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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. I'm not 100% sure bout HK but for K1s from GUZ, the p3 goes to her-not to you!
  2. I'm not sure which way is better but don't worry about the p4 docs. they are really pretty easy. Most of what you need for the interview isn't sent to them but rather hand carried to the interview/med exam. can't remmer all the numbers but i think it's an I-156 and 157 and?// someone can tell you--i've slept since i did it.
  3. No criminal in his right mind would EVER mess with mop ling!! They'd rather do life in a cell with a seven foot guy named Queenie??
  4. Maybe they are doing a name check on Ms. none?? If you can remmeber the screw up getting my wifes SSN it was because of a name thing. The confusion came in the first name last name Vs given name surname thing. an SSA employee reversed her name making Ling her surrname instead of Fang--no problem though, we got it straightened out in less than a year (11 1/2 months)
  5. Ken, did he let you drive his rocket ship??? Meeting other CFL couples is way cool. Frank and Jingwen were the first ones we met and Mop Ling and Jingwen talk several times a week. Frank and I have decided we may be married to clones. Only problem is that they compare notes about their hubbies and Frank has a job, he's hard to compete with!! It is always fascinating to talk face to face with others in your lifeboat-give some real insight.
  6. She is no longer Ms. hu is she?? Squeacky, it doesn't say alien--it says alias as in a different name as in maybe her married name--sound like another gov F@$k up to me!!
  7. We took a transaltor (syls hubby was gracious enough to volunteer). the question were simple and even witha translator they let me help and I even answered a few of the questions for her. Others have said they don't go to extremes on this one. I'd say if you can find one easily and affordable bring one --if not-well the worst thing that they can do is make you come back!!
  8. I wonder how long it wil take for the dogs to get their visas and will she have to make a tape of her barking with them fo five minutes?? 135392[/snapback] And I'd better build a vaccination list for dogs now! Anyone know of a civil veterinarian who will write off their shots? 135393[/snapback] I know a very good sheep vet who will work with you!!! oooops, sorry!!
  9. I wonder how long it wil take for the dogs to get their visas and will she have to make a tape of her barking with them fo five minutes??
  10. Hope I'm not being too critical but shouldn't it be "shitty"... 135382[/snapback] No, it shouldn't be shitty or shity--but it is. yeah frank, some of their perception of the problems is dead on. Soooo, now they can't say "we didn't know"---but i'm thinkin' they will anyway. Lots of good rhetoric in the article but I have always found rhetoric to be---hmmmm, rhetorical perhaps.
  11. Interesting article. The section on lack of standardization between UCIS offices realy strike a familiar note. It appears that the common thread running through the numerous pages is "Hey ya'll, we need cheap labor so let's get 'em a green card or we will have to do the shity jobs and our business men don't wanna pay the wages we would demand" too critical???
  12. GZ won't know your siblings names and it would be silly for her to know your parents names as it is disrectful in china ta address an eldr by their name. Most interviews are 4-5 simple quesions. How did you meet, where does he live, what is his work, what does he like to do, has he been married before, how many times did he visit, for how long, why do you want to marry him etc... They asked my so 6 questions--she didn't know two of the answers--what does he like to do and what are his hobbies. The good news is that GZ had no way of knowing if she was wrong. The bad news is she told them she had no idea--it was no problem
  13. It's like three shots and usually MUCH cheaper in china. she will need them anyway so why not???
  14. After my wife arrives, and we travel back and forth to china, is she still considered foreinger for immigration check on return to usa? 135006[/snapback] Yup, she will still carry a chinese passport and will go through the immigrant line--but not the 'new immigrant' line. Hey, the good news is she won't need a visa to enter china--the bad news is-you will!!
  15. what is the I-765? what is the I-485? 134969[/snapback] This is just more UCIS crap. The good news is that you needn't worry about it until your sO is here--BUT DO save each and every bit of paperwork and notifications etc--you will need them all again later. Same stuff-different world!!!!!!!!
  16. HUH??? David, I think he is asking about AOS( Adjsutment of Status) Not AOS (Affidavit of Support). If you sent one--you sent it to soon--gotta wait until she is here for AOS (Adjuatment of Status) Anyway for AOS...status adjustment, I only sent one and she has the green card--sooooooooooo
  17. My wife and stepdaughter interview at the same time. all i brought xtra for the stepdaughter was letter from her school prinipal stating her home address and when I enrolled her-They didn't ask for it. Frank, pull out the kitchen sink and pack it along. I called UCIS before our interview bcause the letter said to bring everything that I had sent them with the I-485. I re-did the I-864 etc etc etc. Turns out they make you re-do in case you left something out the first time--All they asked for was proof we live together- I gave a void check and also had some mail sent to wifey at my address. All they asked for from the I-864 was the newest tax year 1040. I gave them a letter from the VA and one from my retirement stating income. for proof he lives with you or relationship or whatever they are calling it---mail addressed to him-something from insurance stating you added him. Drivers license with address, etc---you get the idea. We brought the Vac supp thing in a sealed envelope--they never asked for it/
  18. Who was it that said "If you're not part of the solution then you're....?? Difficlult to proove???? VERY!! Lengthy with doubtful outcome??? ABSOLUTLEY!!! Take a congresional inquiry?? MAYBE. So if it is a difficult task that takes effort and does not have a guaranteed outcome we should give in and be walked on??? The fear of losing and/or hard work and long odds hasn't really detoured many succsefull people that I am aware of. Ya'll do whatever blows your skirt up. IF we get any resonable facts i'll be happy to lead the march on this loosing cause!! sorry guys but i can't even spell passive!!!!!!!!
  19. You got it Carl!!! Put passive in the back seat. If we are willing to accept status quo then that is indeed what we will get!!! perhaps we should ignore this so it can happen again and again?? What did Ghandi say about cancer?? Cut it out or let it destroy you??? It isn't about revenge DAVID, It isn't about an eye for an eye and it isn't even about punishmnet!! Changing what happened to Alex can't happen!! Stopping it from happening to the next guy can and damned sure should happen--It could be you! Would Ghandi let this happen again and again--hope not-iy would blow my perception of him all to hell!!!!!!! Besides, none of us are Ghandi!!!!!
  20. Ricky, PULEASE don't sell my-er uh your Harley. the AOS interview is interesting in that they actually asked us some questions to see if we really knew each other. It is more of a formality than anything else. Nothing to get worried and upset about unless, when they ask if she is planning to over throw the gov and she answers "I won't need to, it is doing a good enohg job of f@#$@#ing itself up". Ya'll quit worryin'. the WORST they will do is make you send 'em more gov crap. They WON"T snatch her up and put her/him on a slow boat to china while they are waiting. Our AOS interview was very professional and was what I think a GZ interview should be "why did you want to marry blah blah blah". The only thing they really asked for was an up to date tax thingy--I gave them up to date proof of non-taxable income and that was it. I called UCIS and talked to a stupidvisor and she said as far as showing proof of living together, a common checking account was enough. The lady at the interview told me to NEVER lsiten to UCIS phone people and asked what else i had to prove she lived with me. I said NOTHING- she was ok with that but was happy when I found some Dr bills addressed to wifey at my/our address. Oh, and i had my stepdaughter grades--Alll a's and when I pushed them toward her she said to my stepdaughter WF, If they aren't all A's I don't wanna see 'em.". stepdaughter grinned and pushed 'em back and said "If they werent't all A's, it wouldn't be ny report card" (I taught her to be a smartass i think) RE-FU##@in'lAX. They ain't gona make you sell my Harley!!
  21. RICK???? Is that you???? Your not dead or kidnapped????? you still tidin' my harley??? oooops, there goe the automated off topic cop. good to see ya dude!!
  22. If you get off your government worker hiney and det us a place to meet--i'll help you with the AOS stuff--It reall isn't very hard-well at least your used to it--most of it is the same crap you've filled out before. No matter how bad you screw up they jsut send you a letter saying "DUMB ASS" you forgot to send this. EVEN at the interview if you don't have something they ussualy aprove you pending your sending in more stuff--A friend in Hiuston just went through that. he sent the stuff they asked for and had his green thingy in 3 weeks (thats right, green thingies are the Ultimate mutation of blue thingies--Dans got a lot to learn!!!!!!!)
  23. For K1 the chance of GZ even asking to look at your financial data is slim---do bring it though. the chnace that they will look at it and question a letter signed by your boss---no matter who typed is are almost nill. generaly, if they look at anything, they look at the form you sign and have notarized and maybe--just maybe your tax forms.
  24. We went through SFO with no problems at all. Once you go through immigration at SFO then you will be on a domestic flgiht to the windy so you will be done qwith the POE thing. Chicago huh??? look in general visa and see the pinned midwest egt together---its in my hometown CHICAGO!! Some say you can get an EAD stamp on her/his visa when you enter through JFK. I'm not sure if they still do that or not. I heard they stopped but....who knows?? Anyone know for sure--recent info??
  25. Don't it feel GOOooooooooooooooooooD to be done with UCIS for two years??? Can you say CLOSURE???? WAHOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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