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Fu Lai

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Everything posted by Fu Lai

  1. Who determined this was a terrorist (tightly defined) attack?
  2. Just people evoking 9/11 and waxing hyperbolic over this sad incident. What is the point of your post?
  3. Boston, 3 dead. 9/11, 3,000 dead. Nanking, 300,000 dead.
  4. Fingerprints needed for new Beijing ID cards More catching up with the other big countries like the USA. Kind of old news.
  5. Well I have, all the time. Around those parts you do not get any services without proving who you are, where you live is your place, and who is going to pay for it. Nowadays they run credit checks on everybody, which requires ID.
  6. Like in the USA where we require real ID for internet etc. service, I think it is merely catching up with standard procedures.
  7. 150m² = 1614.6ft² No wonder this new house seems small
  8. ID cards needed to buy telephone service This part I do not agree with. Seems like more spam would be created: ""We want to fully implement the real-name system, because it's good for us in marketing terms if we have more information about our customers, like their ages and professions," said Li Yun, an employee at China Telecom's Beijing branch."
  9. Yes, there was something about her that I can't quite put my finger on. I guess I never will. RIP. http://cdn.indulgy.com/k8/X8/t4/49961877085618437EdSDQo9qc.jpg
  10. Choose wisely... http://shimmerlings.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/electric-guitar-vs-acoustic-guitar21.jpg
  11. Yes, that is what I meant without naming jobs. Teaching English is one of course. Teachers are getting axed in the USA so much that foreign jobs are a refuge. My salary here is 3x what natives get so there is resentment among them. So the article about so many Americans giving up at home seemed a good point to show that there is another reason why we look at jobs in China, not that we are so unemployable elsewhere. To go so far for work is not so easy.
  12. "Some tickets for high-speed lines will probably cost more than airline flights."
  13. It is not political Mr. warpedbored, it was posted in "stateside" because it is about America, hence the TITLE "Discouraged Americans leave labor force." The mention in the post title has to do with this entire forum being about Chinese and America. Just letting folks know about the job situation in the USA. It has nothing to do with the politics often expressed on CFL about North Korea, Japan, South Korea, China, and other places. It is not political in the USA as it mentions no political parties. When it comes to people not being able to find a job, it is a concern for anyone here as well as anyone coming here. I hope you understand it is not politically offensive per the posted forum rules. Many Chinese think that Americans come to China for work because they are not qualified in the USA, and this speaks directly to a main reason they go to China is for available work in their field... not because they are not employable at home. They are often employable but there are no jobs. Sorry it is not rosy for Chinese to come looking for a job.
  14. Don't think Americans are losers when they come to China for work... read on: Discouraged Americans leave labor force
  15. baba's tomb on Qing Ming http://www.photouploads.com/images/dscn1656.jpg
  16. I know that many have great hopes in this new Chinese government.
  17. Thumbing a ride to adventure across the nation I wonder if his book will be translated to English? I feel compelled to read it.
  18. photo gallery http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/mediafile/201303/31/F201303311125092625219971.jpg http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90782/8189414.html
  19. next up... C-SECTION! followed by... INVITRO... ABORTION and finally with INFERTILE
  20. We get a bill for all utilities here in China and the mobile phone company will give you a paper copy if you go to their office.
  21. The offer says they will fix and install the house, the ceilings/floors, the walls, the plumbing and heating, the kitchen and bathroom complete, the electrical and all fixtures, the balconies, the doors, etc. as long as we provide all the materials and put no furniture in it until they are done showing it. Yes, a sales gimmick so they can have a model for three months without the big costs.
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