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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. you don't have to know each other for two years. you have to have met in person within the last two year--me thinks
  2. I would get it in the arm but some folks prefer it in the buttocks. Oh did you where to go to get it?? Any Dr or your local health dept--the health dept is ussualy the cheapest.
  3. We had an issue that maybe something like it but I'm not sure if was a company or a Chinese gov thing. Anyway, wifey had been here over two years and wanted to visit china to see her family AND said she had to do something about here retirement in china. i think she needed to give them some bucks so she would get her retirement at age 55. it wasn't Worth me asking much more about cuz it was only pennies involved--certainly not enough to justify the expense of a China trip but she was going anyway. She had talked about the retirement thing 2 years ago so apparently is was nothing that needed to be done ASAP. dunno if this helps?
  4. Not sorry too me. I love mistakes, my middle name is mistakes and i'm starting a new company-'misteaks be us'. problem is the gument doesn't share in my philospohy.
  5. welcome to our nightmare-think your gonna like it!!! First, don't listen to Frank about the cheetos-he owns stock in the company. Listen to him about everything else--but not the cheetos. You're in for several months of rage and cussing so if you haven't bee practicing, nows the time to start. Next SAVE and DOCUMENT everything. if you are sure you have sent it to UCSIS and you Will never ever need it again, they will ask for it three more times. Finlay, double and triple check EVERYTHING. One teeny weeny mistake Can cost months. I'm damned sure not one who gives a rats rump about details BUT if you mess up (like you did above when you said you went to china for 8 days in sept 29 of 2006), Your Chinese darlin' will put some evil pain on ya! I'll now return you to yopur regularly schedualed programming and those who really know stuff!! trigg
  6. That was Confucius' idea. uh huh, Confucius and about 100 million others. Nothing really exists on a dichotomy--rather on a continuum. Anything that is perceived as real is indeed real in it's consequences!!!
  7. OK Rakster, here it is straight form the horses hiney. NBC is your service center. You sent it correctly. However, NBC is not currently doing 129-f petitions. CSC is. sooooo you get a CSC receipt number. see how simple it all is. Send it where they tell you so they can send it were they really wanted it in the first place. See how cleaver these USCIS people are? Well that sucks. California is now processing I-129f applications with receipt date of March 20, 2006....and this is September, so my SO can expect to arrive in the US sometime before 2010 if we are lucky. Sheeeeshhhh. I guess if I tell them I know Trigg it probably won't speed things up any huh? Tell them that if they don't hurry up I will date their daughters. that'll get 'em cookin'! don't worry so much about thew March 20 thing. Even vermont has march 20 posted. That is the worst case scnenario. Get some some cheetos and a copy of don does dallas-life will never be the same after watching it!!!!!!
  8. OK Rakster, here it is straight form the horses hiney. NBC is your service center. You sent it correctly. However, NBC is not currently doing 129-f petitions. CSC is. sooooo you get a CSC receipt number. see how simple it all is. Send it where they tell you so they can send it were they really wanted it in the first place. See how cleaver these USCIS people are?
  9. Daddy always taught me not to argue with someone who always believes they are right--no matter what the facts show. I simply expalined the origins of WHY people from all parts of the earth think mind and body are the same. I certainly hope that all who follow eastern philospphy aren't so defensive or so narrow minded as to ingore research even if it does support there postition--just because it is research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You make want you want out of descartes 'cognito ergo sum'. I'd rather think for myself than let dead guys do my thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I'd say more like psycho-babble 101... Before we replace all of chinese philosophy with some sort of acid reflux theory, it might be best to get more specific since some are not getting the point... In the west, descarte's "I think therefore I am" , made the distinction between the mind (a thinking thing) and the body; basic dualism. The chinese word "xin" is usually translated heart, but has historically be translated more as heart-mind. This principle is one of the most important in chinese philosophy. Confucius, who had no psychological theory, made no distinction between the affect and intellect; Daoist theory does the same. The concept of heart-mind is found in buddhism and Zen as well; "putting on the heart-mind of buddha". The influence of philosophy on language and the language on people has preserved this non-distinction to some level. If anyone is interested in learning about this important concept, I'd encourage you to do some of your own research. Next time read with an open mind rather than immediately scream 'psychobabble'!! I had made your point for you. I had supported east and west together and had explained the whys and hows of dualism to you. Perhaps east isn't as open minded as is preached grasshopper! Oh, and Descarte said "Cognito ergo sum" =I am the sum of my thoughts-nothing to do with mind body dualism but rather mind over matter
  11. Oh yea but this is not and east vs west thing--We have studied self-fulfilling prophecies since studying began. As for head/heart do remember that the 'heart' does not think, or as per the eastern philosophy, neither does the stomach. So why do we associate feeling with the heart and or stomach. Simple, psycho-somatism. Get excited and the heart skips a beat, beats faster OR the stomach makes more acid and feels as though it churns etc....... Long before man realized that all thinking takes place in the brain, he knew that several events caused changes in his 'feeling body' ( heart stomach etc.). It's a simple jump from there to establish long lasting beliefs that the heart or stomach have input into our thought processes--quite possibly if one feels his heart racing or skipping or his stomach growling or churning and one attributes this to something then indeed his/her thought patterns may indeed change to match. The only cultural or philosophical implications are how he processes this in order to attribute the feelings into active thought! The catecholamines released by the brain in response to thoughts do indeed cause the 'feeling body' to change--Love, hate , fear, etc. all have their own unique set of chemicals that the brain releases--each cause slightly different 'body feelings'-how we interpret these feelings (attribution theory) Is determined by learning. Kinda basic psychobiology 101 huh???
  12. Sounds like you are in line for an interviewless green card. OR, they are taking a final opportunity to mess with you!
  13. Pink is Good: visa approved Blue is Bad: more information is needed before the visa can be approved White is Death: application is rejected and is being returned to the states. It's interesting that you use "white" to equate "death". In Chinese custom, one does NOT wear black to funerals but WHITE. White is indeed associated with death in China. The color associated with weddings/marriages is NOT white but RED. Thanks for the color explanation. Yes, I was aware of that! Adding my 2 jiao worth... we watch Chinese TV all the time and I can tell you that every wedding I have seen but 1, the bride wore white... I think the red dress wedding has become something of an antique except in the rural areas... Have ya ever noticed that women ussualy wear white at weddings and black at funerals but men wear the same color at both?? Somehow this seems to be an important observation-too me!
  14. That seems a bit counterintuitive to me unless you are saying it's better to deny an otherwise valid visa applicant than to let a fraudulent applicant slip through. Anecdotal evidence suggests the likelihood of denying a visa to a valid applicant may actually go up in the absence of joint interviews, but I haven't seen anything that suggests the number of caught fraudulent applicants also goes up in the absence of joint interviews. If the principal criterion for a family based visa is the establishment of a bona fide relationship, having both parties present would seem to be the way to go. I take USCONGUZ at his word when he says resources and volume militate against joint interviews. I will now return to reading my latest book, "Conspiracy Theories" by I.C. Paranoia. I've never heard this unspoken, unwritten deal killer.. it's completely counterintuitive to me as well... They are more likely to catch the fraudulent (both one-way and two-way) with both parties in the room... any tenseness, squirming, and the fact that most americans cannot hold a steady emotion to the stoic chinese is the easiest give away... The consulate's party line has always been there is not enough room setup for interviews for both... Let's just accept that. I don't have any problem accepting it. I was responding to a suggestion that it would be easier to confirm valid relationships with both parties there. I'm not suggesting it is the primary reason. Space and efficiency is surely primary. However, I'm not surprised many would find my suggestion counterintuitive. Investigation techniques are not particularly based on the intuition of the innocent layman. Parties are separated for questioning during interrogation, for good reasons, chief among them is to keep one from hearing the answers of the other or answering for the other. While we want them to confirm as many valid relationships as efficiently as possible, one of their primary responsibilities is to expose as many frauds as possible, as efficiently as possible. So then that would lead one to suspect that Guz is more efficient than the majority of the consulates as well as all of the USCIS offices in the US who do AOS interviews with both parties present. Way to go guz for setting the standard!
  15. I'm not sure you are that you are waiting for an RFE. you filed june 1. I may be very wring but I thought the new forms were aproved the end of May????. Did you file out a from that had questios about your criminal background?? Anyone have the actual date the new forms were available???
  16. Welcome to the Candle!! What you have recieved is an NOA1. It means the have recieved your pettion and are working on it. Once the service center is done they will send it the the NVC for security checks and you should get an noa2. Once the security checks are done they will send it to Guz in china and so on. It's hard to predict the time the service center will have it but 3-5 months may be close. NVC will have it anywher from 2 weeks to??? 6 weeks is close.
  17. Later, you are likely to see papers with her name reversed, western style. Not to worry. BUZZZZZZ!! WRONG AGAIN! It can and often does matter. A name reversal by a DHS employee cost me 11 months!!!!! Be VERY VERY careful when calculating first name/last name and surrname/given name!!!!!!!
  18. I remember that Don. It was about 3 1/2 yrs ago but I thought it was a GZ clinic.. I have never heard of an instance of this since. They should be reported to the consulate and taken off the approved list. It is a likley not fraud but a type I error (false positive). common to about 5% of all diagnostics. Ask the HSP to retest!
  19. Not so. My wife and stepdaughter are from the same city as Frank's wife. They both speak Cantonese and Mandarin equally well. Anyway, learning language is but one small consideration.
  20. Yup, and it WOULD be an advantage to speak accent free--whether good for the individual or group!!!!
  21. Ahh, you are learning. Eat and drink free--you sound like wifey is training you already! Ya gonna need an assistant judge??
  22. This is what you said: "Jingwen is making decisions that would be best for a Chinese child. This child is American." And I said the child is a Chinese American. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_American 228141[/snapback] Tony I know full well what a Chinese american is. My point is if the child is going to live his life out in America in the years to come. He will be better adapted to that if he stays here. Going to live in China would be best if he were going to live out his life in China. Living in China permanantly may not even be an option for him since he is an american citizen. This is Frank and his family's dilema and not a suitable forum for you and I to argue what is or isn't an American. I'm sorry this got side tracked Frank. 228152[/snapback] Spending 3 to 4 years in China would not matter. Like I said, I know many Chinese parents (in USA) who had sent their kids to China for a few years and came back. Of course when they come back initially, they don't recognize their parents at first. But they adapt very quickly. 228254[/snapback] Depends which 3-4 years. Kids are preprogrammed to learn ANY language accent free. Problem is the majority of the speech patterns they learn will be between ages 0 and five. He can easily learn both languages accent free if both are spoken accent free. That would likely be the case in the US (except for Frank's ya'll drawl). I seriously doubt he would hear Chinese and English in china-accent free. As the Chinese economy grows, so will the need for bilingual interpretors. One who spoke both clearly would have an advantage in years to come--something Worth considering!
  23. I think you should cook a gourmet meal for all of us and leave our wives alone to do what they do best--tell us they hate to cook!! Chefy dude, have you gone mad?? I can hear it now. "HUSBAND!!!. You wanting me go vacation and cook for people?? You crazy 'merica man!!!" Gheeeez, get your darlin' here fast so you can understand the rest of us!!!!!
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