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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Yep. So are you getting into the Dog Days of Summer yet? Down here the dog days begin in August and man o man is it hot. I have already had to explain that one to Li because here in Ardmore we have the locally famous "Dog Days Flea Market". "Why do they call it a flea market? Do the dogs have fleas?"
  2. Congrats and best wishes Frank. Having a daughter is such a blessing. Each day I look at little Salina and just go "WoW"!!!!!
  3. As usual, different centers, different procedures. We obtained EAD five months before biometrics were done. Then again, we are dealing with Atlanta. Who knows?????
  4. I cover local college and high school sports for the newspaper. This spring I took Li to several baseball games with me. The first game she was completely lost, didn't understand anything. "Why do those guys out by the fence just stand around all the time?" "Why do they call it home plate? It doesn't look like a plate?" "I thought Americans didn't spit like Chinese do". These were just a few of the notable quotes from our experience. Since then, she has learned a lot about the game as she has been exposed to it more. My suggestion is to take her to some live games. She can get a better overall view of the field. Explaining the finer nuances of the game can be tricky though. Kind of like when I used to have to explain various idioms to Li, idioms that were posted on the board by Candle members might I add. Yes, Don, that means you.
  5. Congrats Carl. It is always good news to hear when one of the old timers around here have crossed a major milestone. Alas, as for us, we received 1st NOA 31 months ago and still no sign of an AOS interview. But, with the new baby, we have more important things to worry about I guess. Again, congrats and best wishes.
  6. Thanks to all for your kind words and wishes. Just to give a brief update. Li has been formally discharged from the hospital (insurance company allows two days, even with c-section---the a**holes), but don't get me started on that one. Overall Li is fine but has some pain due to engorged breasts. She is still staying at the hospital with Salina who will probably come home tomorrow. I will try to get some picks asap but will probably wait until she gets home and out from under those alien-like lights they have her under. As for me, I am ecstatic of course but really tired. The hospital is about 20 miles away and I still have to go back and forth a lot because we only have two writers at our paper and the news doesn't stop, even if I need to. In fact, I am at work as I type this. Stayed last night at hospital with virtually no sleep. Had to help Li set up a breast pump this morning, then came to work about noon. Wrote five articles and am heading back to the hospital. Wish me luck. Still, I couldn't be happier!
  7. Congratulations Squeak. This is truly great news. But take a hint, there are a lot more than 88 things to do. Just don't forget the bottom of the toilet seat.
  8. Thanks Strider. Your thoughts are truly appreciated.
  9. No doubt about that. It has already started. And thanks for the kind words Carl. I am already more than a little wrapped around that tiny finger. I have another daughter, now age 17, who also captured me quickly and still can talk me into just about anything. When Salina gets a little older, I don't have a chance.
  10. Just wanted to let everyone know that Li gave birth to our darling eight pound, 20 and one-half inch bundle of joy at 5:40 pm on Tuesday the 18th of May. So, welcome Salina Li Turner to the world. She has her mother's eyes, nose and hair. Looks like my forehead, chin and mouth. She is absolutely gorgeous, at least to us. Li had a very long and difficult, and potentially dangerous delivery. Labor was induced at 8 pm Monday night. Her water broke at around 1 pm on Tuesday. The baby's head entered the final phase at around five o'clock, when Li began to start losing copious amounts of blood. Evidently, the placenta had torn away from the uterine wall due to the violence of the contraction. The doc took one look at how much she was bleeding and whisked her off for emergency C-section. It was kind of touch and go for a few minutes, but everything went well. I was allowed in the surgical room to watch the C-section. What an experience that was! I was able to cut the cord and, because Li had to be sown back up and spend time in recovery, I got to spend a few hours with Salina alone. It is such an experience to see those little eyes look into yours for the first time. I had talked to Salina and read to her throughout the pregnancy and, when I first spoke to her, she immediately recognized my voice. Incredible. Both mom and baby are still in hospital but will come home Friday or Saturday. Li lost a lot of blood and is a bit weak of course. Salina has a slight infection so they are giving her antibiotics as a precaution. She is also under one of those blue light thingies because she is a little jaundice but nothing to worry about. Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers through all this. For those who are expecting, you are in for such an incredible experience. Li (Xiao Hua on the board) sends her regards to all.
  11. Great to have you back Squeak and good luck on the interview. Keep us posted!
  12. Congrats Clifford. Hope things move quickly from here on out. Keep the faith, it helps.
  13. You know, this really is the last straw. I mean, these guys take up to three or more years to complete AOS. In the meantime, if Li wants to continue to work legally, we have to keep shelling out $120 per year until they get their act together. For the life of me, I can't figure out why centers like Atlanta and Memphis are so far behind the others. I could go on and on here but I won't. Just suffice to say that if I have to fork over another $120 I am not going to be a happy camper. First they drop us into the famous Black Hole for eighteen plus months. Now they keep us in suspended animation while they keep sucking money out of our pocket. This sucks!
  14. Ok, way back in August thought this might be a moot point as I figured we would have cleared AOS by now. Fat chance. Don't look like that will happen before the 2008 Olympics. Question: I know we have to apply for renewal of Li's EAD, which expires on August 26th (one year after she got it). I think we have to apply 90 days in advance. Where do we get the forms and what do we have to do? Any one been through this hoop yet? B)
  15. Based on the speed things are processing, you may very well be right Don!
  16. Happy Birthday and Best Wishes from one Taurus to another!
  17. Just out of curiosity, checked the USCIS web site to see how Atlanta was progressing with AOS. Still claim to be on April 1st, 2001 applications. That's right at 37 months folks. I, for one, cannot fathom what they are doing (or not doing) over there. It truly boggles the mind.
  18. Good luck with Atlanta Frank. Yer gonna need it.
  19. Fantastic!!! Three days has to be a record. Best of luck at the interview and best wishes for a great future together.
  20. I recall that when I was a teen-ager, my Dad (who is now 83) was fond of saying, "Son, you're never gonna live long enough to see 21." I guess my teen years were a little on the wild side. Grew up in the 60's ya know.
  21. Li and I had no real plans to have a child at this time, but sometimes things happen. Once we found out she was pregnant, we were actually very thrilled and excited. Going through these last eight and half months has been a joy, watching her get bigger and bigger, seeing the sonograms of our little one inside her. Now, we are waiting on pins and needles for her arrival any day now. We had planned to wait awhile. I suspect there is never a "good time" when everything is in order. Just make sure you two are in agreement over your decision. But keep in mind, sometimes things happen in spite of our decisions to the contrary. Good luck and best wishes.
  22. Fantastic News!!!!!!! Congrats Carl and Bing. Persistence does indeed pay off. This is really great news to hear.
  23. Thanks for all the well wishes for my 55th birthday! Actually, I feel younger than ever. Li is starting to have contractions. Saw the doc yesterday and he said the little lady could be born anytime now. Kinda hoped she would come today. What a birthday gift that would be. But, I don't think that's gonna happen. Li's birthday is May 7. Maybe then, huh? Anyway, thanks to all.
  24. Good to hear from you and hope you stop by more often. Congrats on getting the interview.
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