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tsap seui

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Everything posted by tsap seui

  1. cuzin' tobacco chew, you are never gonna get out of this alive....face it, son!!! Up cheer in Pennsyltucky they have a list of 21 maladies that a person can have...and...be eligible for a boner fide Pennsylvania medical marijuana card. One of them is PTSD. Well, my fellow outhouse visitor, let me tell you, in September I went in with my extensive VA proof of service connection PTSD with mucho VA paperwork. The good examining doctor read over 50 pages of my 2,719 page VA file, laughed to herself, told me, My Gawd man, you are crazier than a shithouse rat!!!! And lickty split I got my official medical card and I went out and bought my first ever legal pot. What Imma gettin' at here cuzin' is, you may be experiencing some PTSD of yore own. Maybe, hell!!! You've got it, bubba, you jes didn't need to go get shot down 5 times in a helicopter in Cambodia and south got-dang Vietnam to get it. Know wudda mean? I don't know where the good state of Gawga stands on MMJ but I do know that help is out there fer ya. Two hits on a vape pipe that has a cartridge with 81% THC content and yer troubles go up in a haze of exhaled vapor. Why son, you will do, say, and write anything SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) orders you to do, and you will do it with a big "legal" grin on that handsome face, a twinkie in one hand and a big gulp in the other. Problem solved, amigo. Legally too !!!!!!!` Good luck cuzin' grit, us'in redneck sumbitches gotta help each other. I'll be happy to help steers ya in the right directions when this old dirt clod seems to spinning out of control.
  2. She had better pay the fine and live on another day. Otherwise, she may get a cheap piece of lead suddenly injected into the back of her pretty lil' skull.
  3. You is rite cuzin pinto bean! I am in a hepa trouble alrite! I have to do sumthin to get in trouble becauze if I didn't then she wouldn't be happy!!! Know whadda mean Vern?? Amen, cuzin' Bull Frog. Often is the time I've "picked my own switch" (so to speak) and done some minor thing wrong...jes because things wuz going too smooth n' I was becomin' right fearful of truly slippin' up. I fully unnerstand jes what the words comin' out of yore mouth are on this here subject. I ain't had my ass kicked by a mop or a shoe in many months now. I may start goin' to church again....cough, cough...I well realize that at any given time I am only one small "imperfect action" away from a sound thrashing, and gettin' cut off for a week. cuzin; Outhouse
  4. I'll not bet against the lil' lady, but I will pluck down a fiver that yore butt is in a heapa trouble, cuzin' Grit!!!!! A HEAPA TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! You should get the medal of honor jest fer survivin' this dadgum long!!
  5. Being force fed a bite out of a trade balance inequity "reality sandwich" must be pretty tough to take, especially when there has only been bluster about it for so many years...add in the Asian face thing and...oh well...there is lot's more countries for Wal-Fart, etc., to go to for cheap goods to be sold to us heathens. Heaven knows, we here in America are gonna take some getting used to when it comes to having equal trade partners. Lucky me, I've stocked up on my beloved Chinese handcuffs that the wife uses on me.
  6. That is my kinda livin' rat thar, cuzin' Dirtclod. Yer ol' cuzin' ButtRash has thrown more than one sofa off the third floor of his stacked up trailer highrise, I'll tells ya. Wimmin loves it when you do macho thangs like that!!!
  7. You gonna be the couch king Bubba!!!
  8. Son, ah say SON, suddenly I feels ill, jes thankin' about yore poor head takin' all of them mop slaps. Isn't there anyone who can hep this poor man, I scream into the manicured wilderness????
  9. Why hell yes you are stoopid as dog shit, hombre....but you ain't as stoopid as me. Here is some nice music to lift your moral. I use this song every morning. https://youtu.be/ZCDf3XQKKKA Awesome cuzin!! you kant be more Stoopid than me. Just as Jane I know you kant be more stoopid than me, cuzin' Homey. I know this because it is a medical factoid, anybody stoopider than me ain't gots enough brain waves to be breathing. Know wudda mean, Vern?
  10. Why hell yes you are stoopid as dog shit, hombre....but you ain't as stoopid as me. Here is some nice music to lift your moral. I use this song every morning. https://youtu.be/ZCDf3XQKKKA
  11. Suddenly I feel sick on my stomach.
  12. Sorry Randy, my bad. I was not trying to agree with the plan or disagree with it. I thought public assistance was just that...public assistance. It got pounded into my head here on Candle the whole 5 years that we went through legal immigration. YOUR IMMIGRANT CAN'T use any public assistance. So, it looks like there WAS some form of public assistance that we may have been able to use legally, and now those forms of public assistance are getting the stink eye from the administration. What a world, eh? There is public assistance, and there is also....public assistance. I admit to being laser focused on things like when they make us sign a form that covers public assistance, I thought it meant ALL types. Keep your immigrant's record free and clear of any form of public assistance, all of that sort of stuff. I hope all here are okay and don't have any problems from this.
  13. Ah...didn't we sign a form 861 or something that said we would be in a world of hurt that had to be paid back if we allowed our family to use any public assistance? Is something new here or are they only out to crack down and enforce something that has already been in place? What were our financials all about, too? Just another joke on us? Was all of what we signed and went through supposed to have been a joke, because some group wants want immigrants who have used public assistance to be given a free pass? I don't get it...where is the stink in this?
  14. How ya doin', cuzin' Larry? Shucks cuzin' it's America, everyone is allowed to do as they dang well please. There has even been a buncha folks who went off and fought for their right to take a knee, for them athletes, and the rest of the cry babies. It was so cool to see our son, Fengqi sitting up there with the other 24, soon to be, "citizens by choice". Inside that room I was greatly surprised, to the point of very happy tears to see a slice of the America that I got the privilege to grow up in. How refreshing that was, brief as it was. I had thought I'd never see that side of America again. And, it was a wonder to sit there and watch the culmination, for Fengqi, of the shit storm the DOS handed his mom and I for 5 years so that he could stand and take his oath on that day.
  15. Here cuzin' Corn Pone, I'll be happy to field this one fer ya. I don't know why it is taking so long. With our son, Billy Bob Jimmy-Joe-Buck Zhang, he took his test on April 12th of 2018 and we went to Pittsburgh on June 8th to see him sworn in. The ceremony was one of the most patriotic events I have ever seen....and Imma sayin' this after marchin' in the dedication of the Vietnam Wall in 1982, and attending the dadgum dedication of the Vietnam Helicopter pilots and crewmen Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery earlier this year. There were 25 new American citizens sworn in (from 19 different countries). America the Beautiful was sung, the National Anthem was played, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. It may be hard to believe but I swear to you, I saw no one take a knee during any of the patriotic music, or even puke in disgust when the word God was mentioned. It was a refreshing and beautiful event with lots of happiness and smiles....sniff, sniff...I had to use a beach towel to keep from ruining my sear sucker leisure suit....know wudda mean? We even got the pleasure to see a video of our great president welcoming the new American citizens into the club. I haven't been serious about much since 1972 but I was surprised and floored by that swearing in ceremony. It was like being taken back in time to a former American atmosphere. The one that I grew up in, went to war for, and was thinking that we had lost forever. As a more refined person than myself would say, it was a very refreshingly poignant moment in time. I hope SWMBO's (she who must be obeyed) swearing in ceremony date comes soon.
  16. Carl never really gave out much to us about himself but boy, what a nice feller who had one helluva sense of humor, and who loved to laugh. I'll just have to write more about Carl later....this is overwhelming to hear, right now.
  17. Greg, I never use that W/U question and answer security feature. In America, I too bank in usd. I use W/U's person to person, Money in Minutes (or some such name). I go to my local Piggly Wiggly, grab a W/U form and just write down that the money is to be sent to China, a name for who will pick it up, and how much money (in usd) is being sent. No city name, no bank name.... just the word China. At my wife's bank she never touches any yuan or yankee dollars, unless she wants to. They will pay her out in yuan or dollars, her choice. My wife once got the bank to give her a few usd so her father could look at it. Otherwise, she doesn't have much use for yankee dollars in China. As far as fees and such from western union. They are clearly spelled out on the paper you are given which has a ten digit number that I give to whoever is going to pick up the money in China. In China, at the Postal Bank my wife has an account in, the person I sent the money to needs to know show their ID and they need to know 3 things ... MY NAME, the all important 10 digit number that I gave them from my W/U ticket, and...they need to know in "usd" how much money I sent. Not yuan, not anything else. It is too easy on both ends. Heck, I am already in the Piggly Wiggly buyin' pinto beans n' taitters n' such so it ain't no extra chore to hand over some yankee dollars and fill out a few key lines on a form. Do they get every last microscopic cent that could possibly be made that day in the exchange rate? I used to study that back in 2007 when I started sending money over to China so my girlfriend could build a new home. Jeez, when you could send a max single transaction of $7,499.00 for $22.00, at that time, my eyes would get blurry when I saw that the difference in W/U and getting the exact best most perfect scenario for fees and such was negligible...in my book. I never looked at it like I had done myself a disservice, if you will. Not tryin' to push W/U off on anyone else. I am a REAL low tech non-digital Analog Man and that is just my experience with W/U. An experience that will greatly diminish when we will hit our goal for money sent to China, soon, when I send over the last installment for our son to deposit in his mom's account before he comes back to this side of the pond for his 4th year at Penn State. It has been quite a ride with W/U..... What is life if you can't laugh at it, aye? To this day, in our local Piggly Wiggly, we are friends with all of those lady managers who helped me send all of that loot to China to some Chinese girl. It took us so long to get their visas that I was years of sending money over yonder. I never lost faith in my war against the State Department. I kept telling those ladies that "one day you will get to meet "the little rabbit"". When Wenyan finally walked into the store with me in August 2011 it was like they all already knew her. Pretty cool stuff, I never let those ladies forget about how much I appreciated that they had had a hand in helping to get this woman over to their community. Wenyan is a dadgum bonerfide gift from above, I tells ya . OHHHRAAAAH BABY
  18. Beachey, W/U is $15.00 for person to person transactions of $500 to China. You can do it online with them too but I have no clue what the rates are. We usually send over $5,000 or $7,000 chunks of loot a few times each year (usually sending the total legal limit each year). Those person to person transactions cost $26 each. Their website will tell you everything and you can calculate what it cost to send money bank to bank online, also. But no, W/U ain't gonna beat 3% on $500, they will only meet it, as far as person to person transactions...the bank to bank transactions? I'm out of my league in that sort of sophistication.. LOL
  19. Thanks much, Greg. While I would have liked to be sittin' beside ol' Arlo when he was flyin' into Los Angeles, bringin' in a coupla keys, I don't think he used my song on his B side. But, you were close my good man, as my words were put to music and sung on the B side of Tom Waits' smash hit...."The Piano Has Been Drinking" Here is Tom singing his lovely and touching romantic hit, The Piano Has Been Drinking, on the Fernwood 2Night set with Martin Mull and Fred Willard. Hearing his tender voice you can just imagine how delicate the B side was.
  20. Wenyan had better been greeted that way upon her return via Dulles. My heart rate starts to rise and my palms get sweaty just thinking about the wrath of Buddha that could have been released upon them had they not treated Wenyan any other way. There is no limit to the amount of bad karma and wet mopping that could have been. I shudder and shake just thinking about how quickly our older, truly pissed off and in a bad mood Chinese wives can become, if provoked enough. The stare alone can make million year old granite crack, let alone some lowly TSA line greeter who is not being polite and smiley. All joking aside, I concur that everything will be just fine. You just have to keep it in perspective what you are hearing and reading, and the source of your information. Knowing that it may have come from your wife's girlfriends cousin, who heard it at work from her coworkers brothers sister, who overheard the waitress talking about what she had read on 001 last week and confirming it with a Wikipedia article that she remembers reading about last year, thus becoming the Chinese wives heard it though the grapevine gospel truth. "wet mop slap"...Holy jumpin' Mexican beans MAN!!! You said the 3 words that I most fear...Why those three words are as unwanted to hear as the 4 words that I fear the most..."not tonight, I'm tired". Yeah buddy, they treated her very well. All that hysterical conjecture you see and hear and read everywhere you look, listen, and read is just that at this point in time...conjecture. It is still at the point of , if you aren't flouting the posted rules, ya got nothing to worry about. With that said, I have to admit, they can pull anyone out of line and take them behind the doors that have locks ...ON BOTH SIDES. On my 6th out of 7 trips to Chinartucky, I got up to the customs officer's desk at Newark. handed in my passport and watched his eyes light up from reading his computer. He raised his hand to another customs character to come escort me behind...THE DOORS WITH LOCKS ON BOTH SIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My personal customs bodyguard directs me to sit down near a couple who looked like they may be from the middle east. This one young punk in a uniform yells out my name. I stand and say, "yes".....this young fellow in a uniform starts off with YELLING loudly at me the question...WHY ARE YOU MAKING SO MANY TRIPS TO CHINA? So, good patriotic American that I am, I calmly stood, and sat when told to, and listened to this poster boy for government employment yell at me at the top of his lungs for an hour and 22 minutes. Then, after he had gone through every article I had on me and packed in my luggage...hehehe...on that trip I had taken over a 1,000 copies of evidence as we prepared to submit that 2nd immigration application for Wenyan and Fengqi. This feller in a uniform with a some badges on it looked at every single sheet. As well as spending time reading my checkbook ledger, feeling and fingering all of my clothes...all while yelling like my photo was posted in post offices everywhere and he had just caught me. After 13 1/2 hours in the air I was mentally depleted. When young punk in uniform started yelling, I went into my safe zone...I started remembering flying choppers in Cambodia and parts of SVN. The more he yelled, the farther up the Mekong River I flew as my crew and I skimmed the dark orange red mighty Mekong with the skids just 3 feet above. By the time I went through my safe place vaults I was up to the part about landing a Huey on top of and then settling down in a huge mari-jane field we spotted out in Cambodia. I was settling the bird down into the plants, listening to the door gunners giving me directions on the tail rotor when out of the mists of the past I hear... "Okay, you can go". The lil' boy's rant must be finished, and I can see that the small tent in the front of his zipper on his pants has deflated, so he must be "spent" and the show must be over I reckon to myself. He pats me on the back like we might be from the same warrior tribe (not hardly, son) and as he opens the door with two sided locks he leans in and softly tells me...."Nothing personal sir, just doing my job, have a nice flight home". Well, at least America was safe from me for almost an hour and a half one day back in 2010. Breathe easy you fair maidens and pilgrims everywhere... So, you can see, some folks are gonna get flagged or pulled out line...even if your trips were for 6 or 8 week sex festivals with a topping of lots of immigration paperwork with your mate. I could quote a cute Mel Brooks line as governor in the movie Blazing Saddles, but will refrain from here. My wife has made almost as many trips to China as I have (which ain't really all that many) and...sniff, sniff...she has gotten much better treatment from American officials than I have. Good for her...long live our Chinese wives. OHHRAH Changing planes in Canada should be completely un-eventful. The numba one reason why it would be an event of bad sorts is....1. Playing and flouting with the rules. With life, in most cases, Clean Noses, don't get picked.
  21. Your wife will be just fine. My wife came home from Fushun in early April after a 3 1/2 month stay. She got welcome home words and smiles from all of the officials in Dulles Airport when she came back. Ya pretty much have to be looking for trouble (to get into trouble). Normal trips with no pushing the limits each time, they aren't harassing people just to do it.
  22. My question about Jer and ol' Xi is this...did they fire one up in the back room? Peace.
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