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Everything posted by se_lang

  1. I tried a duck tounge once it just was not what I was looking for (Where is the choking an gagging smiley) Darrrell, it's good to see that your avatar is anatomically correct. Once I even had it animated it would grow
  2. Gee Darrell we have been talking about this for a month and a half or more. Call in sick pack up the wife and fly on out. It will be the event of the year. Besides we would love to have you. Wish I could, I am still trying to plan and afford a honeymoon after 9 months of marrage, soon she will give up hope an go on one without me.
  3. um er aaaaaaaaa hum mmmmmmmmm did I miss the date,time an place part?
  4. I tried a duck tounge once it just was not what I was looking for (Where is the choking an gagging smiley)
  5. I guess there is more then one word, I have heard this(Na Ge) from my wifes mouth a lot. Na Ge="that" Ni Zhi Dao="You know"
  6. credit is always individual for a rating you don't have a joint credit score it is very important to have your own credit history... example my coworker had perfect credit and his wife had very bad credit however she made 3 times as much money as him so they could use his credit score and her income. If you don't establish a credit rating for your SO then if you die tomorrow she is not going to have an easy time getting it. Oh and make sure you teach your SO about the pitfalls of screwing up a credit rating.
  7. we just bought a house together 2 weeks ago I made sure her name was on the loan, she also has a full time job and a soc sec # so I think next we will go after a CC or a small loan. I started my credit with a $500 loan then a $1000 loan then a few cards etc.... it happens.
  8. we had the "Fast AOS" 90 days to get GC.............................ummmmm it is well past 90 days an still waiting it looks from the website they are 1 year behind here in Dallas area which used to have it in 6 months before the fast AOS started. we at least got EAD fast only cause they could not finish in the 90 days.
  9. There are options for the girl adoption,abortion, etc.... with the girl being this young she does not need a baby especially one that will always remind her of a horrible moment in her life as well the baby does not deserve anything bad as a result of what the man did. It is a tough position to be in for an adult I can't imagine the pain this girl feels. There are those here that can give much better advice on this topic then I could even hope to say, I hope they contact you.
  10. In addition to the AR-11 referenced in the link, don't forget the I-865 which the sponsor (you?) also needs to file. and of course mailed to a different address.
  11. Hey all for a change I have a real post. Which forms do I file for change of address we are in the middle of AOS and close on our new home in 2 days.
  12. Especially the consumation. What you never heard of cyber sex.
  13. I agree with Jenny my X like many here had their spouse cheat on them it is never ok to cheat, if a marriage is over you should divorce not run to the next person then worry about finalizing the previous relationship. This seems to be the biggest complaint from the daughters not really the age but bottom line is what is done is done get over it and move on.
  14. My LP got a full page sticker with her pic for her visa.
  15. The burner for one of those Turkey deep fryers.
  16. I would guess the tv show was put on by the "Fa lun gong" we also get free papers here in China town that speak bad about China just have to learn to read betwen the lines, I always say if you want the full truth get chinese news, american news remove the BS and there is the truth.
  17. Trigg it sounds to me like she needs an influx of cash flow, My kid in grade school gets $5 for every "A" yours is in high School I think she should get more. Maybe we should start a poll to see how much she should get per "A".
  18. We went through LAX I just asked the guard if it was ok for me to go with my wife in the visitor line he said no problem, he was right.
  19. all I had was digital photos even for the I-129f, for the interview I brought all the photos on a cd to Sam's an had them print me the 300+ digital photos on normal photo paper, no problem.
  20. My wife asked me about MSG I told her "No Way" then I read a few articles about it that said like everything us Americans do we changed our minds yet again about what is bad/good for us, so I removed my foot and MSG is now a regular part of our diet.
  21. on my last flight back I had 3 bags, 1 was over weight it cost me around 3000rmb it was a huge bag also, I think it was over weight and over size.
  22. No cutting down trees that would be a sin to the tree hugger's they are developing a synthetic paper to use.
  23. at a guess one is probably for in domestic flights the other is probably for international flights, just a guess though. I was allowed 70lbs per bag max 2 checked bags on my last return fom China.
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