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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Tell her to remember to put the seat UP before she showers.
  2. Ya lost me with that one Ty. #3 or #4? Am I missing an inside reference? It's a long story, Dave. I posted it here once or twice but I then deleted them for some unknown reason. No problem Ty. No need to go into it again.
  3. Congratulations! I hope for all the best for your family.
  4. Ya lost me with that one Ty. #3 or #4? Am I missing an inside reference?
  5. Jim's post has got me to thinking. (no dangerous comments please) My SO also has a friend who is interested in meeting someone. But I don't really have any single friends who would work. Has anything like a separate section for single friends of CFLers and single friends of their SOs to meet ever been tried? I'm just throwing it out there. I'm sure there are plenty of pluses and minuses and I'm sure people will come up with them soon enough. At least the people who visit would have someone to vouch for them here. And as Jim said, it might save some headaches and expense involved with the usual internet sites. Comments?
  6. Yeah, I forgot about the contract part. My SO thought it was fair because she said they did what they said they would do. Of course I told her I would pay it for her so that probably helped.
  7. I also had success with chnlove.com. You do have to buy "credits" that allow you to write to the ladies and for them to write you. The trick is to get their personal email as soon as possible. Good luck to your friend.
  8. Barbed wire and cow pies? You can't get those in China?
  9. Yes. It's all gone. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-04...tent_842221.htm
  10. I agree with those who've said give her some space. Tell her to take some time and think everything over before she makes a final decision. And it'll give you some time to prepare yourself for the worst while hoping for the best. Forcing the issue now won't be good for either of you in the end. I know it's hard to resist the urge to fight with everything you've got. I can't say I wouldn't be ready to do the same thing. You've obviously come here for advice from objective parties. That's all we can give you. You'll have to make the decision yourself. Whatever it is, you've got plenty of support here. We're all pulling for you. Good luck.
  11. From what I understand of her perspective, it's just that she's Chinese, she never planned on not being Chinese. She fell in love with an American, not with America. The US is just one place to live. She'd follow me to Iraq or Afghanistan or Iceland if that's where I had to go. The main negative is just that every time we'd go back to China, it would double our visa application costs, and it would feel strange to her to pay for permission to go back to her own country, where all her friends, family, history, and life are (except for her beloved Lao Gong). I was actually wondering about things more along practical lines like health care and gov't. services etc. Would someone still have the same rights/access if they become an ex-Chinese citizen? One of the most important aspect of maintaining the Chinese citizenship would be for the purpose of setting up a business in China. If you're already near retirement age, then it may not matter, but for a younger couple who may want to start a business in China, then it's critical they think about maintaining Chinese citizenship for the SO. It's imminently harder to start a business as a USC in China, then it is for a Chinese citizen. That may change in the future, but as of now, it still will cost you a huge chuck of money to start up any kind of business which can actually generate income (not just a REP office) in China. Not so for the Chinese citizen. I still have not decide whether my SO should seek USC or not. The business possibilities in Shanghai are endless. In the next three years, we'll see how Chinese law is changing. BTW, I do NOT believe a foreigner can purchase residential property in China anymore--at least not in Shanghai. They instituted that policy in 2006. If your spouse is a Chinese citizen, then she can and your name could probably be added, but as a single USC trying to purchase residential property in Shanghai, it's not possible via legitimate methods. I'm sure there is a black market where you can go through to secure residential property, but it's not legit. Thanks Lance, That's the kind of info I was looking for. We're pretty far off retirement age and I was just wondering about keeping our options open in case we decide to make the move. Not planned right now, but you never know what could happen. And since she's from Shanghai, you never know when an opportunity that we couldn't pass up may come along This stuff is good to know.
  12. ABC News just did a story about a woman in Chongqing (I think). She was the lone holdout in her neighborhood who wouldn't sell to a developer. So the developer dug completely around her house. The aerial view of her little old house sitting in the middle of this huge hole was very stark and very sad.
  13. From what I understand of her perspective, it's just that she's Chinese, she never planned on not being Chinese. She fell in love with an American, not with America. The US is just one place to live. She'd follow me to Iraq or Afghanistan or Iceland if that's where I had to go. The main negative is just that every time we'd go back to China, it would double our visa application costs, and it would feel strange to her to pay for permission to go back to her own country, where all her friends, family, history, and life are (except for her beloved Lao Gong). I was actually wondering about things more along practical lines like health care and gov't. services etc. Would someone still have the same rights/access if they become an ex-Chinese citizen?
  14. One neg is buying property in China, a foreign citizen pays additional taxes for property. So if neither has Chinese citizenship you can still buy, but pay more taxes, correct?
  15. Just curious. What would the negatives be about losing her Chinese citizenship? Especially since you plan to spend alot of time there. I ask because you never know what the future holds and I may be in the same boat one day.
  16. Rog, Congrats... I guess. Let me know when you'll be anywhere near Chicago and I'll keep the car in the garage. Your time will come Dave... I'm sure you won't mind coming down to give lessons right?
  17. Rog, Congrats... I guess. Let me know when you'll be anywhere near Chicago and I'll keep the car in the garage.
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