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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Makes me wanna move to Vegas AZ. Anything to get out of the sway of Atlanta BCIS or whatever they are calling themselves these days.
  2. Thanks for your enlightening post Charlotte. I guess I am lucky in the sense that Li has had very little difficulty adjusting to western ways. I think this is due to the fact that she is, first of all, open minded and flexible. Secondly, because we lived together for so long in China, she was exposed to my American habits for quite some time before ever arriving on these shores. In addition,when in China, we often lived in the same building with other foreign teachers. So she had a healthy dose of western manners, good and bad, before arrival. As to English skills, I am lucky there as well. Li's English is better than mine. I experienced these things in reverse when I moved to China. I had to adjust to a culture that was totally alien to me and didn't speak the language at all. When I first moved to China, I couldn't even use chop sticks. But I learned and slowly adapted to Chinese ways, so much so that I eventually became very comfortable living there. I guess that's why I stayed so long. Cultural adaptation is a process, not an event. It occurs over time and requires patience, tolerance, and flexibility on the part of both parties.
  3. 21st Century was very popular among the students on both campuses where I taught in China. As someone mentioned, it was an excellent teaching tool. China Daily is good as well but the news there is heavily censored and controlled and the op/ed page is mostly used for spreading the party line on any number of issues.
  4. Great to hear from you Frenchman. Glad all is well. Hope you enjoy your time in China. Give our regards to Yuhui and Happy New Year. Changchun???? Hope she dressed warm!
  5. Glad you have appointment Don. We obtained EAD fairly quickly as well. Around 85 days or so. AOS is another matter entirely. Your nine month estimate makes me envious, considering our 36 month estimate. Maybe the folks in Portland could come down to Atlanta and give a few classes. At the rate they are working, Atlanta will take a decade minimum to get around to us.
  6. Congratulations. May your future together be happy and filled with love.
  7. I agree Don. Charlotte is a true blessing. Back in the black hole days, when we were living in China, Charlotte called us from America and had several long talks with Li and myself. She even tried to check on our case for us with DOS, as calling from China was so hard. Her advice is always good and her insight invaluable.
  8. Here in Ardmore we have a total of four Chinese, including Li. Tomorrow night we are gathering for a feast and celebration. Ring in the year of the monkey. It kind of makes me homesick for China. I spent five new years there. Xin nian hao!!!!
  9. Happy Birthday Kimnjake and best wishes for a speedy reunion.
  10. December 15: Atlanta working on July 9, 2001 applications for AOS. January 15: Atlanta working on July 9, 2001 applications for AOS.
  11. I thought the letter was great Clifford. Might want to consider sending it. Who knows, maybe it will get his attention.
  12. Just checked the USCIS status update for Atlanta office regarding AOS. On December 15, they were working on July 9, 2001. They updated yesterday. Still working on July 9, 2001. A whole month and not a lick of progress. It is beyond my comprehension. This indeed is another Black Hole. Folks who arrived around the same time we did already have their green cards or are at least scheduled for interviews. At the pace the Atlanta office is going, my daughter will be in college before we get AOS and she isn't due to be born for another four months.
  13. Yeah, I just checked it myself. It is interesting to note that when they updated it in mid-December they were working on July 9, 2001. Now, 31 days later they are still working on July 9, 2001. Must have been a lot of petitions sent in that day, huh. Seriously, I am dumbfounded by the lack of progress in Atlanta. It is beyond comprehension. One month and no progress at all. You would think they would try to speed things up a bit. After all, they are only two and a half years behind.
  14. 36 months or 36 weeks? i hope you meant the latter. Nope, it said 36 months.
  15. WTF?!? Does her body belong to her, or does it belong to her work unit? I asked the same question. In China, due to the one child policy, once a birth control device is installed, permission is needed to have it removed. At least that is how it was in the two provinces where we lived, Anhui and Guangdong.
  16. There seems to be no consistency in the AOS process either Cliff. It just depends on what office you are dealing with. Some folks who arrived after us have already obtained AOS. We applied in June and, other than the initial letter we received acknowledging receipt of our application, we have heard nothing. Said letter stated we could expect an interview within 36 months. So far, it has been seven and a half months and nada, nothing.
  17. In some cities, churches, especially Chinese churches, offer classes in Chinese for children of immigrants or second generation Chinese-Americans who want to learn the language. I know in Miami they have large classes at one of the churches. Even in Huntsville, Alabama they have a class like this. Huntsville is not that large. Population is around 200,000.
  18. Glad you posted this Yanhua. Li had one of those rings while we lived in China and it caused major problems for her. Heavy bleeding, painful periods that were nearly incapacitating. Also developed an infection. We went to have it removed but the doc didn't want to without permission from the work unit. We finally got it removed through "guanxi" we had with another doctor. As you may know, Li is five months pregnant now. She has had very positive experiences with her ob/gyn here in the States. He is male but very gentle and reassuring. Interestingly, he always insists that I be present when he examines her. He explains everything in detail to both of us.
  19. Whoa, Boy. I am a morning shower person. Xiahong is a night shower person. Our nighttime routine is for me to wash hands and face (to wash off any cat traces) and hit the sack. She heads into the shower and spends 30 minutes or so getting wet, turning off the water, lathering up, rinsing off, turning off the water, soaping up with the wet towel around her neck, rinsing off, turning off the water, shampooing her hair, rinsing off her hair, turning off the water and jumping out dripping wet. Sometimes she even gets the shower door all the way closed while doing this ritual. Then, she 'dries off' with the wet towel (after washing and wringing it out in the sink) and comes to bed wet and cold. It's still a shock to get up in the middle of the night to take a leak and walk on those cold, soggy towels on the floor. Sometimes, it makes me pick up the pace. Now washing hands in the kitchen sink is another thing altogether. One must turn on the water full force to make sure it splatters in a three-foot radius on the counter, window and wall. Then, the hands must be shook off on the floor before 'drying' them on the wet towel sitting next to the sink. Hmmmm. Just a minor period of adjustment. Don, after reading this, I wonder if our wifes our related. Mine is pretty much the same way, has to spray the sink area as far as possible, water on the floor. I mention this to Ling and she just says that it will be dry in morning, but then in the morning, wash face, another shower, and again water all over the place. I have told her that when she arrives here no more, since my floors are carpeted, and I am not tearing them up. Oh what adjustments when she arrives. Also waiting for her 1st winter here, especially since she likes to walk fast. Could be very interesting. Li does this as well. She likes to dry with a wet towel. She has explained to me that she gets dryer that way but I still can't fathom it.
  20. Congratulations Carl. Its about time! Best of luck on the rest of the process. Really happy for you guys.
  21. We have a washer and dryer but, because we live in a rural area, Li often hangs things out to dry on the clothesline. Just as I was typing this she asked me to help her hang out a bunch of things.
  22. Fantastic news Tine!!!!!! Congrats to you and Ella!
  23. Hi Scott. Checked out the pics. Very nice. So how is the traffic in MN?
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