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Everything posted by LGR_WEI

  1. I guess you can see my timeline that I am K3 and I got my letter in the mail of NVC out in like 9 days time. >L
  2. Feb filer here, but no P3 yet.. >L
  3. First hand experience on this June 6 2007..... I was in China May 17th, and my visa expired May 27th.... My visa allowed 60 days stay. I left on June 6th however... The border check was flawless. The United Airlines girl when i was LEAVING was the only person confused. I told her that my visa was for coming to china. Not leaving. She called someone anyhow and when she got off the phone indicated I was right... she was sorry for the confusion. On the visa you will see it clearly says "enter before" Not leave.. >L
  4. Congrats on the pink... Thank you for the report and questions... I share all the questions with my Lao Po so she is ready also... >L
  5. What do you send the SO for her to send back with P3? >L
  6. LGR_WEI


    thanks for the detail report... I have those double red flags on previous marriage with K visa's involved. I hope my detailed explainations I sent in with my petitions is enough up front info. The USCIS approvals when well so far. >L
  7. By info what is in the package? SEE: http://guangzhou.usconsulate.gov/visa_packet_forms3.html Do I need to send the I-864? If not what? >L
  8. anyone have info on the P3 for K3 ? >L
  9. I have a Harbin girl, but we dont have an interview yet... I see you were in Harbin May 31st.. I was there too.. wish I had known we could have met up.. I am home now.. missing my Harbin girl.. >L
  10. Come Nov 2007, if my Lao Po does not have the K-3 visa, or the CR1 visa, I will be moving to China in 08. I have already been offered 3 jobs teaching, and like your SO, my wife is a nurse also. I dont think I face this multiable visa problem since my first k-1 was in 2000, and my 2nd failure was a i-130 for a chinese girl already here in the USA on a F-1 ( student visa ). However, that was in 2004 we filed. >L
  11. this brings back memories for me... I remember the first day I told my boss I was going to China. He said, thats good, you need a vacation. Then he asked what tour group... I said no, I will be meeting a girl in China, and she will be my tour guide, and maybe my wife. Well, of course then I had to explain how I came to meet this girl. Usually, I just say we met on the internet. I try to end it at that. Even back in 2000, it was not understood how you could meet on the internet, but today, with eharmony and matchmaker blowing all those ads on TV and radio, the understanding of meeting on the internet is easier. If you tell someone that you met on AFF ( asiafriendfinder ) it is more likely to be associated with the " buy a bride " idea. I told my family in 2000 after my wife was here why I had went to china 4 times. There is no clear way to tell someone unless you know the person you are telling really well, or they fall into the same situation as you. Coming to CFL and saying you met a girl on the internet.. well, so did 80% of everyone else. When I was on that plane trip between the USA and China, I would usually at some point tell the person next to me in conversation I just when to china to see my SO, and then they just had to know more, or they told me of a story of someone they knew that used in the internet for dating/marriage. >L
  12. Yes,, I should have thought to mention that I had a discussion about my SO's previous wedding. It went like this... SO, did you have a big wedding with ex-husband? She said yes, very big. 3000 people. SO, was the wedding a success in your mind? She said no, she there were to many things controlled by the ex-husband that did not work out. SO, do you want to handle the wedding arrangements and you can do whatever you want, and I will be happy. She said yes... She will love to arrange everything, along with all her friends.. So, she ask to me.. How much money can I spend on this wedding? I told her "dont worry, I have enough to cover it for sure." Now, I had no idea what I was going to be spending, but, I figured in my mind with all she was saying we would have, I better plan on 5000 RMB to be safe. We have a DVD of the wedding. We have about 500 pictures. And today, my SO can say she enjoyed the wedding very much. As to the red envelopes.. In my case, the money when to the ma ma and ba ba. I saw my SO counting the money at the hotel that night after the wedding. I never once asked how much was there. I wanted to see what was going to happen with the money. Sure enough, she called her mother and told her that there was 4000 plus RMB. Then the next day, she gave the money to her mother. I never asked why she did this. I was really embrassed about one part of the wedding. My SO ma ma and ba ba took me as their son. In this process, they gave me money in a red envelope. I could not stand that they gave me this money. I knew however, I could not give this money back to them directly. So, I purchased some nice gifts before I left and thank them for a great daughter. There is another story I told about going to Chongqing to marry a girl, that did not work out in the end. At some point, we were ready to try and marry, and she told me that I was expected to give her father some large amount of money because I was marry her. I was not comfortable with this since I already think she is only to me for the GC and get her father to the USA. We did not marry of course anyway, but I have heard many times the marriage entails the husband giving the money to the parents. >L
  13. I just had the chinese wedding 10-2006. The REAL wedding is nothing more than going to the Foreign marriage administration, and filing the paper work needed. We did this at 8am, and picked up the official you are married 'red book' at 330pm.... Well, lets just say at 330pm the book was not ready.. its a long story. Now, at 700pm that same day, I am to be in front of 200 chinese speaking family members. My SO is divorced, and she told me to not worry, her first wedding consisted of 3000 guests. I could not even imagine 3000 people in one room for a wedding. Anyway, we where not at this point married because the 'red book' delay. We proceeded to the Chinese marriage ceremony. We walk out and stand in front of everyone. We had a master of ceremony that talked up a storm. ( in chinese ). At some point we faced each other and said some sweet words ( vowels ). We then held hands and the MC placed the FAKE 'red book' on both our hands and told me to kiss my bride. The red book went into my right pocket. Then while leaving the stage, the MC took the fake red book and gave it back to the correct owner. A little later it was back up on the stage in front of everyone, and my SO parents took me as there son. We hugged, and exchanged bows. None of this is recognized on paper, nor by the US as married at this ceremony. In old Chinese customs, you could be considered marry, but even in our case, the red book was fake at that time. We did get our red book finally 2 days later. The nice thing was, it was dated the day we went in, and the day of the wedding ceremony. Now the cost¡­. The hotel we were in provided meals, drinks, and the room for 3500 RMB. You have to buy cigarettes, candies, and some other stuff, candles, red wine, ¡­. This was about 1000 RMB. The MC was 200RMB. >L
  14. The building you have to go get the notarized papers is called a Records building. the pin yin is gong1 zheng4 chu4 >L
  15. When my SO saids something in Mandarin I dont know, and I am sure I dont want to know it ( at least right then ) I look at her and say... " I know you must have just told me how much you love me and want some ice cream" .... She will respond with " no, but I will take the ice cream" .... >L
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