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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Very useful info Dave. As for K1, we did exactly what you said. Only hitch was that Li was not entered into the BCIS system for at least ninety days. Once entered, we got the card in about six weeks. Also, be advised that no matter what the policies may be, different offices have different rules. That has been proven time and time again.
  2. Congratulations Frank. Good to have you back and glad to hear there were no more snafus in the process. Now file your AOS with Atlanta and get ready to wait and wait, and then wait some more.
  3. Received notice from BCIS Atlanta to report to Birmingham, AL on Feb. 20 for fingerprinting. Do tell. Been in the country for 10 and a half months and finally decide they need fingerprints. Still no word on AOS. But at least someone must be aware of our case as we did get the aforementioned letter. So its off to B'ham on the 20th.
  4. Enjoy your trip Louis. Happy trails.!
  5. Great news Bill. Congratulations and best wishes.
  6. I take it from your post that you are living and working in China. We were in the same boat except I stayed over there for five years. I know it can be frustrating trying to deal with things from so far away. When we fell into the Black Hole in August, 2002, we could get no accurate information of any kind. It was an interminable wait. Our visa was approved on August 20 but we didn't get it until March 10. Talk about a snag! Take heart that things are being cleared up, albeit slowly. Enjoy the time in China and relish the thought that your lady is with you. It is a painful process to go through but it is worth it in the end.
  7. Have a safe trip home Eric. Glad you had a great time and I bet Tasmania was beautiful. Seems quite a few folks have had interviews or are scheduled soon. That's in GZ, not for AOS. BTW: We have a new forum, invented while you were gone, called the Rumpus Room. Enjoy.
  8. Good luck at the interview. I trust all will work out well. After all the waiting, the time has finally arrived. Enjoy!
  9. Congrats on the visa. Don't worry too much about the address thingie. I don't think its too big of a deal.
  10. Congratulations! Now we will have another Chinese lady in Alabama.
  11. Li and I bought a Toshiba laptop in China and brought it to the States when we came over. So far no real problems to speak of. By the way Tim, that 17% value added tax is getting China a lot of grief from the US and the WTO. According to the WTO agreement they signed, the value added tax was to be phased out over three years. It ain't happening and there could be a fracas over this issue.
  12. Good to hear from you again Tim. Glad things are going well in Shanghai and also happy you got to spend time with your daughter over the holidays. I am sure the parting was bittersweet. Keep us posted as to your adventures over there.
  13. Congratulations on passing the exam Dave. You are so right about the value of a good wife. I am reminded of that fact daily just by living with Li.
  14. Great news indeed Dean. And just in time for your trip. Best wishes for a successful interview and a wonderful life together.
  15. Clifford, back in the early days of the Black Hole, Harty did respond to several of us who wrote letters to her. At first the responses, as I recall, were more personal but eventually were just the usual cut and paste stuff. Still, it can't hurt to write. Maybe enough letters will get somebody's attention.
  16. I concur with all that has been said above. Have her go ahead and get the degree. In a field like accounting I should think it would be a definite asset. Li has her degree already. It is in English Education. Unfortunatly, not too many schools are hiring foreigners to teach English in America. But the fact that she has a degree helps, even when searching for jobs in other fields.
  17. A great week for Candle members. Congratulations to all of you who had successful interviews. Best wishes for a safe trip home.
  18. Fantastic news indeed Frank. Glad everything went so smoothly after such a long wait.
  19. Ought to be about 8 AM Tuesday in GZ. Are you in line yet? B)
  20. Best wishes for a successful interview Frank. Enjoy your time in GZ. In a strange sort of way, wish I was there. I kind of miss the place, smog and all.
  21. While living in China, a student cracked open a durian, or whatever it is called, in my apartment. The smell lingered for days, even with all the windows open. Smelled like the bottom of a dumpster in August.
  22. Shortly after Li's arrival, she learned a few choice phrases as well. From a friend she learned "What the f***". Well, one day we were in Hobby Lobby and she was looking at some item and she says loudly to me, "What the...". Had to explain that this was not a phrase to use in public places.
  23. Congrats Don! Maybe the Portland folks could come down to Atlanta and do an inservice training or something.
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