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Everything posted by homerjay1011

  1. Gotcha that makes sense! It may just be filled out by hand, but I will see if she can send me a picture of it tonight. Regardless, is the white book sufficient for the interview? or do we need to provide some sort of further documentation? Hopefully we won't have to make 2 trips to the notarial office, but it wouldn't be the worst. We'll have plenty of time to get it taken care of. Does anybody know the Chinese name of the PSB? My fiancee has no idea what that is whenever I mention it to her xD Thanks for the help everyone!
  2. Hi! Thanks for the help! My brain wasn't working and I assumed the same form would be used for the K-1. Silly me! Having looked at whats required for the I-134, it looks like everything would be fine. Do you or anyone else know whether or not length of employment or employment gaps will affect approval of the application? Regarding DCF, I really wish I had known about it months earlier. But, at this point, based on timelines, we're about to get out NOA2 and I don't think it would change our timeline very much if we did DCF in March. It may even add a month to the process. I do appreciate the advice though and I would certainly recommend DCF to anyone else going through the process. Thanks again!
  3. Thanks for the help you guys! So, I actually remembered incorrectly. She does in fact have a birth certificate, which is handwritten. I will need to confirm with her that it is this specific "medical birth certificate". We'll make sure to bring it and a white book translation to the interview. One more thing, just to confirm, both the 出生公证书, or chu sheng gong zheng shu, and the 未受刑事处分公证书 , or wei shou xing shi chu fen gong zheng shu, can be obtained from the same notarial office, right? Thanks again! I can't express how much I appreciate all the help!
  4. So, I was reviewing the information on that page again today, and it says regarding actual birth certificates that "you generally will NOT want one of these, unless you know that one was issued at birth - AFTER 1991." My fiancee was born in 1995 in Xi'an, but she says that she wasn't issued one. Because she was born after 1991, will they expect an actual birth certificate at the interview or will the "出生公证书, or chu sheng gong zheng shu" be fine? Thanks again for all the help! You guys are amazing!
  5. Hi everyone, So, I'm currently employed, but will be moving to China in March to be there through the rest of the K-1 process (We submitted 7/29/17, NOA1 8/1/17). So, I won't have income once the interview finally rolls around (fingers crossed it's in May!). Since I won't have income, I will be asking my father to be a cosponsor. For the past year, he has been working on starting a new company. I believe he has been receiving a salary since June 2017. Is this long enough? Is there a requirement for a length of time he needs to have been working? In the past 3 years, he has changed jobs twice and there may have been a gap in income. Will this be a problem? If any of this is dicey, is it acceptable to have to cosponsors? We have a mutual friend who would happily be a cosponsor if needed. As always, thanks for the help! Everyone has been so nice and helpful!
  6. Gotcha! I thought you were referring to another post on here as well. I'm really not worried about the CCP membership at the AOS point. I feel like we should have no worries once she's actually here. Fingers crossed at least! Regarding the wechat group, if we end up with AP, I may mention that group to her and see if she wants to join. For now we'll just stay hopeful! Thanks for the help!
  7. Hi Greg! Thanks for your reply! I'm guessing you might be referring to Nathan&Min's post on here: http://candleforlove.com/forums/topic/49272-our-interview-results-and-questions-moving-forward/?do=findComment&comment=634161 If not, I'd love your link to another post! It is certainly encouraging to hear that people seem to be avoiding the CCP issue! My fiancee has started getting worried and anxious recently about the whole process. It has been really disheartening watching the processing times for the K-1 increase. It looks like we'd be having her interview in May (we submitted at the end of July, NOA1 was 8/1/17). We were thinking it was going to be 5-6 months when we applied and now it's looking like at least 9 until the interview. It would be an immense relief if we weren't subject to AP at the Guangzhou stage. We like everybody here, just want to be together as soon as possible.
  8. Awesome! Thanks for clearing that up! I wanted to know this, so that I could prepare the letter stating her involvement with the party in case they decide to do Administrative Processing. Fingers extra crossed though! Her case is pretty benign, joining as a student and only having been a member for 2 years. We certainly will be honest about everything. We're already very honest people, but we definitely don't want to take any chances with our future. Thanks again for the reply! Sorry I posted this ages ago and totally forgot about it. The immigration process can sometimes leave my brain scrambled xD
  9. Thanks so much for replying! Sorry I posted this ages ago and totally forgot about it. The immigration process can sometimes leave my brain scrambled xD That is really awesome! You can just find everything in one place, documents, translations, etc.!
  10. Hi there! My fiancee doesn't know what the type of membership with the CCP she has. She just says she is the lowest level of member. She joined as a student and hasn't done anything else besides pay her dues. I see a lot of talk about "rank and file members" when talking about the CCP, but I feel like that's always in relation to a job that has "rank and file" duties. I may be totally wrong. I'm just confused. Can anyone clarify this for me? Thanks, Matthew
  11. Hi! I'm wondering about the translation of documents like birth certificate, police records, etc.. I think I had read somewhere that it needed to be done by some sort of translation service as opposed to my fiancee translating them herself. If this is the case, what services would you all recommend? Also, I just noticed the translation needs to be notarized. Where do I get this done? Last time I talked about notarization, my fiancee was very confused as to where one would do that. Thanks for the help everyone! Best, Matthew
  12. Unfortunately, we went the K1 route and submitted at the end of July. Oh well! What's done is done! Finger crossed everything goes smoothly! Thanks again for the help and reassurance! It certainly eases my mind a bit!
  13. Thanks everyone!! That makes me feel sooooooo much better. We'll have everything prepared walking into the interview, and hope that everything goes super smoothly!
  14. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forums. I just joined after I was reading interview questions for Chinese K1 Visa applicants and saw the question about the communist party, which made my stomach drop to say the least. My fiancee joined the communist party this winter/spring (her senior year of college) to put on her resume in hopes that it would help her get a good job following graduation. At this point, we were not engaged and she did not yet have plans to live in the U.S. She has not ever participated in anything CCP related since joining, no meetings, no nothing. I'm worried because she did so voluntarily. She may have had pressure from her family and school, but I'm still concerned. Additionally, she has not been working since graduation. She came to the states to live with me and meet and spend time with my family before returning to China in August. Since then, she has remained unemployed and has begun studying for her GRE in hopes of attending school in the states at some point in the next few years. Has anyone experienced this situation before? If so what were the results? Should she leave the party now? I doubt she will have any proof of doing so, and she hasn't been employed. I'm extremely worried and sad about the whole situation. I just don't know what I should do to move forward. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
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