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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. Yes, some things happening now. . . much better than Black January.
  2. Yes, some answer from DOS that a cable (of unknown content) was sent to GZ and for fiancee to expect something from GZ in a few days, but don't know what this means. It is quite vague, and I have been told, "In a few days," before by A.S. DOS sends cable? I am calling another person at CA tomorrow. It is my day off, so I am also faxing some letters. Until there is a visa pickup notice in her hands, I am not resting. Yes, I am hoping it is clearance, and that we get visa notice soon, but I still pursue them until she gets the visa notice. That is the only way GZ gets rid of me.
  3. At this point, I'm just happy that someone at DOS found proof that our case still exists in the system. I had feared that we had been lost.
  4. Before A.S. stopped talking to me, I did ask him his opinion on this. He felt that the war would have no effect on our visas. The only effect might be the temporary disruption in visa applicants of places such as Iran, Saudi, Iraq, etc.
  5. After 1 year they should pay ME and give me visa to stop me from pestering them so much
  6. Yes Owen, that is exactly the point I was making. Welcome back, Mike. You are right about the hair thing. I got a web cam so my sweetie could see my hair change gradually while we wait - so she will still recogonize me as an old man when she finally gets here.
  7. I just got off phone with person at DOS info line. After being on hold for just over an hour, she looked up my case # (as per usual). After a few minutes she asked if this was for Ms. Xxxxx. I confirmed that it was. Then she asked me for my phone number to call me back in a few minutes. Almost an hour later, the same person did call me with some different information. She said that a post was cabled to GZ, and that my fiancée should be hearing from GZ in a few days. I asked what kind of information was in the cable, was it a clearance or a request for more info or was there a problem. She did not know. I also asked if there was a cable # for the post. She did not have one. Now, just what does this mean? What kind of info did they cable to GZ? Was it clearance or was it one of those damn 6-month hold delays? B)
  8. I'm ready for CFL 102. . . . . now send me the ~#@@# VISA! B)
  9. I'm all for it. At this point in my life, I probably have more in common with the people on CFL than I do with the people at my high school reunions. It is something I had talked about with some of the members here. But summer would be much better time - unless of course the location was in Las Vegas or Phoenix or Southern California. (It's harder to get off work in the winter during tourst season) B) Yes, everyone invited. I hope to graduate in the class of '03 B)
  10. Yuhui will cure that addiction quickly B)
  11. Great! B) That means I only have 1600 more posts to go! B)
  12. When that day finally comes, and the visa is in the mail, I don't expect to disappear. But since that means I will have a life again, I may be too occupied to appear as often. B)
  13. Why? Why, N. Korea, are you trying to provoke U.S. into a war which nobody can win? Think about it, Mr. PDRK President. Use your brain. Does it really make any sense to use agression to demand a non-agression pact?
  14. ...I suppose.... that would be YOU !! Lucky guy !! I'm jealous.. GZ - give me visa and I will stop stirring up so much trouble.
  15. Good point, hopeful. But I am still here fighting it seems - for now.
  16. Hmmm.....NOW I wonder who is their NEW top 3 most wanted list
  17. 6 more months? Hope so. Good luck in the lotto. Try to visit in China while you wait.
  18. congratulations! Your input has helped us here too. Now turn off the computer and get back to the business at hand.
  19. You're astute again, Eric. It was our gov't response that is behind our problems. For this I blame Bush and his administratation, not Mohammed.
  20. OK. CXI11 is busted !! We all know who you are girl :-) An unvaluable member to this community .... You mean INvaluable member to this community
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