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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. My wife is learning english from chinese TV. With Disnet we get the great wall package. One of the CCTV channels has English class for chinese evey morning. She tapes it and studies it. I used to think it would be great for her to speak english so we could talk more--Now i can't get her to shutup!!!
  2. My stepdaughter uses QQ a LOT. It is loaded with adware etc. Doesn't seem to hurt to much but combined with several other Chinese websites it slwed down my computer tremnedously. I bought a new one and networked them--she isn't allowed on the new one. by corrupted do you mean they charactors changed into those goofy looking symbols? If so go to 'view'---'encoding'-'Chinese symplified'
  3. Felix? Is that you? Felix? The best part about being around someone with an annoying habit is that often the passage of time allows them to fade away. Now, there may be an unfortunate group that is in fact married to such a person. With the shoe on the other foot I can tell you that I was equally ashamed on a previous visit to China. I was sitting in a breakfast buffet in a very nice hotel. I watched a white American family enter comprised of a Father / Husband / Wife, and two children under ten. Now, not that this matters, but it fits a typical American sterotype. All were overweight and seemed to be sweating from every pore. They were loud. The whole room was quiet and peaceful until they entered. The father began immediately demanding to know how OLD everything was. Was it fresh. NO, he said, I do not want coffee or anything else right now. Go away. During this exchange his two children were playing tag in the restaurant. I quickly left the buffet area because I could..... 154898[/snapback] Seriously, fat, sweaty, obnoxious, white people are my second pet peave... 154902[/snapback] EEEXCUUUSEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Waht do you have against us fat, sweaty, smelley, obnoxiuos white guys??
  4. I think the "no money reciepts" advice was for K1's not spouses!!
  5. That's funny. I wonder how many of us made the same mistake. when My darlin got hers and told me about the opening I became angry with her for opening it--that was my first offical married mop slappin'
  6. BUZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz Wrong Carl, you are a true old timer--maybe not on the candle but an old timer nontheless!
  7. Die??? Ya mean I gotta die someday??? BUMMER!!!!! Wifey will do ok. I have a little life insurance but better than that both of my income sources provide for my wife should I die. She is guaranteed 70% of my current income for life-plus college for the stepdaughter etc. plus wahtever SSI comes up with plus she will get whatever I've managed to buy back from my ex--house 'n such. She won't be wealthy but she'll be a very eligible lady for one of you pervs who can take a mop slappin like a man to court.
  8. Then again you could always file for AOS using the signed document you will be getting. This will satisfy the 90 day requirement and the worst they could do is an RFE for the marriage certification. This would give you enough time for your state to process it. Just a thought.
  9. Welcome Vincent. Disregard all you eard in chat last night. That was a different Trigg-an evil Trigg who takes over my body on rare occasion. Good luck to you and your new family-get 'em here and welcome to our world!!!!!
  10. Take a deap breath--relax-inhale------exhale-----inhale-----exhale.. good! you will be fine, you will get your visa---but you may have a major heart attack in the meantime--inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale------inhale-----exhale---inhale---exhale Caution when stoppingthe above excerise use extreme caution --sudden bouts of doing neither of the above can be fatal-(disclaimer by trigg)
  11. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that they didn't get many hits on my name. Trigg jsut ain't ALL THAT COMMON.
  12. I WANNA GO TOO!!!! Hey, never underestimate the power of banging your head--keeps the blood flowing
  13. Yuo declared 10k in cash. Wanna adopt an ex -emperor??? Glad you got her home!!!!!!!
  14. Lets not forget about the person a few months ago who had been convicted of child molestation and passed security and got visas for his wife and new 5 year old stepdaughter--whom he promptly molested--yup they are doin' a fine job!!!! To bad he wasn't named Jones huh!!
  15. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! caution: this has been a message from the original wahoooooer. any wahoooers not claiming to be Trigg are fraudulent wahooers and should be considered dangerous!
  16. "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton 154141[/snapback] BAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrFFFFFFFFfffffffff!!!!!!!
  17. Whoah! Is that not the practice throughout China? Every little kid in Chongqing is in split crotch pants. At first I was really amazed at this practice ... now I have learned to hold little ones very carefully ... and be at the ready to uhhh "aim" them. 154087[/snapback] i noticed that as well.... i think they are showing off that its a boy and very proud of it.... 154116[/snapback] I often do the same thing--but I keep getting arrested for it??????
  18. My observation is that if it is in and wants to come out, let it come out.. spit, fart, and relief in two ways... I don't see the need to make it my personal prejudice that anyone who does it is lower than me in some social way just because I was raised in a culture with a prejudice against it. Today alone: Someone on the train dumped their drink onto the floor. At the restaurant, people are spitting food on the table and even on the floor, because they are eating parts of an animal or fish we find unsuitable for our culture. Kids are throwing trash in the street since the adults do it. Children drop their pants and piss... 154066[/snapback] OK, then following this line is it OK to take a dump on the floor of the restaurant?? How about sex in a crowded elevator?? Pissing off the high dive of a public pool?? Obviously even those of you with the I'm OK, you're OK, we're OK attitudes can see the need for some societal norms than go beyond saying "If it's their thing , let 'em do it" attitude! The question is what are these norms and who is to say when they apply.
  19. WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Point of safety here!!! I have learned the hard way that just because the call it the moon festival does not mean you can get away with mooning your SO. They REALLY don't like that very much---ouchyyyy!!!!!
  21. D'ya think i coud push my way to the head of the line in order to apply for the spittoon cleaner job?? 153993[/snapback] proud of you Trigg always out looking for the second job to take care of those pesky credit cards that just NEVER STOP!!! 153997[/snapback] Second job????? Gheeez no man. I'm looking form a career!!
  22. D'ya think i coud push my way to the head of the line in order to apply for the spittoon cleaner job??
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