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Everything posted by danswayne

  1. I just read it also, and now ai feel better about my job here in Changsha, I get better than average in almost all aspects. I did have to fight and bargain a long hard time for it though.
  2. I was going to say almost the same thing but did not want to start anything. I did not read too closely, just scanned it, but I did not see too much bad about China. I do agree with most people here in China that Bush is stupid and the war should not happen. Maybe that is because I have two younger brothers and an uncle over there right now.
  3. I don't agree with they are China Dolls, but they sure do become China Bosses fast after marriage. Just kidding before I get in too much trouble by the way. My wife is the ideal China Doll, but I have learned she can be as stubborn as me sometimes. And it sure is funny when that little girl pushes this big laowai around.
  4. I feel very sorry for PJ aka Phatkat, and I have seen some people here who would do the same thing in the drop of a hat. I also can say that you can judge some people here just by looking sometimes, and I agree the boyfriend does not look too trusting. I can always tell who the thief is on the bus here in Changsha for some reason, and I would be very careful around that guy. I have stopped some thieves here by the way and the whole bus was happy there was a big nosed foreigner on the bus when it happened. I have worked with the government of Hunan for over a year, because I am not just a teacher here I also help a Charity Foundation from Tennessee. So I have seen all kinds of people here, people I would trust with a million dollars, and then some people who make satan look trustworthy. Diana has showed me the best side of China, and that is why we both plan to make it our future home if this mess ever gets cleared up in GZ. The more I have read the board the past day or two the happier I am her family is trying their best to keep me in China, even if I have to fight them all the time to stop feeding me like the pig I am.
  5. I would never spit on her, but I would be glad to know if this has happened before. I was afraid of the same thing happening to me when I first came to China. That is why I told myself no girlfriend the whole year I was here. Also because I only wanted to stay in China for the one year and then move on to new things. Well that all changed when Diana walked in the door and I saw that smile. It took me a couple months for this fat, ugly foreigner to win her over, but when I did there was no looking back for her, or me either. We now spend about 24 hours a day together and I think I can speak for her too on this, we both wish we had about 10 extra hours a day to be together. I have had some girls ask me point blank, do you have a foreign friend, who needs a girlfriend, because she needs a passport. There are all kind of girls here some get lucky others don't. I have seen more bad foreigners than bad girls here in my 3 years, and that is the saddest part.
  6. We have already gone one step farther than you. We do have it easier than 98% of you being together the whole time, even though I am getting paid Chinese wages now. We will hopefully go to America sometime this year and stay a few years, and then return to China and make some real money. We will never pay one tax dollar to America while here and we will be saving more in one year than others do in many more. We will keep our American passports but that is all I want to attach me to the country now.
  7. That's a load of bull. While talking to my congressman's office a few weeks ago the lady told me before I got a chance to ask that it was the FBI who was doing the namechecks. You must have gotten one of those nice helpful people I have been hearing so much about. YOu should probably be glad she didn't hang up on you at least. I am sorry that just like you probably are that noone can give a straight answer on any of this.
  8. I don't want to be too rude here, but Nichole how many girls do you think that describes. Coming to China and finding a small girl with long straight hair is very very easy. Try doing it in Tennessee or Florida, and you have a different story. I am sure you will be able to find Owen pretty easy though just look for the beard that reaches the floor.
  9. I tried that before and found out real fast it doesn't work very good for a boy from Paris. Esp. one from Paris, TN.
  10. Hey people send some money my way and I will travel anywhere in China you ask. I have not been a foreign expert for a long time now and have not had a free trip in the last 5 months. Hope Eric doesn't get mad, but I was even a Frenchman for a cosmetic company one time.
  11. If you have ever been to GZ in person, or even talked to some of them on the phone, you would know that waking up in the morning is probably a challenge for half the people down there.
  12. Just because you can spell doesn't mean you have control of English grammar!!
  13. Chinese fish is great, but I still haven't learned how a Chinese person can put a whole piece of fish in their mouth and manage to get every bone out with just their tongue and teeth.
  14. Here in Changsha we have all different kinds of milk I have found only two or three brands that I can say I like.
  15. My wife has flat out told me that is she was older than me I could just forget it, she would not even look twice at me. We have some friends, who were dating and even engaged, but the girl was older, in one case just about 3 months. This led to too much pressure from the family on both sides and they had to break up. One girl I know took this very hard and has turned down all guys for the last year because she was ready to get married, but his family would not let him because she was the one who was a piddling 3 months older. So yes age does matter, at least here in Changsha. But if you are at least one day older then no worries, you beat the deadline. And yes there are many girls here who prefer their man to be older maybe at least 10 years, maybe it is, the older you are the less playing around you will do.
  16. Just found out on Bigzoo that I can use the phonecard here in China!!!!!!!!!!! I get on the internet and set up the call using big talk and Bigzoo connects my cellphone to the phone number I want to call stateside. Last night I made a call home for just 6 cents a minute. And since I have a student card in my phone when someone calls my cellphone I don't pay anything. If you want more info just let me know and I will try to help you.
  17. You travel to my Paris and you still see the Eiffel Tower, all 25 meters of it.
  18. We have bubblebath straight from Wal-Mart in Tennessee :ph34r:
  19. Are you kidding that is the most fun place to be bothered.
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