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Patrick & Li

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Everything posted by Patrick & Li

  1. My NOA from Missouri state it is good from 7-17-2003 to 11-15-2003. That is a little more than 2 weeks away. No way it will be completed by this time! What am i supposed to do? That seems sort of Moronic to me, why would they set the date so early when they are too inept to complete by this date? Patrick
  2. No worries bro! I was never offended by what you posted, just misunderstood it. Happiness is the bottom line, Doesn't really matter how you achieve it! Patrick
  3. Glad you cleared that up for me Clifford, I missunderstood what Mooncafe was saying. Yes, that is exactly how i met my wife. I had just gotten out of an awful 4 year committment with my ex-fiancee from the USA. I was lonely but not looking to make that next step. But i had always been attracted to the "Asian look". So i signed up with a internet dating site. My purpose was to make friends with some asian ladies. I never thought i would meet or even marry one. My wife on the other hand had been single for 5 years. She hadnt dated anyone in those 5 years and she had heard from friends that foreign men were different from the Chinese man ...ie..Foreign men are more "Family oriented". Those were her words and not mine but that appealed to me. I know that isnt always the case anywhere, but that she was searching for something that i also was searching for, gave us something in common. We started talking, and the more we got to know each other. The more we realized we were highly compatible. We both decided to dive in head first. Best move i have ever made in my life. I dont regret a single thing about it except the fact that my Gov't makes this such a hassle. We are both being patient and we both tend to ease the others burdens when we become impatient! So yes, There is love on the internet, and yes, i did meet my wife through a Internet dating service. Patrick
  4. Ummmm. errrrrr.....No, according to her. She got this information from the Guangzhou embassy. Sorry, didnt go into enough detail! Patrick
  5. My wife has a friend who owns a internet cafe and it mainly is for ladies interested in meeting Foreign men. This owner told my wife that the Guangzhou embassy only opens new documents every 2 months. If this is true, then i am thinking September and October are lumped together. People who are in August should be getting their P3 very soon. I don't know how reliable. Patrick
  6. Yup, thats a fact! Probably doesnt get dark in western China till 11pm. I know i am going to have to explain day lights savings time to Li all over again today....sigh!!! Patrick
  7. My coffee maker has a permanant screen. It works just like a filter. I can take it out and wash it. That sounds like what ya need! Patrick
  8. I assume the GUZ# that i got from NVC isn't the same as the GUZ# that GZ will assign our case, Is it? Patrick
  9. I noticed on the new K3/K1 timeline site that someone said they had downloaded the P3 documents and Pre-sent them to their consolute. Is this something that i can do to get ahead of the game? Patrick
  10. Well, now i am in the "Q" with the rest of you. Wonder how long before i get the P3. Seems like a lifetime! Patrick
  11. In fact, BCIS recommends you only send copies and keep originals for your interviews. I doubt its a problem. Patrick
  12. Thats great to hear! Good luck on the interview! I personally am still stuck in that hellhole between NVC, DHL and Guangzhou waiting for "Clearance Delay" Patrick
  13. Yea, i was a bit lucky. But i see deer everyday so i have my deer radar always on, I just couldnt avoid this one. It is my 1st time hitting a deer, which is somewhat unbelievable considering i see them every night coming home from work. The sucker went for my lights, and luckily i only caught his back end, but still probably did about $2000 in damage to my truck! Patrick
  14. It occurred to me that i see roadkill everyday on my way to and from work. I don't remember ever seeing roadkill in China! Patrick
  15. LOL, nothing here has escaped my attention! Patrick <
  16. I come here everyday to check in on the progress of people looking for there Visa. Yea, sometimes i am disappointed when there is nothing new. I love to read about everybodies different stories. I especially value the opinions and views of our better halves. I have tried to encourage my wife to share her opinions here, but she is too shy to do it. I love reading about their new experiences in the USA. I always translate that back to my wife. It helps her to understand what she is facing when she finally gets here. Please encourage your Wife/Fiancee to post here. I think we all learn from it. I will continue to try and encourage my wife to also do so. Patrick
  17. Yea, Last year a tornado wiped out Clemsons Library. They haven't replaced that book yet!
  18. We did all of ours through a Chinese Notary. All very official! Patrick
  19. We went K3, I went to China in April and we did all the things we had to do in about 8 hours. Got our Marriage certificate the next morning. They questioned my Single certificate only because the wording freaked them out. That was our only reason for not getting the red book that day. Patrick
  20. I am a member of Columbia House and they sent me a list of movies with Chinese subtitles. There arent many but there are some. Love Story is one of them. I'll see if i can find that E-mail or i will send them another to get that list again. Patrick
  21. Haha...Ain't none of you guys from the south, are you? How about Fried Chicken? Blackeyed peas with ham hock? LOL...Grits! Patrick
  22. LOL....You havent been watching Chinese TV. There is a show that has a bunch of characters dressed up as different animals. Pig man, Elephant man, monkey man etc.... I kind of liked it except i couldnt understand what they were saying. Patrick
  23. Try working 11pm to 7 am Monday thru Friday, and then change over to a 1st shift schedule on week-end so you can be normal! Fridays and Mondays are real killers. Glad i am back on 2nd shift now! Patrick
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