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Bill & Li Hong

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Everything posted by Bill & Li Hong

  1. We went to the SSA to see about getting her one because MO states you need it to get a marriage license. The would give her one because she hadn't been in the USA for 10 days and HLS hadn't updated their computer records....... and they should have give her one when she entered the country. I said I asked and the man with a gun said "we don't do that here" Anyway, we got the marriage license by just signing a waver that said she didn't have an SS#. I notice a lot of talk about changing their names, we decided not to change her name. Any problem with this?
  2. Congratulations! I'm glad to hear it went so well.
  3. I need to buy Li Hong some temporary health insurance until we are married. Anyone have some information on this. Thanks!
  4. Glad you both are having a good time. I found the egg plant at PF Chang's to be just like I'm use to here in Beijing. Keep us in touch.
  5. As July comes to an end and all the CFL members and friends we met walked away with pink or easily resolved blue's. I would like to thank the modulators' for keeping this post pinned. I believe it time to let it fall the way of other posts into CFL archives. Thanks again CFL!
  6. Congratulations!! More.....More......More! Good luck to everyone!
  7. Congratulations!!!!!! I hope the CFL streak doesn't end any time soon.
  8. Li Hong picked up her visa on Tuesday, it was ready on Monday but we showed up at the post office at 5:00 w/o her ID just papers. We were out having a good time and didn't plan too much other than finding the post office. We had to try three taxi's before we found one that could take read a map and take instructions. We are back in Beijing where I will work for a month and plan to enter the USA on Aug 26. Thanks to everyone at CFL for the help and support. It would have been a lot rougher with out all of you!
  9. CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you. Yes we watched as Liz came down, but notices no real worry on her face. Of coarse later we say her come down and she gave us the tumbs up! We sat like a school of fish waiting for the shark to attack. There's strength in numbers, and we had Henry to keep us company. It was a great experiance over all and all the pinks made it perfect! We'll be going back on Monday to wish Dave & Hong good luck.
  10. Batting 1000 so far, We'll be what to hear form Dave and Hong on Monday. Good Luck!
  11. Everything went like clockwork. I had arranged for the six couples and Henry's parent to have dinner Wednesday night so the two ladies that had already gotten pink could talk to the others going in the coming days. I think it went well to ease some stress. We got in line about 6:45 with some other K-1's and they started letting us in about 8:00. I stayed with Li Hong as far as I could and got the prime table in the coffee shop. We had been there the day before to help support Henry and Scott, so I knew the best spot. By the end of the morning it looked like a family reunion was going on. The three of us plus Henry and Mai, and his parents. Scott, Dave and Hong also stopped by to wish us luck. Li Hong was the first of our group to come through the hallway with no question of her results with a big smile on her face and a waving pink in her hand. She hand gotten the same VO that I had for ACH, the young man with long curly brown hair. PERFECT! She said he was very nice and could understand him very well. She said "my English was very good" and answered all four questions "very easy". What is your Fiancé name? What is his work? How did you meet? How long have you know him. He asked to see our pictures, and saw the big picture of us I had inserted in the front of the 3 ring binder and said "Oh I talk to him on Monday". That was about it, 4-5 min. It took about another hour before the other two girls came down together with their pink. There where also four other men waiting in the coffee shop, 3 got pinks and one was still waiting as we all left. We wished him luck. With pink in hand the six of us went out for a celebration lunch. After hitting the Ikea for a little cool down time we headed back to the room for a 5 hour nap..........WOW. I didn't know what day it was when I woke up. Come to find out it was 9:00 that night so we went across the street and had some street food. While eating Scott and his Fiancée stopped by and told us they already have their visa at the post office ready to be picked up, One Day!!! That keeps them on their schedule for heading back to her home. I want to thank all my friends here on CFL and the ones I meet in GUZ for helping Li Hong and I over the first of many hurtles we must concur to burn this Candle For Love.
  12. Congratulations again. Yes we all had a great time at lunch. Lots of and a little I'll have some picture to you when I get back to Beijing and my down load cord.
  13. Congratulations! You state "copies", how many copies? The entire passport or just the information page? I had read somewhere about a copy of the information page, which I have. We're headed to GUZ this morning. It would be nice to know exactly what they wanted.
  14. We are all meeting at Grand Palace Hotel, around the corner from GUZ next to IKEA, at 6:00 in the lobby. Hope to see you!!!
  15. We are all meeting at Grand Palace Hotel, around the corner from GUZ next to IKEA, at 6:00 in the lobby. Hope to see you!!!
  16. Congratulations! We are up tomorrow. I had the curly hair man at ACH. I hope Li Hong gets him too!
  17. We are trying to plan a dinner for wednesday night with some of us from this weeks interview. Hope you can make it. Maybe meet a Grand Palace, as there are a few of us staying here.
  18. Just got back from ACH, met Henry and family and a few others not on CFL, I had 30ish man with long curly hair, I've heard good things about him. I introduced myself and asked a few questions about original paper or copy and support paper. He said to use originals and have one good set of support papers. He also said to start interview in English and they would switch it to Chinese to speed things up. He said he didn't see any problems. I'll take that as a good sign. I hope Li Hong gets him!!!! Well a few days of rest until Thursday morning’s next big event. We hope to have dinner with the other CFL members on Wednesday night after a few have had interview and a few more of us are gathering data of what to expect. Later!
  19. Li Hong and I landed in Guangzhou yesterday and checked into The Grand Palace Hotel. Later that evening we found a good Si Chuan restaurant for dinner. We are headed for ACS at 11:00 to get EOR letter notarized and then back at 3:00 for ACH. Later today we will work on pictures and go though the papers and questions. I try to keep everyone abreast of our task here as I can. Hope to see others at ACH.
  20. Yes, I have an appointment for ACS at 11:00 today.
  21. Made it to Grand Palace about 4:00 in the rain. Just got back fron dinner. I have an appointment at GUZ at 11:00 tomorrow to get EOR stamped the ACH at 3:00. See you alll there!
  22. I got to Beijing today and met Li Hong at the airport. We will be going to Guangzhou on Sunday. Hope to see you all on Monday at ACH.
  23. We are staying at the Grand Palace for $63/day until Thur. then we plan on moving to the island Victory hotel if it looks nice and quiet. Seems like it was about $45/day.
  24. Looks like Dave & Hong will be there while some of us are still waiting for our visa to be finalized. Welcome to the Mid July Group. Dave are you going to be at 7/20 ACH?
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