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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Thanks Jeikun. Curious. Did she also take an English name as her first/given name? My SO uses her English name with me and I assume would on any docs when she gets here. In order to do what Jun did, she would need to keep her Chinese name as her first and middle names and add my name as her last name no? That would still be problematic wouldn't it?
  2. Thanks. I guess that's the quandry. To change her name or not. She's afraid that she'll have problems dealing with the gov't on her property if she's a USC with a different name.
  3. Carl, I'm almost certain you can "push" through if you persist. The amendment page of a passport is just as official as the main bio page of the passport. If it's properly endorsed and embossed stamp by a proper governmental seal/stamp, you can absolutely use it. I would suggest bringing along a copy of the marriage certificate just in case, but I personally would be very forceful about being able to travel with the amended passport alone. Dave, the concern would be if Christine wants to be a USC in the future, how does she renew her Chinese National ID and Passport to retain her Chinese name once she becomes a USC. Otherwise what Jim and Carl stated above holds very true. Good point Lance. In fact after I relayed Jim and Carl's info to her she brought up the problem of what happens after she gets citizenship. Her concern is how will she be able to deal with her property issues if she's a USC? Anybody had any experience with this scenario?
  4. all those spicey chillies cant be good for your stomach or any part of your digestive system for that matter My wife used to eat a lot of chilies until she lost one of our babies. the doctor told her that it was her mass consumption fo the chilies that caused the miscarriage. Chilton I'm sorry to hear that. I have never heard that about chilies before. It's certainly something to keep in mind.
  5. Thanks Carl. Maybe by the time it's an issue for us, they'll have an answer for you.
  6. Thanks Jim. As always your info is precise and complete. I'll just cut/paste this and send it on to Christine. No elaboration needed. Thanks again.
  7. My fiancee is curious/worried about what happens if/when she takes my name when she gets here and we get married. I told her with so many members here living in China or having lived there that Candle would be the best place to ask. So here goes. Her concern is that she owns a couple of small properties in China. One that the government will be paying her for prior to tearing it down as part of the "modernization" project. The other is just a small apartment that she'll be keeping for awhile as an investment. At some point after she gets AP, she'll need to go back and take care of wrapping things up with one or both of these. Her concern is whether or not changing her name would affect her ability to deal with these thing when she goes back. My guess is that she should just keep everything in her current name in China and only use her married name here. Is that true? Will that allow her to take care of her business in China without any hassles? Thanks for any input.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS!! Best of luck and yes get hopping on that kitchen sink. I hope to be following in your shoes in a couple months.
  9. As one who's SO is not here yet, I'm finding this thread very interesting. I hope to hear more. Boredom is right at the top of my list of concerns for when Christine gets here. She grew up in Shanghai and has lived in Shenzhen for over 15 years so my little ole town is gonna to be a pretty drastic change for her. And even though she's said that she doesn't want to live in any more big cities, I'm still worried that she'll get bored. Hopefully she'll meet new people and can find a job that interests her. I just hope that if she is bored, she tells me and doesn't internalize it. I would hate to find out years later that she was bored and didn't say anything.
  10. Yes, there's a few of us very close together, including Clayton2103, who's virtually identical to mine. If you click on "My Controls" towards the top of the page your looking at, then scroll down to the "Personal Profile" section and click on "Edit Signature", you can add your timeline. Good luck and hope to meet in Guangzhou soon.
  11. Hi Gordon. Welcome to Candle. There is a wealth of knowledge and knowledgable people here. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  12. As I read some of the posts, I'm afraid that my comments may have been mis-interpreted. I was suggesting the OP include in an addendum the explanation about why he doesn't have any info about his ex from so long ago. I just wanted to make sure it was clear that I wasn't suggesting he include any info he wasn't sure was true. If no one interpreted my comments that way then never mind.
  13. Hi rcbulk, Unless you filed through Vermont, P3 in 4 to 5 months is very wishful thinking. I think most of us Feb. filers are looking towards maybe Sept., August at the earliest for P3. It could happen faster, but that would be about the average. One couple, Zachary And Lychee, got theirs in 2 1/2 months which is almost unheard of. But they went through Vermont which is always a wild card.
  14. Dangerous - "Yes" and "Unknown" answer the question very directly and fit in the blanks. Hmmm ... always a tough call but I would be tempted to add a sheet referring to the "Unknown" and simply state: "Divorce was final in December 1979. I have not personally had any contact with my ex-wife since XXXXX and have no knowledge of her current status or whereabouts." Do you have the ex's SSAN? That might be something to have in your hip pocket as the USG would likely have records of her by the SSAN. My thinking was given the number of blue slips handed out of late asking for more info on exes, letting them know right off the bat how little contact you've actually had with her for such a long time may head off problems later. But I can also see the argument for not adding any more than asked for. Jim's right. Tough call.
  15. Congrats again and excellent job on the interview prep and write-up. Thanks. It seems I take away at least one thing from every one of these de-briefings that may help my SO. Great job!
  16. Maybe you could add an addendum on a separate page including the explanation you just gave here? Get it all out in the initial filing.
  17. Really the only thing you can find out next is your GUZ number and whether they've sent your application to Guangzhou. You can call or email them. I did both. It took awhile to get through to a human being on the phone. When I did they asked for my WAC number and date of birth for my SO. Then they gave my our GUZ number. You can also email at NVCInquiry@state.gov. I didn't get the email until about a week after I got through on the phone. This is all the email says: From: NVC Inquiry [mailto:NVCInquiry@state.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 12:00 PM To: Me Subject: RE: case status - WACXXXXXXXXXX/GUZXXXXXXXXXX. Dear Sir, Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC). The NVC has completed its processing of the visa petition you mentioned in your letter and has forwarded the petition to the assigned US Embassy/Consulate General for further processing. Any further inquiries should be directed to the assigned US Embassy or Consulate General. Regards, National Visa Center GMC The GUZ number is in the subject line. As far as your kitchen sink stuff, it depends on if you're going for the interview. If you are, take it with you. If not, you can send all the stuff that's not date-sensitive (I-134, employment letter, pay stubs etc) to her now. Wait to get the rest and send it closer to the interview date. You're timeline is very close to a bunch of us. I'm estimating late October or early November for the interview date. I'm waiting til September or October to get the I-134 notarized and get the employment letter and so on. Since I'll be going over for the interview, I can wait a little longer. If you're not going, others may have a better suggestion for when you should send your date-sensitive stuff. Good luck. Dave Edit: And what Clayton said.
  18. Thanks. So if I send my SO that link, she'll be able to download it in China?
  19. That looks like a great tool. Since I'm only semi-literate when it comes to computer related stuff, I have a few of questions. 1- Where is a good, safe place to download this from? 2- Is there anything I need to change on my computer to be able to use it? 3- Can my SO download it in China? Thanks for any help. Dave
  20. I'm not sure about the answers to your questions. Others should be able to help. I did want to say that I'm sorry to hear about hour house situation. That's certainly something no one needs at all, let alone right in the middle of this process. On the upside, you're luckier than the rest of us in that you get to have your SO come and visit in the interim. At least that's something. Best of luck.
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