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Fu Lai

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Everything posted by Fu Lai

  1. Yes, finally she will call back and report the morning event starts at 11am. So I know the place opens at 9am, we can get tickets for the event after they open, the event happens both in the morning and afternoon, most people come at 10 am and the morning event starts at 11am. All I really wanted to know is when the event started. Round and around...
  2. It can be very frustrating and at times I wonder if it is a language barrier, but I will ask my wife to find out the time of an event and she does it too. She will call up the place and report back that the place opens at 9 am. What time does the event start? She will call back and report that we can go anytime and get tickets. What time does the event start? She will call back and report that they have a morning and afternoon show. What time does the event start? She will call and report that most people come at 10am. What time does the event start?
  3. Seriously, I just repeat my pointed question like a robot until I get the answer. They quickly realize that I will not stop asking until I get the pointed answer.
  4. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! http://cache.boston.com/universal/site_graphics/blogs/bigpicture/lantern_02_11/l14_17883345.jpg
  5. I have seen the Iphone apps and many of the the others. They are good dictionaries but Besta is state of the art for a reason. Idioms, learning courses, voice (compare your pronunciation to the actual), etc. but you all know this. Anyone need a CD626?
  6. I don't really understand it. In the USA I had both forced air and hot radiator heated houses, and only AC machines in the windows. Here they are offering forced heat/AC or the standalone/wall unit combos. You can see in the picture where they have the machine spots located outside (in between the bedrooms on both sides of the house). The family house I built with my dad had duct work so I kinda like that serving both heat and AC, but this place is a cement house. Being here in central China and in a "furnace" town as they call it, there's cold (snowed last night again) but extra-melting heat weather. I hope she makes the right choice and all I can do is advise. Wood floors are happening, I know that.
  7. Google and phone apps etc. don't come close to what this does but whatever. I just have this and it may be useful to someone.
  8. so what the heck, we raise the floor and put heating/AC ducts underneath? Problem?
  9. Interesting True Blue. Knowing kids today, I have a few plus students, boring is their favorite word (including in China). Leaving friends and their language behind is almost too much to seriously consider. Now if it were for love... different story. Parents I know in China want their kids to get a rounded USA college education. In the USA I think the organized arts (theater, galleries, music, poetry, etc.) are better done and more diversified but if grown kids are from China they really don't immediately latch onto it. So it's BORING. Just a cultural difference. Things are different in the USA, not more boring IMO. Anyway... off-topic finished.
  10. I have a perfect condition Besta CD626 that we do not need. Anyone interested? Sentence Translation (Chinese-English & English-Chinese) with function grammar collection<Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary 6th edition><Cambridge Encyclopedia><Contemporary Chinese>150 volumes of terminology and technical term dictionaries / <English-Chinese- Japanese-Korean Dictionaries><Chinese Idiom> / <Animated Dictionary>65000 colors LCD / Touch Screen300MB memory space2 SD or MMC slot / Support USB 1.1 / MP3 playerhttp://besta.my/cms/files/image/products/cd626/CD626en.jpg
  11. I use Firefox and the posts do not show up immediately on my screen, like Randy W, they do on the other website. I am not using a VPN.
  12. Still no blueprint but we hope we can do something like this That square table next to the round one is, of course, our electric mahjong table.
  13. Chinese distrust strangers, lack shared values Ya know my wife loves babies and when she sees them in public she will often go over and coo-coo them. I tell her in America that people do not trust strangers (mostly for good reason) and I was always told as a kid to never talk to strangers. I'm not sure how that fits in this study but it crossed my mind when I was reading this.
  14. North Korea tells China of preparations for fresh nuclear test China will continue to condemn the actions and sign on with UN sanctions, but I think they should not slow assistance to the people of the DPRK. IMO it is the govt that is to blame.
  15. USA is the "older brother" to China? Here I always hear it said that the USA is a "baby country". I have no strong feelings either way but my wife looked at a couple of the pictures and became very angry that China was being used as a backdrop to sell American women in bikinis. She said something like "some stupid Chinese dog sold our heritage for American girls in bras and make China tourist places look like normal China". She is very traditional though and won't even consider moving to America. Just saying.
  16. Wuhan is being affected heavily by a lingering haze that never seems to go away. During this new year's celebrations we have been giving out N95 masks as gifts and pleading with family and friends to protect themselves. This is not a "ho hum" problem we say, it is more dangerous than normal and you have to keep your face covered outside.
  17. What a beautiful time for you both, congratulations! The engagement ring is so symbolic, it doesn't matter what size it is as long as you have it on your finger it's the sign that you have bonded. I'll join tsap now with the tissues, so sweet.
  18. Very nice place and pictures! I might mention that it's rare that I've had strained tea in China, usually leaves left in the water. I remember going to a tea bar of some sort that served tea, buffet style. You get your tray and a few tea cups at one end and the buffet booth had about 50 kinds of tea leaves in large bowls. You go through the line and choose several kinds of tea in separate cups on your tray. Then at the end is the hot water dispenser and you fill your cups. Back at the table you just sit back with your guest for long conversation. Of course since this is China there is some food too if you wanted, a hot pot at every table and you can choose from some limited selections at a smaller buffet table. Was this a recent outing you had JiangsuExpat? Which city?
  19. "For Sports Illustrated, China is poverty and 'ethnic' clothing, not the world's second largest economy where the majority of people live in cities rather than the countryside." Good point with deep meaning.
  20. A little more than halfway through and loving it more than ever with my wife and family. I added a gallery of the table spreads selected from the first seven days. We have a large contingent of friends and family and we all like to celebrate the new year with a nice dinner. Does anyone else have any pics to share? Oh yeah, it ain't over, tomorrow we continue ... I think I gained 6-7 kgs!
  21. My wife told me to not respond any more to Zhenghong because there is no understanding. So I won't other than to say 福来 is the name her mother gave me, not 富莱.
  22. We fly on plane Never tried to move furniture on a plane or even several hundred kg of boxes. Have you?
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