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Patrick & Li

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Everything posted by Patrick & Li

  1. My wife is a few credits shy of getting her university degree in accounting. Her interview is March 1st, but because of her degree, she will not be able to come here until about June. My question is as follows.... Will her degree be beneficial to her here in America? Will she be able to use it to get a job? I know that her main obstacle is to learn fluent English, but she is very close to that now. I think it will probably take her about 1 year to get her English skills to a level of fluency. She and I both have teetered on the brink of saying the hell with it, and she would come as soon as she gets her visa, but at the same time, it seems such a waste if her degree will be useful here. Looking for opinions, Thanks, Patrick
  2. Our heartfelt congratulations to Frank and Jingwen. May the rest of your life be filled with health and happiness! Patrick & Li
  3. Congratulations Jerry, You've pretty well passed the last hurdle. At least with the others you'll be together. Patrick & Li
  4. Roosevelt and Reagan. Roosevelt because he was able to bring this country out of the "Great Depression" with innovative ideas. Reagan because he brought the feeling of Pride back to our country, and he broke the "Cold War" with his Star Wars ideas, even though they proved to be a myth after the Soviet Union had fell! Just my opinion of course! Patrick
  5. Ok Charlotte, Then give us more insight. Tell me what i need to expect from ALL angles. Tell me what is going to be her biggest shock? I yearn to be her good teacher. I want for her to be able to fit right into american society with the least amount of obstacles as possible. Teach me Charlotte! Your most loyal student, Patrick
  6. More, More and More Charlotte, Please!!! I read everything you post! Would you consider giving me access to your womens group? Thank You, Patrick
  7. I always thought it would be great to observe Charlottes Yahoo group. I dont have to participate. I just want to know what they are thinking, what they need. I want to learn from their experiences. Patrick
  8. No, what it actually means is.....They are Morons! Patrick
  9. I dont know. I guess if everything goes as planned, then that is definitly enough time. I think i will try to have a 4 hour layover at my POE when my wife gets here. Of course, that also could be a problem if they decide to isolate her and interrogate her. I have read of people who have gone through in 10 minutes and i have also heard of people being detained for hours! I guess its a crap shoot with the odds being on your side! Patrick
  10. LOL, No, i was actually kind of feeling sympathetic about your case and thought you might get some valuable info there. I had ran across it doing a point of entry search and realized it had loads of Russian information. Thought it might help you out! Patrick
  11. Hey Clifford, Just in case you might have missed this web site. Go check it out, It might be of some help to you. Russian immigration page Patrick
  12. Congratulations everybody that got their P4 and interview! Still waiting on mine, I called DOS on Monday and they said it was still pending. Whatever the hell that means! Patrick
  13. Chinese/American couple raising children Patrick
  14. I129f (K3) goes from Chicago to Missouri to New Hampshire, I think! Not exactly positive about that, its been a while. I-130 goes to your service center, whichever one that may be. Mine was Texas....Yuck! Patrick
  15. Truth is SF, You are a total bore, Why do you even bother? You are about as usefull to "CFL" as tits on a boarhog! Patrick
  16. "Don't go out in that rain without your coat and hat, You'll catch a cold" Medical fact is, The only way to catch a cold is to be in contact with the germ that carries it. So yea, were all subjected to wisetales from the past! Patrick
  17. ????? If by "nothing like American women", you mean that Chinese women reside in China instead of the USA, I'll agree with you 100%. The biggest difference I have noticed between the Chinese / American women I interact with is that the former speak Chinese as thier first language, while the latter speak English. ???????? I totally disagree!
  18. I guess what makes me love my wife so much is....I have never had someone who was willing to give all she has, and never ask for anything in return. She has turned me into a man that i like to be. I enjoy giving her everything i have, heart and soul! She encourages me to dream of brighter days. You say you have a bad temper. I have never seen my wife get mad. Yes, i have seen her get frustrated. I have seen her sad. I have seen her be a bit pushy, and i have seen the stubborn side of her. But i have never seen my wife wake up in the morning with a scowl on her face. I have never been reminded of our past disagreements. When we disagree, we just agree there is no solution and move on. I love my wife because she is the Anti-typical american woman. Patrick
  19. Ohhhhhhhhh The agony! I sometimes feel a little guilty, because i actually have to think to be thoughtful. It comes natural for my wife. I know its the culture, and i am thankful everyday for being able to experience it. Patrick
  20. Hey Clifford, Have you ever gone to the British Expatriates web site. It has lots of information for Russian immigrants.The web site is britishexpats.com Patrick
  21. LOL, I will put my foot down in some ways. I will not wear lots of clothes in the house and she will not hang clothes on the shower rod. I know we are going to butt heads, she's as stubborn as i am! But some things just dont make sense! Patrick
  22. Been quiet around here lately. Was just wondering if anybody has heard any news on P4's lately. Patrick
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