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Everything posted by se_lang

  1. Dont worry Candy there was never any hard feelings, I knew it was a misunderstanding and thought it would all work out fine and it did all is forgiven and forgot.
  2. Keelec You may just have a great idea as a vote among members to remove another might be abused but a vote among Admins and Mods is a great idea. A side note about attacks on each other..... I once belonged to a chat group on any given night we would have around 300 people in there, many times we crashed the servers from being over loaded, Now last time I checked there was about 20 people..... Why, Because people started to take it as real life and got to involved the personal attacks started, and lines were drawn soon people went somewhere else to chat....... I come here to get info, learn, laugh help someone out , etc......... I feel if it does not add to the topic/group then it is wasted breath(key presses) Just a thought
  3. It was mostly a big misunderstanding with American humor. I think this was a learning experence for everyone so I dont think it would happen again. I wont post or explain the misunderstanding unless PJ's MM says she is ok with it. Sorry folks
  4. Thanks, for all your support (it is nice to be loved ) I was not mad or upset with PJ he did what we all do at times and he cooled down and corrected it. The reason I said I would not post again until PJ said it was ok was like Dave G said this is PJ's home I was asked to leave, even if it was a misunderstanding until he says it is ok I was not going to violate that, Now if Dave G has an image of lots of flowers he can send to PJ's MM it would be a nice start to clear things up with her.
  5. PJ I really do not understand what I said was an attack on your MM I was reading the site and found out I was the one who was kicked. I am very sincere when I say there was no personnel attack on your MM if you have read any of my posts I don't bash people or bad mouth anyone least not you or your MM, If I offended you in anyway please tell me what it was. Until PJ says otherwise I wont post again.
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