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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. It's a form letter. i revieved one jsut like it when I called about green card staus. It basical say--leave us alone for at least a month and don't mess with us until you are past the processing date on your eicpt. It ain't no RFE
  2. I't's a bit more complicated than that. First you file papers in the US--THEN they send them to China and balh blah blah. Yes, K1 is usualy faster but faster isn't fast. Depending on where you live in the US--8 -14 months is typical--maybe a ten month average before she gets the k1. Nope, chinese gov isn't a problem, they have people o' plenty and can afford to have a few move off!
  3. Can you explain this part... After your wife got the blue slips, how did she get the pink slip, at overcome appointment ? If yes, was she told or did she bring anything to this? Then after the pink slips, you were told to fax this info, instead of having another overcome appointment? So, do you see your case as going to overcome or how do you characterize it, since you mention : I'm particularly interested to see if she made an overcome appointment and/or if GUZ had her fax stuff in lieu of overcome appt... 174482[/snapback] I'm thinking that pink and blue slips are getting confused. He's saying she got the aproval and later got the rejection (I think). GZ has chnaged slip colors a few times and using the color to denote denial/aproval gets more confusing each time they d!
  4. LOL, Thanks Lee. l did this about 2 months ago when we were waiting for the P3. Helped to keep my sanity and keep me weaned off Cheeto's. Like I said; I hate Cheeto's! However, thanks for the thought. 174437[/snapback] WHAT?????!!!!!!! YOU HATE CHEETOS???!!!!!!! Now that just ain't right!! the boy, i say the boy is just overcome with the news of the visa--He just don't know what he's sayin!!!!
  5. Having been officially reminded by the official wahoo reminder to bestow an official Wahoo upon you, I hereby officially take this time to officially wahoo you by the only officially license whaooer on the Candle. So, this is what you have been dreaming about------- WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats man--It couldn't have happened to a gooder person!! (Oh, and about the illiteracy thing-It's for reel and I isn't no genuine genie-or genius or generic substitute!)
  6. Thats the magic question--is there a second name check?? I know in December of 2003 UCIS said that to save time all name checks would be done before the petition gets to the consulate. I'm pretty sure that if any of you call GZ a week or so after you send in the p3, you will get the message "in Que for interview-blah blah blah. Lots of talk on this one but I'm thinking that they don't do a second security check as S. O. P. perhaps if there is a red flag. K1 will not cause more scrutiny that K3--Several have reported that perhaps the K3 gets more scrutiny than K1.
  7. HA hA Ha, you are so funny.We're all just plain ole goofey guys-who sometimes accidentally do something right--but not too often 174238[/snapback] I am SERIOUS! Don't be too modest, trigg. 174240[/snapback] Modest is not a word that is ever used in conjunction with my name. The CFL crew really came together on this one. And believe me when i say this, We got a helluva lot more than we gave-a helluva lot more.
  8. HA hA Ha, you are so funny.We're all just plain ole goofey guys-who sometimes accidentally do something right--but not too often
  9. thats a connection to it. This si their actual website--gotten from the one you posted. http://www.asafeplacenh.org/ Thanks Larry
  10. Good Idea Carl. I'll see if I can get in touch with her and get an update and an address to send some Christmas goodies to her little cherub! due to the overwhelming amount of PM's I got (None) asking for the address of 'A Safe Place' (the original topic of this thread), I thought I'd post it here. A Safe Place 6 Greenleaf Woods, suite #101 Portsmouth, NH 03801 174205[/snapback] Is it a place for battered wives? I don't know anything about it. I have never been married so have no children. It would be nice to do something for the holidays. I wouldn't mind making a donation of $$ or gift. Do they have a website or anything? Larry 174209[/snapback] Yup, it's a place for victims of domestic abuse. We learned about then the hard way when we read about a Chinese woman (Jany) who married an American man-then moved to the US with her 5 year old daughter. Her daughter was sexually molested by this man and she left with no place to go and no friends. CFL came through and sent money to her and 'a Safe Place' gave her and her daughter food, shelter, counseling and many other services--AT NO COST to Jany. It's a long long story--you can read the entire Jany thread but I gotta warn you --it'll bring a tear to the eye of the strongest of men! I don't know if they have a website. i have some of their pamphlets and a phone number and address.
  11. Good Idea Carl. I'll see if I can get in touch with her and get an update and an address to send some Christmas goodies to her little cherub! due to the overwhelming amount of PM's I got (None) asking for the address of 'A Safe Place' (the original topic of this thread), I thought I'd post it here. A Safe Place 6 Greenleaf Woods, suite #101 Portsmouth, NH 03801
  12. I wasn't saying you were crying wolf. the media and of course government folks tend to get all the mileage they can out of anything that even remotely has any possibility of being a disaster. Maybe they think it makes us think that we need them. At any rate-more of us will die from stress related illnesses than from any other cause. SOoooo, don't sweat the stuff you have no control over! Live long and prosper--nanu nanu
  13. How cool is all that???? Damned glad to ear it. The more i know about Maura Harty, the more impressed I am with her. She has untangled several tangles for CFL members. Gosh, a public servant who actually serves the public. Wonder what she is doing in 2008??
  14. If you oqwned a house in china and had children there and parents and and and--then it's doable-but a young single woman with no family ties other than maybe her parents--Won't happen!
  15. Soooooooo, I have to wonder how many of we 'born' citizens could pass this thing???
  16. I have been following this for the past few months and have talked with Jie about it. I have heard that if it becomes a human to human strain, the Chinese health ministry will shut the doors to China. Meaning, no one comes or goes. I think that would pretty much answer the question. However, China seems to be proactive in killing chickens, quarantining victims etc, so I think they are on top of it. As for the other questions, I would like to know too. I dont think the consulate would issue an 'emergency visa', and I think it definitely would halt the visa process. That could be up to two years...I believe that is the estimate for the flu to run its full course. When it reaches pandemic levels that would cause concern at the consulate, I highly doubt they will be jumping to issue emergency visas while the rest of the world is trying to stop potentionally infected people from crossing their borders. However, what will the consulate do is still a good question and perhaps this would be a good question for the 'ask guz' section? 174005[/snapback] It's all the same rhetoric as ZARZ in 2003 and the HK flu and AIDs etc.... I think we are all a it to quick to push the panic button when there are all so many if and buts--eventually we may have a real pandemic and no one will listen. WOLF!!! WOLF!!!!
  17. My darlin wife has a sister-I'll hook you up!
  18. So, CFL should write to the SSA about SSN requirments for K1 visas issued by UCIS at GZ and having an I-94 stamped at the POE by DHS for the purpose of showing the SSA that UCIS and DHS has OKed the issuance of an SSN from the SSA without an EAD to the K1 and or K3. Have I got it right?
  19. I'll keep the ole wahooer heated up and ready!--good luck!
  20. Ah yes the SSA--the only agency more inept than UCIS. On a K1 you have roughly 74 days of eligibility after POE for a SSN before you need an EAD. Having hassled for over 11 months and bringing in my senator and representative, i have some small expertise in the matter. they got the idea about INS issuing the SSN because in some cases-like CR1 visas, INS says the give them-i have doubts even then. Best advice for you-simply go to a different SSA office. Others have done this and had no problems getting the SSN. Most that have done this say you need to wait about two weeks after POE so her info is in the DHS computers-as SSA needs to confirm with DHS that UCIS has authorized then SSA to issue an SSN without an EAD from the UCIS!--GOT IT?? if not you may be sOL!
  21. Literally every `129-f expires. Guz will automatically renew it--no problem. you need'nt do a thing
  22. Yea, very very sad story-but what a great outcome. Shows that the CFL crew is more than just a bunch of pretty faces. The gang really came through-not only with just money but one member took them to dinner and got toys for the little girl etc.. Anyway, i didn't really bring this back because of the Jany thing. I just thought that 'safe place' one of the few charities that I feel comfortable donating to--and maybe others would feel the same. They gave every penny we donated to the Jany fund directly to her--nothing witheld etc...I've talked to them on the phone--good people-for what it's worth I'm sending them a check (if i can get it mailed before wifey sees it)
  23. If anyone wants more info on 'safe place' PM me --OR-go to Don's house late at night and steal his cats--He will donate big time to get them back. Hmmm, maybe jsut PM me!
  24. I'll go a bit further. Jingwen has two kids, and we filed two separate AOS packages for them. 173651[/snapback] Thank you Frank, Trigg, and Don! Ken 173705[/snapback] If I said it may or may not be so. If Frank said--you can put it in the bank!
  25. Trigg

    GZ Consulate

    Phil, the last USCONGUZ post was November 29th. This thread is pretty old. 173698[/snapback] We had lots of replies to the easy stuff. Now the heat has been turned up a bit--let's see if they abandon us or answer our concerns.
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