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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. My Shanghai SO also had a new pair of slippers ready for me when I made my first trip. And we were staying in a Ramada, which supplies them in your room. So I don't think she sees it as any kind of taboo. Maybe it's a regional thing or less prevalent in the larger cities?
  2. I have heard two stories.. one from each [medical] side of the ocean... I think it's best to consult your personal doctor's opinion... Good advice, as usual.
  3. It seems like I read in the FAQs somewhere that you should avoid the MMR if your planning on getting pregnant with 3 months. Is that true?
  4. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-08...ent_6024203.htm You don't see many company execs here taking ANY responsibility for harm their products cause, let alone taking it to this extreme. It's sad, especially in light of the fact that his best friend supplied the paint.
  5. Wow, that is pretty fast Dave. They seem to be speeding up, rather than slowing down at GUZ. Less than 60 days is pretty good! P2 = P3 in your above post right? Yes your right Lance. I didn't even notice that. I wrote it wrong. Thanks for catching it. Somebody is just excited and has no time for minor details right now. Exactly.
  6. CONGRATS! All those positive vibes in this thread did the trick. Welcome to the rapidly growing August P2 club. Thank you Thank you! I am pretty excited. I have not heard the reaction from my Ying yet as she usually writes me in the middle of the night here. I guess pretty soon it will be time to have a maid come to the house and get it ship-shape. Might need to get the carpets cleaned too Better leave something for her to do so she feels needed. Oh, I have plenty for her to do! Say no more. Say no more.
  7. CONGRATS! All those positive vibes in this thread did the trick. Welcome to the rapidly growing August P2 club. Thank you Thank you! I am pretty excited. I have not heard the reaction from my Ying yet as she usually writes me in the middle of the night here. I guess pretty soon it will be time to have a maid come to the house and get it ship-shape. Might need to get the carpets cleaned too Better leave something for her to do so she feels needed.
  8. CONGRATS! All those positive vibes in this thread did the trick. Welcome to the rapidly growing August P2 club.
  9. Wow, that is pretty fast Dave. They seem to be speeding up, rather than slowing down at GUZ. Less than 60 days is pretty good! P2 = P3 in your above post right? Yes your right Lance. I didn't even notice that. I wrote it wrong. Thanks for catching it.
  10. Holy crap Jim! Is it like that all the time? I saw some pollution in China but never that bad. Yikes!
  11. Mine was sent on 6/11 and we got the P2 yesterday so you're not that far off. Should be any day now and you'll be joining the August P3 gang. Good luck.
  12. That sound like alot of fun except for the 87km. I've never rollerbladed and it sounds like Shanghai wouldn't be a good place to learn.
  13. Wow! Do the authorities make any kind of accommodations traffic-wise for the skaters or do they hassle you at all? That's alot of people sharing the road with all that Shanghai traffic.
  14. He may have already regreted. He volunteered to go out to a park with her. Then after they came back, he offered to start the Cartoon again. He is the "god" in her mind. Joanne, your beautiful little daughter could melt the heart of the hardest man. You will see. Actually, I don't like to see it happening. She has already learned how to please her dad (most of the time). She tried pretty hard. Sorry, I am complaining. Joanne, Please don't be sorry. Everyone here learns so much about the perspective of the Chinese SO from your posts. It's only fair that you may gain some insight into the thinking of the USC men as well. I don't have any children yet so I don't feel qualified to offer any opinions, just support. Good luck.
  15. My heart goes out to all you Texans who don't have snowmen in your lives.
  16. Yes, as usual, Dan's info is top-notch and is accepted at all banks. B) The 3/4 pics are definately not what you want.
  17. CONGRATS to another successful Illinoisan!
  18. Congrats again Mike and thanks for the recap. Man I would have been a basket case waiting that long! You are a man of steel my friend. I'm taking a few things from your write-up. 1: have Christine memorize what's written on the photos 2: leave my watch at home. 3: bring something to bite down on. 4: tell them I'm a carpenter.
  19. CONGRATULATIONS MIKE!! Way to go! Can't wait to hear the details.
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