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Patrick & Li

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Everything posted by Patrick & Li

  1. Congratulations Mick, My wife will be envious. It is all she talks about, wanting more babies. She always asks me if i want a boy or a girl, and i always tell her i only want a healthy baby! Smiles for you, Patrick
  2. I didnt file the I-485 with my I-130. My wife is coming in on the K3, Can i go ahead and file the I-485 now? Patrick
  3. Nice post Orrin, But you need to understand..... Not everyone sent in their petitions knowing what a timeline was. And the truth is for me.... Yes, i am bitching about the Government because i think they unduly delay this process. Every single step is laborious. Redundancy is absolutely horrible with this immigration process. It drives me crazy! But you want to know what really drives me to whine and complain? I miss my wife! I miss her soft voice, I miss her kisses. I miss her caring for me. I miss her love! Those are the things that are truly driving me to bitch, whine and complain about this process, and i truly wont be happy till she is here. Have a good day, Patrick
  4. Name the Ten things you want to introduce to your Wife or Fiancee, Or things you want to show her! In no particular order..... 1)- I have discussed this with my wife but she doesnt quite understand the concept. But i want her to understand how much easier life is with a Washer and Dryer, and a Dishwasher. She wants to know where all those smelly clothes sit while waiting to be washed. LOL! Shes got a point! 2)- I want to introduce my wife to a Ribeye steak, with Baked Potato, and a nice Salad. Especially the Salad. I think she will love that! 3)- I think my wife will be amazed at the amount of cars in America, I look forward to her learning how to drive 4)- My wife has serious allergies due to the Pollution in China. I will be real happy to see her breathe in the clean air here. I think this will be the "One" thing she will immediately appreciate. 5)- One day soon, I want to take my wife to Disney World. 6)- I want to intruduce my wife to "The Lazy Day", My wife never relaxes, always so busy. I look forward to that day that we can lazily lay on the couch and watch movies and nap, I dont think my wife will immediately accept that concept. 7)- I want to introduce my wife to the actual concept of freedom to say what is on your mind. Maybe i can find a protest to attend, just so she can truly understand that America is the home of the free. 8)- I want to introduce my wife to actual "Wildlife". I never saw any in Nanning. It is nothing for me to see Deer, Turkeys, Racoons, Opposums, Foxes in everyday life where i live. 9)- I think my wife will love the constant temperature in my house. My wifes house doesnt have Heat or Airconditioning. 10)- Uhhh Huhhh, I know she will love my Jacuzzi bath tub, but i cant wait to take a Bubble bath with her! I am sure there is more, I hope the Chinese ladies respond to the other thread i posted. I would love to get good ideas! Patrick
  5. Name the 10 things you want or wanted to see and do when you come to America. Patrick
  6. NVC doesnt send you anything regarding your approval. You'll have to call to find out! Took ours 5 weeks in NVC. Patrick
  7. Welcome back Monte, I too am a K3 filer. Just sent in my P3 last week. Patrick & Li
  8. I may be mistaken, But children under 16 arent required to have a passport! They ride in on the mothers passport. Patrick
  9. I was told the same Marty, but my wife also wanted to be married as oppesed to being engaged. Supposedly the reason K3 is shorter is you dont have to go through the Service centers to get her here. Your petition goes to Chicago, onto Missouri, and then to NVC. This is supposed to take a shorter time. I have found it pretty well evens out by the time it gets to GZ. If i had to make a wild guess, I would estimate it will be about 10 months start to finish for me. I am at the P3 process as we speak! Patrick
  10. LOL....I found Chinese cigarettes to be ok, in fact, one of the brands i smoked over there were a combination of Chinese/American tobacco. If ya choose to do that, Buy them Duty-Free, much cheaper! Patrick
  11. sorry, but there is nobody gonna stop me if i want to. Ya reckon Orrin spent 2 years in the military and never even bitched one single time? I doubt that! Its just a way to vent! Patrick
  12. Well Orrin, seeings how you decided to post a long Bitching post about us Bitching. Then i will continue to Bitch because it is my way of venting. If you dont like it, Too Bad, Bitch some more! Just a little bitching by me, Patrick
  13. The US government recognizes all marriages that are performed in other countries when one of the person is a US citizen. So, being the fact that i am married officially....Can i take advantage of the new Tax laws that GWB passed recently? The reason why i ask is because my wife has never lived here with me, and i dont forsee her being here before 2004. I mean, by law, I have to declare i am married, because legally i am. Correct? If you don't know about this law, it reduces your tax liability from 27% to 15%. That is a large chunk of money for me, and would be very helpful! Just curious and wondering if anybody had any advice! Sincerely, Patrick
  14. Free napkins in China? B) You gotta be joking me! Patrick
  15. LOL, I can only laugh! Fortunately, my wife is from Nanning. Doubtful if it ever gets below 45 there. She told me it never gets below 7C, but thats pretty damned cold when ya dont have any heat. I often tell my wife that when she is here, she will never have to worry about cold or hot inside the house ever again. That makes her so happy. I've been to Nanning twice this year, and both times it was just so damn hot. No A/C, only a small portable fan. I dont ever remember seeing my wife sweat though, as opposed to me looking like rivers of sweat running down my forehead. I got a few pieces of advice for ya. In China, they sell these little square packets of tissue. Always make sure ya have one of those with you at all times. Chinese toilets dont supply toilet paper! I sent many a Chinese Yuan down into the sewer! LMAO! Wear pants that have a button on the pocket in the back, and keep your wallet buttoned up at all times. My wife put me onto that little tip, she was constantly buttoning it, and i started getting a little annoyed till she told me about the professional pick-pocketers. Trust the cab driver, He really does know wtf he is doing, its just foreign to your way of thinking. My 1st 2 or 3 days there, I looked like i was sitting on a HOT SEAT, i was like...."Oh man" and "Ohhhhhhhhh shit", but after a while, i actually started enjoying it! Best drivers in the world are them "Chinese Taxi Drivers"! Be clear with your wife what you will and will not eat! I told mine Chicken, Duck, Pork, Beef, and Fish was my limit! Don't eat anything that comes on a stick unless you are a daring soul! Stay away from the chicken though, Chinese people dont cook it very well, always too rubbery for me! Thats about it, If i think of anything else, I'll post it! Patrick
  16. Well.....Lets put it this way. My wife is a strong, independant lady. She works hard, and she is very regimented in her behaviour. She is also very feminine, acts like a lady at all times. She understands and appreciates the fact that we are partners and share in lifes adventures together. I am also pretty sure that she has certain expectations of me that i have yet to grasp, and vice/versa! We often tell each other that we will teach the other about Chinese/American cultures. I am sure she will only teach me the good parts, as will I! I wouldn't have it any other way. Patrick & Li
  17. My opinion is.....When it is your issue, It is a BIG issue. When its someone elses issue, its not such a big issue! I agree with the consensus that bombarding this person with E-mails is not a good thing, but i also understand that when you are at wits end, you'll do whatever ya need to do to take care of it. Patrick
  18. I got my reply back from Linda Donahue today. She said my P3 had been re-sent as of today and that it had been sent with the Chinese address i had provided for her. Amazing! Thats all i wanted from GZ was for them to ackowledge me so i could send them my wifes address in Chinese characters. Thank you Linda Donahue! Sincerely, Patrick
  19. Wow, Is your wife actually docile and obedient! Mine aint! LMAO Patrick
  20. LOL...these people are amazing. My wife used the form also and sent them her address in Chinese. They sent her a reply back saying that their computers couldnt read chinese. I am getting frustrated with this! Been 13 days since i got anything from them, and its been 20 days since they supposedly uploaded and sent out our P3. Patrick
  21. Can anyone here give me the E-mail address for Linda Domahue. I need to know if they have actually sent our P-3 out, and if they did, I need to give them Li's address in chinese characters. According to DOS, it was uploaded into the system on 11-05-2003, and P-3 was supposedly also sent out, We havent received it nor have we had GZ confirm they have actually uploaded it. Thanks, Patrick & Li
  22. Congrats Rob, I think getting the letter from GZ is more important. They are the ones who actually send out the P3. Patrick
  23. Yea Bobby, DOS is the only people who have said that GZ has receieved and also sent out the P3. GZ will not respond to my E-mails. I even tried calling the number that Dave had posted and actually got through to an operator, but as soon as i told her what i was wanting, she put me on hold and then sent me to a pre-recorded message. This is so frustrating, all i want to know is if they have it and have they sent it. I have tried on numerous occasions to fax them my wifes address in Chinese letters, but i get no response at all! Patrick
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