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Everything posted by Dennis143

  1. Okay looks like the People's Daily finally did catch up with them Gallery: A glimpse of beautiful ladies in Chinese women's fitness team http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/NMediaFile/2014/0611/FOREIGN201406110820000258209006999.jpg and then we have our American women... http://i57.tinypic.com/2qu64aw.png
  2. yeah, I thought that was a bit off and unbelievable.
  3. 好久不见, 当你回美国? 我觉得你的超大外套,当我看到Facebook上的教学图片 Ming bai?
  4. YuJie, Google is your friend. Black Mountain Dalian China https://www.google.com/search?q=black+mountain+dalian+china&newwindow=1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=CHuKU8ebD9G6oQSA24L4AQ&ved=0CEwQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=955
  5. Yes, they will email your itinerary and track and notify you of any changes. These Chinese agents buy blocks of tickets at discounts from the China airlines and can often beat the big on-line ticket agents. We often shop several agents and play one price against another's to get a bidding war going. It doesn't hurt to get a few quotes and do the same with these independent agents. It's worth a try.
  6. Not really. They can contact and make arrangements through our local Chinese agent: Travel Depot 421 Mooney Dr, Monterey Park, CA 91755 (626) 280-2198
  7. Same for my wife, she grew up in Guilin, however her mother was strict in teaching her Mandarin, my wife speaks Mandarin with the proper Beijing accent. Anyway when we do visit Toronto most speak Cantonese with some understanding of Mandarin, my wife does understand some Cantonese. The funniest times are when we go to various Asian restaurants, often we encounter either ABC who only know English, or non ABC that speak another Asian language like Korean or Thai, my wife has caught herself starting out a conversation in Mandarin only to have a laugh when the person indicates not understanding, my wife's response "Asian Face". Your wife must speak GuilinHua too, Dan. My wife grew up in Nanning speaking Shanghai in their home. She speaks 8 Chinese dialects fluently, yet is still struggling with English. Oh yes she does speak the local dialect too, my brother in law has an accounting firm, recently he employed two interns from the local college to work tax season, both were from China, and one was from Guilin, at an office party my wife got to meet them, and she switched to GuilinHua with the one intern. It's pretty fun when they do that. It always amazes me when my wife may be carrying on 2 or 3 conversations in different dialects switching from on to another with ease. Boggles my mind to think that there may be a room full of Chinese ladies and my wife is carrying on several private conversations at the same time. My ear can only pick out when she's speaking Mandarin. The ladies seem to have quite an affinity when someone else starts speaking their native language like GuilinHua... I bet your wife may speak Beihai too Dan.
  8. Same for my wife, she grew up in Guilin, however her mother was strict in teaching her Mandarin, my wife speaks Mandarin with the proper Beijing accent. Anyway when we do visit Toronto most speak Cantonese with some understanding of Mandarin, my wife does understand some Cantonese. The funniest times are when we go to various Asian restaurants, often we encounter either ABC who only know English, or non ABC that speak another Asian language like Korean or Thai, my wife has caught herself starting out a conversation in Mandarin only to have a laugh when the person indicates not understanding, my wife's response "Asian Face". Your wife must speak GuilinHua too, Dan. My wife grew up in Nanning speaking Shanghai in their home. She speaks 8 Chinese dialects fluently, yet is still struggling with English.
  9. That was a link to their own story - Fury online as video of laowai 'stealing' HK Girl goes viral The Shanghaiist, unfortunately, is really turning their site into a "rag" these days Felt sorry for the Chinese boy. Makes me wonder if they were just out on a first date and she decided to go with the laowai. If they were truly a couple, the dude should have some balls to fight for his lady... then again, she's probably not worth fighting for in the long run... still. That sure wouldn't happen in the US. Someone could get in a heap of trouble, mabe shot.
  10. Exactly! Just in NY State they propose replacement of the Tappan Zee bridge at just under 4 billion, that is a suspension highway bridge spanning the Hudson river, with about a mile of level causeway approach. http://www.newnybridge.com/about/ Why bother when all of Manhattan is supposed to be under water in 50 years?
  11. Greg, I suppose part of accepting new cultures into our society of immigrants is that we have to also accept the not so good aspects of their culture too. I see what you're witnessing too. I also see changes in attitudes and ways of dealing and interacting among Chinese who begin to venture outside their quanxi Chinese communities and into American mainstream life. It's when Americans like you and me call them on their shit. You know how they do not like nor will get in someone's face like we Americans will and do. Part of what I tell them is that we Americans are charitable, but do not take advantage or you will woefully regret it. They fear the law and they fear our legal system and they often fear us who know the deeds they deal in. They can cheat each other, but best not try to do it to me.
  12. We bought our home at the peak of the market crash in 2009. It was a bank owned property. I was put through the wringer to get approved and that was with a decent down payment and a credit score of 840. Our property was reappraised from the recent refi that we did. And, once again, getting approved wasn’t such an easy endeavor like it once was. With credit so tight today, I seriously doubt that we’ll see a return to the housing bubble we had a few years back. Anyway, the appraisal was a very nice surprise. It all boils down to supply and demand. We bought our home on the cheap (for LA) and its price has recovered to what the demand is for homes in this area. And believe me, homes here are way overpriced for what you get. A cracker box here would buy a mansion in many areas… maybe even a few mansions. We attribute it to our weather that’s ~78 degrees year round. LA’s like a woman with a killer body, but lacking a few marbles upstairs. She always gets by on her looks. Yeah, not having planned for my retirement like I should have, I am quite pleased to see that at least my property value has gone up. Maybe I can afford to buy a craker box home outside California to retire in… and give up the constant 78 degrees and live out my life in air that’s so thick that it feels like someone’s thrown a hot, wet wool blanket over me.
  13. Yes, he was closing very strong. Seems Espinoza pulled up on Cal. Chrome at the finish. Will be interesting.
  14. I think they were looking at the ($8000) mare - the mother of CC. They did buy her and bred her to a non-rock star stud. But, yeah, you are right, that is where they got the name of their "farm". Greg Thanks, Greg.
  15. While walking through some stables, the men who own now California Chrome were looking for a thoroughbred horse to invest in a groom stopped and asked them if they were interested in CC? He said "If you are, you're a bunch of dumb assess". And so they bought him and named themselves the Dumbass Association.
  16. Here's what I have seen too often and it's perfectly legal. The Chinese tourist comes to the US and marries a USC or a GC holder. They immediately file the necessary papers. She is here legally once the papers are filed and until the files have been adjudicated. In our experience, we have never seen a marriage be disapproved. Not saying it doesn't happen, we've just never seen nor heard of it.
  17. The Los Angeles market continues to heat up. Our little bungalow was just appraised at $150K more than I bought it for in 2009. Thank you very much to Chinese who continue to come here pay cash for our "inexpensive" homes.
  18. Bullshit. Get married. File the necessary forms and live happily ever after. I've seen it too often, a person overstays, marries a GC holder or citizen and is given a 10 year green. Speak to a lawyer if you must, but stay put and don't leave the country.
  19. Ole horny Mao is no doubt doing more than just rolling over.
  20. We all know the term terra firma a latin phrase meaning solid earth. We all rely on solid ground on which we stand. My earliest memories are of my mother and father having us children sit in the hallway while the 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Bakersfield, California. Since then, I've been through them all. I've awakened to watch transformers exploding in the valley below thinking that we were under attack. I've had earthquake rattle me awake where everything on my north and south walls flew off and shattered leaving the east and west walls untouched. I've sat through quakes that seemed endless with constant shaking where I wondered when or if it would ever stop. I've stood and seen the ground rise and fall away from me like an ocean wave where every building swayed like they were sitting in jello. I have east coast friends who were visiting and who thought they were going to die while watching in fascination as we calmly walked to a dresser to save a cup of coffee before it fell onto the floor. I don't mean to sound trite. But, earthquakes are good. The more small ones we have the greater the pressure is relieved for the big one... or so they tell us.
  21. No biggie. Here in the downtown LA area it was a nice roller. Felt an initial jolt and then rocked for ~15 seconds. My wife is currently taking care of a newborn close to Orange County where the epicenter was and she called to say that everyone at the condo is frantic. I assured her that the worst was over... for now. Its been quite some time since we've had a major earthquake here. There are a lot of new immigrants (not just Asian) who've never felt an earthquake. It's quite unsettling when you first feel the power of the still earth moving beneath you.
  22. Happy Birthday, Kid. http://i59.tinypic.com/2eyypvo.jpg
  23. I will chime in for Dan. Yes it displays Chinese characters and has a Chinese voice, as well as up to ~30 different languages. My wife cannot read or write English. So, you can imagine how many times she's gotten lost and I had to go fetch her home. With her Garmin she can and does go anywhere without issue. She's even driven alone from LA to other cities 100 miles away with no problems.
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