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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Here's something else to consider. It's a quote from an article in the WSJ that was included in this blog http://washingtonbureau.typepad.com/china/ that Jim (SinoTexas) provided in another thread. “In the more than two decades since international companies began turning to Chinese factories to churn out the cheap T-shirts, jeans and sneakers that people around the world wear daily, China's air, land and water have paid a heavy price. China has faced harsh criticism in recent months over the safety of exports ranging from tainted toothpaste to toxic toys. But environmental activists and the Chinese government are increasingly pointing to the flip side: the role multinational companies play in China's growing pollution by demanding ever-lower prices for Chinese products. “Prices on fabric and clothing imported to the U.S. have fallen 25% since 1995, partly due to the downward pricing pressure brought by discount retail chains. One way China's factories have historically kept costs down is by dumping waste water directly into rivers. Treating contaminated water costs upwards of about 13 cents a metric ton, so large factories can save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by sending waste water directly to rivers in violation of China's water-pollution laws. "Prices in the U.S. are artificially low," says Andy Xie, former chief economist for Morgan Stanley Asia, who now works independently. "You're not paying the costs of pollution, and that is why China is an environmental catastrophe." So it can be argued that we're not only partly to blame for poisoning our own kids and pets, but also for the poisoning of a large part of China's water supply.
  2. Bravo Mike! If there's another quote that better sums it up than this one I sure haven't seen it.
  3. JEEZ already!! Some of us don't care for Jim's posts or his personality. Some of us don't mind Jim's posts or personality. OK we established that. One thing I think we all can agree on is that he likes to stir things up. So he's done that nicely thank you. I'm sure he's proud of himself. And maybe it's a little fun to have these debates every once in awhile. Keeps things interesting. But now we've got long-time, respected members sniping at each other over TAX FORMS for chrissakes! And this over a guy who's stated that he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him or his methods or his personality. And his main contributions to the forum seem to have been to push as many buttons as he can and keep pushing them. Fine. I don't have a problem with that. He opens himself up for the criticism and then takes it on. Makes for some interesting threads. But when you get members who are very knowledgeable and widely respected harping at each other over TAX FORMS, I think the thread's outlived it's usefulness. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make other than I hate to see good people getting in each other's faces over something like this. Don't make me start quoting Rodney King now.
  4. Very helpful info. I'll keep it in mind in the future. I'm very glad to hear things are smoother for you two. You've shown great patience under trying circumstances. I hope I can do the same when the time comes. Continued peaceful times to you.
  5. Congratulations on completing your objective, as usual.
  6. Congrats on your "we didn't really want it and didn't try very hard for it but were entitled to it" visa. I would suggest to any new folks reading this thread to remember that Jim and Sarha's case is a total anomaly and will probably never be repeated in our lifetime. Otherwise it's very informative.
  7. Very sorry to hear this. But it's a decision better made now than much deeper into the process. Hopefully things will work out in the future. Best of luck to both of you.
  8. Thanks Ed. I'll definately check with my insurance agent before she drives.
  9. Thanks xiaoheather. This is great info! It means I don't have to worry about getting my SO a learner's permit for the first 90 days she's here. She can practice to her heart's content with or without me along. I never thought to look in the Illinois manual. I just assumed she wouldn't be able to drive on her Chinese license. Oh well, you what they say about assuming anything. Thanks again for the heads-up. Beware of letting your SO drive without a permit. Contact your auto insurance company as well. Driving without proper permit may get her in trouble with the law. Any police record will not look good for the AOS interview. According to the Illinois manual, since she already has a license from her home country,she won't need a permit for at least 90 days. Unless I'm not reading something right.
  10. Thanks xiaoheather. This is great info! It means I don't have to worry about getting my SO a learner's permit for the first 90 days she's here. She can practice to her heart's content with or without me along. I never thought to look in the Illinois manual. I just assumed she wouldn't be able to drive on her Chinese license. Oh well, you what they say about assuming anything. Thanks again for the heads-up.
  11. CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm glad the stress on your SO was kept to a minimum.
  12. CONGRATS to you both! And thanks for the write-up.
  13. I called DOS at: (202) 663-1225 I immediately hit "1" and then hit "0" Wait time was about 10 minutes at the time I called. They prompted me for her GUZ number and name. Hope you can get good news too! Thank you sir.
  14. Wow! That's great ILS! Yeah, I think I should give them a call. Early October would be great. That way we might be able to slide in before that trade fair. Thanks for the heads-up. BTW, which number did you call? Thanks.
  15. Welcome to CFL. Good luck with this. We all know how frustrating these things can be. Carl has given you some great advice. Feel free to ask more questions as your case progresses. Lots of good people with lots of knowledge here.
  16. CONGRATULATIONS!! Ahhh... The P3. I remember it like it was three weeks ago. Wait, it was three weeks ago. We were pretty excited too. I think the P3 is the most fun one to get. You (she)actually get some papers that you (she) gets to fill out and return. It seems so much more tangible than the other steps so far. Enjoy and on to P4!
  17. I think the interesting part of the link is the comments. The level of ignorance in this country is astounding.
  18. Thanks for the pics and update Obie. Best of luck with the interview!
  19. I absolutely agree with Rog and Jim. When I put together my I-129f, I followed the guidelines that Michael has provided for you along with ALOT of help from the members here including, if memory serves, quite a bit from Randy as well. Actually our "shipmate" Clayton provided this great info. I'm heading back to Office Depot and Staples tomorrow for Acco fastners, dividers, and folders. (and I had such nice 3 ring folders assembled!)...looks like fourth trip to office supply stores this week!!!! My bad. Sorry Clayton. That's what happens when I post in a hurry at work.
  20. That is so true! And they do it in such a non-judgemental, matter-of-fact way that it doesn't sound insulting or negative.
  21. My SO is very concerned for my health. When I first went to meet her in Feb.of this year, I was fairly overweight, as I have been most of my life. She never really made an issue of it except to kiddingly refer to it as my "baby fat." But whenever we ate, she made it a point to order plenty of vegetables and make sure I at least tried them. And I'm glad she did because they were nearly all very good. I've never been a big veggie eater, but to me, the veggies in China were much fresher and tastier than the ones here. By her actions and her words reminding that I should eat better and take better care of myself so we can have a long life together, she really made me re-think how I was doing that. And somewhere along the way (maybe here) I read that in Chinese culture if a man doesn't take care of his health, it's almost like he's dis-respecting his family by putting their welfare in jeopardy by shortening his own life. So considering all of this, when I got back from my first trip, I headed to the gym and changed my diet considerably. The result was 30 pounds lost by the time I returned in May and another 25 since I got back from the second trip. I know she appreciates the fact that I'm taking better care of myself and we both know that our chances of living a much longer life together have been increased. Given all that she's sacrificing to come here and be with me, I figure it's the least I could do.
  22. I absolutely agree with Rog and Jim. When I put together my I-129f, I followed the guidelines that Michael has provided for you along with ALOT of help from the members here including, if memory serves, quite a bit from Randy as well.
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