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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I think this observation is spot on! We here in the US are so obsessed with being "Thee Best" or "Number One" in everything, whether it's sports,politics or picking our nose. I'm sure the common folk in China don't give a spit about being the best in the world at something. Are they intensely proud? Sure. Do they beam with pride when one of their athletes wins a gold medal? Probably, at least the one's who can or care to watch it on tv. But when it comes to rising to power on the world stage? I don't think so. I don't even think the leaders are all that concerned with dominating anything globally. Do they want to make as much money as they can? Sure. Do they want to corner as much of the world's oil for their growing economy as they can? Sure. But when it comes to dominating the world by trying to export their way of life or their way of thinking or their form of government to the rest of the world? No way. We pretty much have the market cornered on trying to do that.
  2. Thank you David and Carl. I was just curious. Thankfully, we don't meet any of the criteria listed.
  3. I've seen this wording "filing jointly" when reading up on this. Under what circumstances would you NOT file jointly?
  4. I always wondered what it looked like, thanks!!! B) I understand that a lot of you guys from Illinois, like to have the visa issued with the portrait of Abraham Lincoln on it. However, since we have a choice, and as a pragmatic-conservative Californian, I am going to have Lao Po check the box on her P-3 Form 169, to indicate Ronald Reagan, as our choice of the former President, to appear on her visa !!! You can do that right after they build a monument to Reagan in Washington. Don't hold your breath though.
  5. I agree with Mike. I had the same thoughts as I read your posts. You really need to be more precise and make yourself more clear, not only here, but in your submissions to GUZ. As Mike suggests, this is a good place to start practicing this. GUZ will NOT spend as much time trying to decipher what you mean as the folks here. I"m also sorry to be blunt, but as Mike said, you don't have a whole lot of time to get this right. Good luck.
  6. Thats where I get mine from. I'm happy with it. My uncle planted some wild ginseng down on his Christmas tree farm in southern IL about 7 years back. But he passed away before he told anyone where he planted it. He's got a fortune in wild 'seng somewhere down there. I look for it every year when I go deer hunting but I haven't found it yet. Ask the USDA if you can borrow one of their inspection Beagles.
  7. This is where I've gotten it before. Wisconsin ginseng is supposed to be some of the best. It's a little pricey though. http://www.chinatownonlineusa.com/ginseng.htm
  8. Congrats! Any old excuse to chug down a bottle of wine eh?
  9. Thanks David. I hope someone does a documentary on it.
  10. Yeah. I'd love to be there when they uncover all that stuff. I hope they have someone videotaping the whole process ala National Geographic.
  11. No - my understanding is that we would win the decision, but that they would appeal rather than give him the green card. He would be eligible to renew his EAD, but not AP. Would it be possible, given the circumstances,that the judge could order the AP be granted? Does he/she have that kind of latitude?
  12. VJ Timelines posted under Candle Site Issues and Anouncements. http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/index.php?cfl=1 (Notice the "cfl=1" switch in the URL) Thanks again.
  13. I wish we could delete our own "new topic" posts.
  14. Good question Mark, I'm curious myself. Since how soon someone files for EAD after arrival determines how long the gap is, I guess the more pertinent question might be: "How long is it taking to get the EAD these days?" So I'm gonna to start a new thread and get some feedback on that. About 2.5 months EAD is taking around 2 months or so to get. EAD Times Thanks Dan, as usual. Where is that? I can't find it.
  15. For those who've recently gotten their EAD, how long is it taking to get them nowadays? And did you file separately or with AOS/AP? Thanks. EDIT: Never mind. Dan pointed out the timelines for it.
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