to our cowardism and abandon what so many have bled for in order to feel 'safe'? yYou can do just that--but damned if i will!!
  18. Let's not just throw buzz words out like "Due Process" without considering the other few thousand words that help define this term. One item comes to mind like Public Safety. It's fine to have problems with the current law, but how about providing a reasonable solution to the problem, otherwise you are just bitching and whining. QUOTE(stacato @ Nov 17 2006, 02:41 PM) QUOTE(Trigg @ Nov 17 2006, 01:34 PM) QUOTE(stacato @ Nov 17 2006, 02:20 PM) QUOTE(Trigg @ Nov 17 2006, 01:15 PM) QUOTE(RLS @ Nov 17 2006, 02:00 PM) I ran across this quote by Thomas Jefferson and I thought it might be appropriate on this thread: Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Thomas Jefferson Amen!! Old Tom was a bright guy!! How am I giving up my own freedom? I am not a terrorist, and I am not a suspected terrorist, nor will I ever be one. Nor is the person being accused until prooven so. Why make them give up all rights to due process?? Why not simply set their bail so high that they can't get out until their case has been adjudicated?? To imprison in defiantly on 'suspicion' with no legal recourse wreaks of fascism--not of freedom!! It seems like they don't want to take even a slight chance of them getting out, because of the danger involved. Don't forget we are talking about terrorists, who can inflict serious damage on mass population, not regular criminals. But what you suggest will probably have the same effect. The suspect will not be able to get out. We are talking about 'suspected terrorists'. They aren't terrorists until a judge/jury says they are. Still, our court system allows for the potential danger a person may be and the courts can, and do, often set bonds so high, or allow no bonds, in order to protect society and all they need is EVIDENCE, not suspicions!. Read the above Lee--then quit your whining and bitching, the boogie man ain't gonna come take you in your sleep!!!!!!!
  19. What court system? You're being much too generous here Trigg. The reason why I'm so adamantly against this new law is that they completely want to hide these "prisoners of war" from the normal criminal court system and place them under god knows what system. I'd be more than ok if some impartial judge had a look and said there's enough evidence to bring this suspect to trial. I'd even be fine if the judge set an outrageously high bail/bond--at least it was a judge who made that decision. What I'm NOT ok with is to give the executive branch so much power that that can pick you, Lee, Stacato, or my SO off the streets tomorrow and brand them with the moniker of "suspected terrorist" and we could never hear from again. I just can't believe this is the vision of America that some of you are agreeing to. When that happens, it'll be too late to say: oh, wait a minute, my wife is not a terrorist. There's been some mistake. TOO LATE THEN. You have no recourse to appeal in any court system. Then what will you do? You misunderstood, I was referring to ways this can be handled through our 'normal' justice system using due process. Possibly the same results but at least an opportunity for an evidence based incarceration. Too many of us gave parts of our bodies and our blood and even bits of our souls in order to guarantee "liberty and justice for all" to let thinking like this dominate our country. Protect freedom-YES, but not at the cost of freedom itself!!
  20. Amen!! Old Tom was a bright guy!! How am I giving up my own freedom? I am not a terrorist, and I am not a suspected terrorist, nor will I ever be one. Nor is the person being accused until prooven so. Why make them give up all rights to due process?? Why not simply set their bail so high that they can't get out until their case has been adjudicated?? To imprison in defiantly on 'suspicion' with no legal recourse wreaks of fascism--not of freedom!! It seems like they don't want to take even a slight chance of them getting out, because of the danger involved. Don't forget we are talking about terrorists, who can inflict serious damage on mass population, not regular criminals. But what you suggest will probably have the same effect. The suspect will not be able to get out. We are talking about 'suspected terrorists'. They aren't terrorists until a judge/jury says they are. Still, our court system allows for the potential danger a person may be and the courts can, and do, often set bonds so high, or allow no bonds, in order to protect society and all they need is EVIDENCE, not suspicions!.
  21. Amen!! Old Tom was a bright guy!! How am I giving up my own freedom? I am not a terrorist, and I am not a suspected terrorist, nor will I ever be one. Nor is the person being accused until prooven so. Why make them give up all rights to due process?? Why not simply set their bail so high that they can't get out until their case has been adjudicated?? To imprison indefinatley on 'suspicion' with no legal recourse wreaks of fascism--not of freedom!!
  22. If we married a Chinese lady 100 years ago I'm sure we would find one who follows these antiquated ideas of yesteryear. What the heck, if we married an american woman 100 years ago I'm sure we would find one like that also. Problem is A) my time machine is broken and who would really want one like that?
  23. Nope, the need for the booster will not affect AOS. My wife still needs her last booster and she navigated AOS 1 1/2 years ago.
  24. You ain't gonna win this one. Clothes aren't clean until they have been kissed by the sun!! BUT, you can get a moral victory. After less than three years I have wifey trained so that she uses the dryer for my clothes and towels. Womens dainty things go on the line outside! Now if I coud just find a way to get her to stop washing her delicates in the bathtub and hanging them in the washroom!! Once this is accomplshed I'm gonna try to get her to stop putting rolls of toilette paper on every coffee table and night stand in the house--then life will be good!!!!!
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