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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. NOA2 is an I-797. If you don't have it, contact the mis-info line and let them know. With luck, they will send one free of charge. I think the NOA2 should have come from the Service Center, not NVC. Mine did, but things may have changed in a year. My NOA2, sent on an I-797, said something like the petition has been approved and sent to DOS's NVC for processing. I never got a letter from NVC when it was finished with its processing, and I question whether your letter from NVC constitutes the "official" approval of your I-129F petition.
  2. If I'm reading your post correctly, NVC is finished with your file and has sent it to GZ. Unfortunately, you will continue to wait some more, but there is now more you can do to help pass the time. Do a search on how to track the DHL shipment. It will help the days go by. Don is right. If you're K-1, get that NOA2 and hold on to it with your life.
  3. Welcome to CFL. Unfortunately, you have asked a question that has no definite answer. I was one of the lucky ones in that NVC finished its mysterious work in about 30 days. Others have waited longer, some a lot longer, and some seem to get lost in NVC hell. If you scan people's timelines, you can get an idea of the wait times. You are doing the right thing in calling the NVC for updates.
  4. This one of Shamian Island has poped up a number of times and has links to Guangzhou proper: http://members.fortunecity.com/shamian/
  5. I had booked us at the Victory, but Jingwen asked her former brother in law to re-book us at the Shamian Hotel because she thought the Victory was too expensive (we needed two rooms because of her teenaged kids). Old 'bro did one of those "secret double handshake deals", and we ended up with two rooms at the Shamian - I don't remember the cost, but it was very cheap. The rooms were adequate, and a number of K visa applicants were staying there as well.
  6. Congratulations and thanks for the information.
  7. Jocelyn, welcome to CFL. It seems that you've got your act together and could probably help us more than the other way around. My comments are based on my K-1 experience that occurred more than a year ago, so the information may be stale and/or inappropriate. Hopefully, others with more current information about DCF will either correct my mistakes or confirm my comments. On the translation question, it sounds like you've got all the official documents covered. The translator certification on Jingwen's documents was straightforward: "To whom it may concern: This is to certify that the English Translation attached hereto is in conformity with the original Chinese copy." It was then signed and dated by the Notary. As far as the other documents (lease, etc.), I would probably go with a practical approach. If you think the information in the document will be needed to substantiate something, I would get it translated. If you are supplying the document as additional evidence, maybe not. Jingwen had sent me a number of hand written letters that I had included as part of my "evidence package", but I did not translate them. To me, the content of the letter was less important than the fact that the letter was sent. In your case, for example, if your pay slip is being used as the sole document to substantiate your income for financial support purposes, I'd probably get it translated. On the financial support question, I really don't know if the DCF requirements differ from the K-1 requirements. In my case, I completed the I-134 and relied solely on income to satisfy the requirements and did not list any assets or bank deposit information. I did the same thing when I filed the I-864 for the adjustment of status after Jingwen and I were married. I know others believe that you should provide both income and asset information. Good to have you aboard. I'm sure your perspectives will add much to the knowledge base and community we call Candle for Love.
  8. Glad to here this. I assume you went to the center on Buford Highway. Jingwen's and her kids' experience was similar - actually rather festive with jokes and smiles - a truly different face for our government. Just a quick aside. KK's name on her notice was misspelled, but the official just wrote over the misspelling - no problem, and the correct information was entered into the computers. Unfortunately, the misspelled name still ended up on her green card, and we had to file for a replacement card.
  9. The P4 --> interview interval is as short as mine. Time's 'a wasting. Get going and good luck.
  10. It's over!!!! Congratulations and best wishes.
  11. I question whether AP is needed once LPR (green card) status is obtained, conditional or otherwise. Seems to me that AP is not required once the green card or I-551 stamp is secured.
  12. Seems like MarkD may have stolen your thunder, so here's another congratulations to you and Fanny.
  13. Welcome esun41. Your handle sounds like Chinese for doctor (yisheng). The first thing you need to do is to wring the neck the of the current member who turned you on to CFL. It can be addictive, even more so than Cheetos, during the long wait running up to the interview. As mentioned, listing your timeline on the signature line (accessed via "Your Control Panel" link at the top of the page) will help everybody better understand your questions or your perspective. As far as being out of the norm, I only have one thing to say: . All we have here is a group that is willing to listen, advise, debate, challenge, comment, vent, criticize, help, and support one another - you know, a community.
  14. Endorsed to GZ I presume. Where's the kitchen sink? Sounds like you've got it covered though. Good luck.
  15. Maybe one of the Vegas newlyweds will chime in about the marriage capital of the US. Here in Georgia, all that was needed was proof of age and identity. Jingwen's passport satisfied both requirements. I'd probably first check with the local magistrate of other court official in your neck of the woods. It may be easier than you think.
  16. I believe the SS card can be issued in the name on the document that you are using to prove identity. If that's her EAD (SSA prefers identity documents with a picture), that should be it. The tax problem that can arise is when the employment information used for W-2s and other tax related filings identify you under one name but the social security card is issued in another name.
  17. If China, you might start here: http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/us-citiz...en/mrginfo.html
  18. It might help to know where you want to do the quickie. China? What city?
  19. Glad to hear that WeiQin arrived safe and sound. Take a little time to relax and enjoy before you start the process all over again - Oh, I forgot. You're in Washington where USCIS actually gets things done.
  20. Geez Jim, try to show a little excitement will 'ya. Congratulations and good luck.
  21. If I recall, it took Jingwen about 3 months to get her advace parole. I think you can still apply for it along with the AOS application, using form I-131.
  22. turtle, glad to hear that things went smoothly. For all intents and purposes, it's over. Just pray that the green card doesn't contain any errors.
  23. Glad to hear of the successful outcome. Best wishes.
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