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Everything posted by impatient

  1. Congrats to you both and good luck on your new future together. Bill
  2. Congrats to both of you. It sounds like we are all in the same timeframe. My SO just got hers yesterday and she returned it last night, so the waiting begins now. See you in GZ for our visas. Bill
  3. Congrats and thanks for the insight. Good luck to both of you. Bill
  4. xulei601, I actually took three copies of the downloaded forms with me a couple of weeks ago when I went to see my SO. We practiced on these forms and did both English and Chinese. When she got hers last night I told her just to make it look like the ones we did as I could not see any difference in the forms. She is sending ours off tonight after work there. Maybe we will see you in GZ at visa time. Bill
  5. Beachgirl, you are making many friends very fast
  6. nooneufo, my SO is sending the P3 back to GZ today after work, she finally got it in hand last night. I will let you know when they receive it. Bill
  7. Congrats to you both, now time for your new life together. Good luck Bill
  8. Paul lets hope their error does not cost you and your SO time since it was not your doing. Hoping for the best for you both. Bill
  9. Paul did you look at your copy of 12F? I hope it is there and they just cannot look past their own noses. Hopefully you can get this fixed soon and meet us in GZ for visas. Bill
  10. Welcome to the waiting room of GZ. It there was any type of a shortcut to make this quicker I am sure there are many that would have figured it out by now. You will just had to bide your time like all the rest of us. Good luck. Bill
  11. Paul, glad to hear you got your P3, I was wondering as we have pretty much the same time line. Mine SO still has not gotten hers yet but it is on the way. Hope you get it fixed for your daughter soon. Maybe we will see each other in GZ at interview time as we are both picking up visas. Bill
  12. congrats to you both on the accomplishment, now lets just hope for white slip and visa. Bill
  13. xulei601, the only most of us got an email from GZ is because we were sending weekly emails to GZ for an update and they just happen to be responding to that. Otherwise I sure we would not have known either. In their email they just state that they recently received the file and sent it out, but we have no real idea when they sent it out. Bill
  14. congrats on the interview, you are almost there now. Good luck Bill
  15. congrats dmaddox74 to both of you. Good luck with the rest of the journey. Bill
  16. Thanks to everyone and I hope we all get thru GZ soon Bill
  17. beijingjj,l first off congrats to your accomplishment. Second off I do not know this for a fact but think I have read that yes she is to give that envelope to immigration when she comes into the states. Bill
  18. Hey nooneufo, I sure hope your timeline is good, it would be great to be done by July, thanks for all the hard work. Bill
  19. NY-Viking, thanks for the info. I was going to have her send off the ones I already filled out but maybe I will have her fill out the ones from GZ. Was there any difference in them? I thought I read somewhere that tha ones from GZ were bar coded Bill
  20. Did either one of you use the downloaded P3 or did you just wait for the one from GZ? Bill
  21. Boba glad to hear it, you deserve a break. Take full advantage of this and get out of GZ as soon as you can Bill
  22. John, I already took the downloaded ones with me a few weeks ago, a;ready all filled out. She is ready to send them off as soon as she recieves them from GZ. Thank Bill
  23. GZ sent me an email last night telling me that they sent our P3 to my spouse. We are on the way now. Bill
  24. Congrats Steven & Xueling, hope the rest of your journey goes smoothly. Bill
  25. The worst part isn't the 3 month thing but if you look at their website it will tell you that once the have it in their computer it will be another 3 to 5 more MONTHS! Like it hasn't already been long enough. Bill
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