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Everything posted by KandY

  1. I would be happy to honor you suggestion... but i didnt quite understand..explain again pls
  2. Kevin, You didn't say that about this old swinger that was getting google eyes on the dance floor on the hill overlooking Nanning. >Jim err...sorry Jim, I didnt want to raise your blood pressure
  3. Good point Jim!! "goose" "gander"....need I say more?
  4. Yeah! What Mark said! (good pimping Mark!)
  5. They look great Tony!!! Well at least she does heehee... btw, I am a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Dolphins fan...see ya at the end of the year
  6. I just put a B-I-G link on the front page to help you old guys
  7. on the Get Involved Menu " *Photo Albums"... i will put a splash on the front page so oldies but goodies like you can find it
  8. Jim just go to visadelays.com and you can do it yourself. Create an album >> upload your pictures... that easy
  9. I know that in the process, she will be pulled to the side where immigration officers will go through her packet and if its a POE that issues Employment Authorization cards, then she will have her photo taken also. So up to this point, you may be able to, but then you will indeed have to be seperated.
  10. I cant find my reading glasses... you're probably right!
  11. "A process is only as strong as it's weakest link."
  12. I would just like to add that while truely festive, those darn christmas lights has just burnt a line across my forehead!!!
  13. The ultimate 'uber' system would be where one central system tracks a case from first form to visa issuance... I would be surprised to see if that ever happens though
  14. I also did the same a few a weeks ago. I hope you have better luck than I did..
  15. I don't mind writing the code, as it keeps me busy and my mind off being so mad at our government. I am going to put an upload feature where people can upload their photos and the server makes thumbnails automatically for quick display. The thumbnails will be clickable for a larger photo. If many of us use it, great!!! If not .... well at least I kept busy......
  16. ok, i will write the photo album for visadelays.com right now
  17. Just saw this as i was sick yesterday (feel bad for KandY!)... visadelays.com is hosted at my company, therefore, i own the server space, therefore we have as much as needed If you can explain to me exactly what you want to provide as far as the pictures, I will write it myself post haste. We use ASP and Sql Server exclusively, so I can provide whatever the group needs. Just let me know
  18. Patriots? Superbowl? ha! Miami will crush them ....
  19. Not to muddy the already unclear waters here... but i dont think the month of August alone is the only victim. I think that some or all of Sept. is also in the same boat... My lovely Fiance's interview was Sept 12... her name was resubmitted on Nov. 2nd.... But of course this really isnt about 'me' or 'you' - its about GZ. So I support getting to the bottom of the August group, as even if it doesnt directly affect me, it may help.
  20. I would like to 1)Create the letter 2)Have people put the names on it a visadelays.com 3)Send it
  21. Just moving this to the top... Pls take the time to do the poll, we need to find the average.
  22. Nice letter.... i believe that things obvious to us - are not to our government. I would add something like "CA needs to send temporary workers to GZ so the back log can be reduced in a reasonable amount of time". btw - i am a Dolphin fan
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