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Everything posted by michaelt

  1. i also think this too much. I did nto give close to these amounts. I just brought some things that will make her life easier adn make her daughter happy. I like that. And that is where I am coming from. Just wanted ideas for some extra treats for her and the rest of her family...things they can't get or afford...you know, things you wouldn't buy for yourself. (like Denny's ashtrays?) Thanks for your post. : )
  2. Absolutely. I see business like this conducted in so many companies nowadays and it just sickens me. Please tell me...why 3 EAD's? I guess they ARE NOT automatically processed and approved? What's that all about?
  3. you're so funny and I thank you for your post anyway. Actually this is my second trip. I mailed candles and bath and body lotion while I was there in January. They actually arrived while I was there. My gal's family and I were celebrating my birthday, and while they were giving me gifts, the postman delivered theirs! It was great!!
  4. The easy answer is, anytime they want them. The truthful answer is, they're never asked for. A security guard at our AOS cracked the envelope enough to verify that they were x-rays - this is the only time on record where someone actually looked. They are yours to keep for posteriority. Thank you Randy. : )
  5. Good for you my friend. My gal and I have great wishes going your way. I hope to see you in a few days as I am leaving Thursday and may meet you while you ARE waiting to pick up your visa. I will look for you, and wish you both well!!!
  6. Thanks Mike! your comments crack me up! I know exactly how you feel. Like you want everything to be perfect for your homecoming. I think I will just dust, and clean the carpet. LOL Better yet, hire a service. Seriously. My neighbor has 4 gals come over and they scrub everything from top to bottom for an hour or two for $75!!! When I get back from interview, I will still have some painting and patio/garden/hot tub fix-it-up-stuff and plan on hiring one of these cleaning services. A month later, I will be flying my gal to a "brand new looking" home for us to mess up!!! I know she will love it!!!
  7. I'm a bit confused? At what point DO these x-rays get turned over to the Consulate? Aren't they given to VO AT interview? (You said she passed, and lost x-rays AFTER the interview?)
  8. I agree Jim and just wanted many different ideas, and will get as many little things as I can just for the fun of giving and seeing mama's reaction. She is so sweet. I also really can not do the dowry thing. Atleast not now. And really don't see the need. She and I talked about it awhile ago and she said a very definite "NO"! (I also only asked twice, because three may have gotten a yes!) I am not rich (but comfortable), not retired, can take good care of my gal, but plan on giving her a significant amount of money when she arrives, so she feels independent, money for new wardrobe, and money for her to go out with her new friends and neighbors. She can do anything she wants with this money including sending it to her family. I also want reserve money to fly her home if she starts to freak after AP, if she feels the need. I have incurred all past and present expenses of this process (including her moms plane ticket, hotels and meals for 9 days during interview) and have saved enough to take care of all AOS/EAD/AP and fun money for us to travel locally and go away on numerous weekends when she arrives. After that folks, my cup no longer runneth over.... : ) Thank you everone for helping me go shopping!!!! (I mean that!!!)
  9. Good for you and your wife our friend. A big Congratulations and wishes for a happy future!!!!
  10. Actually, Michael, your approach is very good. You are helping your teammate by allowing her to have her information handy and stay organized. What I disagreed with was presenting a list to the VO at the beginning of the interview, almost to suggest that he can choose from that list of documents only. On 001, some people suggest this approach. I am not sure if any CFLers have tried this in the past. My gal was going to present THAT list during the opening PowerPoint presentation while she's taking down the trade show booth. : ) slap stick....time to go to bed!!! Funny big man, funny!! Let me know how your idea works, I left my Mrs. the start of our "sink" when we were in Beijing. I put several outlines in it to help her not the VO! I figured it would be easier for her if organized and simple. 134 in a envelope by itself. NOA1 & 2 1st trip stuff pics, ticket stubs, passport copy 2nd trip ditto 3rd trip same O'Hare airport, where she will fly into My towns home page Church home page well you know what that is for msn e-mails regular e-mails photos of my sons with coats she bought for them more extra pics Seems pretty thorough to me...looks like you got it together!! Just a thought? NOA1 and NOA2....copies I hope? I think originals should be safe guarded? I have color copies (notarized...cause I'm anal) but hand carrying originals as backup. Good luck!!!
  11. Mama and Baba are 51. Would Centrum be insulting? No, it's not insulting. Even 20-30 year olds would appreciate Centrum. Of course, you can try your luck with giving Centrum Silver and see their reaction. That's exactly what I was thinking when Centrum was suggested. That's TV brain-washing I guess!!!
  12. Actually, Michael, your approach is very good. You are helping your teammate by allowing her to have her information handy and stay organized. What I disagreed with was presenting a list to the VO at the beginning of the interview, almost to suggest that he can choose from that list of documents only. On 001, some people suggest this approach. I am not sure if any CFLers have tried this in the past. That's a great point too, and I agree. Thank you for sharing. If they're in a "blue" mode, we've made the missing (we'll call it, "blue-able") item(s) obvious. The most our VO will see at one time is a couple of required documents listed on a cover page. (there are many other un-seen sections and cover pages) My gal HAS been to 001, so I must remind her of this. From the beginning, I have suggested (I never "tell" her anything!) that she "only give them what they ask for." Thanks again. : )
  13. Thanks Micheal for you details. I need to find myself some PINK folders to build my kitchen sink Good luck on your interview, Gino & Lulu never flaunt it, just "think" it!!!
  14. Actually, Michael, your approach is very good. You are helping your teammate by allowing her to have her information handy and stay organized. What I disagreed with was presenting a list to the VO at the beginning of the interview, almost to suggest that he can choose from that list of documents only. On 001, some people suggest this approach. I am not sure if any CFLers have tried this in the past. My gal was going to present THAT list during the opening PowerPoint presentation while she's taking down the trade show booth. : ) slap stick....time to go to bed!!!
  15. Mama and Baba are 51. Would Centrum be insulting? No, anything that shows you want to help their health is fine. Get a men's version and a woman's version and point out the difference. On one of my early trips I found out that baba had been taking mama's vitamins (I do the Centrum clone from Costco). With a straight face I carefully explained to him that mama's vitamins would cause his "little brother" to shrink and he would grow breasts ... he was horror struck. When we told him I was joking and gave him some Centrum clone for Men we all laughed so hard our sides hurt. Now the whole dang family expects vitamins every time we visit. We are happy to provide them. That's sooo funny!!! My list grows. Shall I expect problems with the folks at customs? Male stuff would look like mine. Perfume and stuff that grows breasts could be a problem.... : )
  16. These are all such great ideas, I'm writing down everything (except the dowry thing...sorry...no can do right now!!) Planned on giving my gal quite a bit of money when she first arrives so she feels independent and more comfortable. Expect to send money to her family from time to time, but really can't handle dowry at this time. Honestly didn't think it was necessary, but I do expect a large side business order in May, and planned on sending decent amount then.
  17. Can you recommend a good perfume that is admired, yet not available in China?? Seriously, I'm terrible at that sort of thing! (after I get the perfume, I'm going to Denny's to steal all the ashtrays, salt shakers, and sweet and low like the rest of the local retirees.... : )
  18. That is toooo funny!!! Thanks for the chuckle!!!
  19. Mama and Baba are 51. Would Centrum be insulting?
  20. What's that for?? Best wishes, Gino & Lulu I thought he was showing us the post-it?...and I thought...cool...I have thousands of those... : )
  21. Good for you Ron and your sweet gal!!! Congratulations!!! If I were you, I would paint my entire house!!!! (that's just because I was stupid enough to start that monumental task here!!!) : )
  22. My info is in 3 Acco-clasped colored folders that each have 2 internal section dividers. I have a cover "page" on each section such as: 1st section: 2-134 Affidavits of support, letter from employer, pay stubs. Next section (next to, and viewable from 1st section) 2006, 2005, 2004 Tax Transcripts. I did this to make it easy for my gal to find things quickly and, if Visa Officer is viewing I-134's, he can easily see tax transcripts are right next door. Other sections and other folders are the same. One folder (green) financials, 2nd folder (red) Relationship evidence (letter of intent, evolution, photos, sample of e-mails, web chat, telephone records, screen captures, 2 DVD's. 3rd folder (blue) receipts, boarding passes, etc. Again each "section" of each folder has a brief (2 or 3 bulleted lines) cover page for easy finding and to avoid fumbling through mountains of paperwork (and so important stuff is easily viewed by "other's" eyes if needed). The folks I hired to help with initial K1 filing (I-129) had everything paper-clippped together in an exact sequence, with a cover page for every document required. I think that is how USCIS wish to receive these things. I am quite content with what I have put together... everything that could be asked for, is there, and easy to find. I felt my job was to make my honeys job easy, and to make VO's job easy. I think I have accomplished my goal. : ) By the way, each folder is no more than 1/2" thick. (although "red folder, because of photos, is about 5/8" thick).
  23. Good for you and your special lady, and a big CONGRATULATIONS spacebar!!!!
  24. I know you've both worked hard for this, and I am sure the outcome will be wonderful!!! Good thoughts going your way. : )
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