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Everything posted by impatient

  1. Congrats Tian9426 and welcome to the parking lot at GZ. Looks like a few northwesterners here huh? Bill
  2. Congratulations!!! Bet you are glad to get that over with. Bill
  3. Congrats Ron, and good luck at the interview Bill
  4. Congratulations to both of you. We will be there shortly too I think. Bill
  5. Congratulations Richard, you are almost done now. Bill
  6. Dan and Lizzie, good luck with your interview. I wish you nothing but the best. Bill
  7. Congrats to both of you!! Good luck with the rest of your journey. Bill
  8. Jim & Jen, congratulations to both of you. Your wait is finally over. Enjoy your life together. Bill
  9. J & L , you have just begun, wait until you get your papers to GZ before you think you are out of control. Then you will really see effective work in progress. Take a breath and relax, you will have some time to wait yet. Bill
  10. Congratulations on the good news!! Bill
  11. Alex, good to hear someone is doing something to hopefully help your case. I agree with everyone else....fire the lawyer, in fact I would ask for my money back, but that is just me. Good luck my friend. Bill
  12. Good luck Mike, we are all rooting for you both. Bill
  13. Jim our timeline calls for an interview around July 19th or so, so if I am there I would love to meet you for a drink. I will let you know. Good luck to you Bill
  14. Good luck Jim, you will do just fine. You will both be home before you know it. Bill
  15. MikeXiao, I wish you all the luck to finish your journey, hopefully GZ will end the madness for you both. Bill
  16. Congratulations to both of you on the success. Bill
  17. I wish I could make since I live close but cannot. Just recently got put on 7 days a week until YuNans interview. I also would have enjoyed meeting all of you, yes you too Trigg. Are you dislexic when you tell the numbers to your birthday????? Bill
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