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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Well alright then cosmo dude but i hope you washed it real gooooood!!!! Hmmmm....
  2. Sounds great Dan. Will give it a try. How about directions off I-65?
  3. Fantastic and congratulations. Thanks for posting the details of events leading up to the interview. I am sure it will be helpful for those who haven't made it to that step yet.
  4. Li really likes those corn dogs too. She has found a way to steam them in a steamer. A bit soft but very interesting indeed.
  5. Geeezzzz! What a mess!!!! It never surprises me when the USCIS finds new and even more bizarre ways to foul things up. This is really an outrage. Best of luck in unraveling this tangled mess. I agree with others that you should maintain positive relations with the congressional office. Keep after them and keep us posted.
  6. Welcome to Candle! At our home, we have a one-year-old daughter. We primarily speak English but there is also a good amount of Chinese spoken as well. Li was an English teacher at a Chinese university, so her language skills are excellent. My Chinese skills are passable, but barely. I am sure little Salina, if she listens to me, will speak a butchered form of Chinese!
  7. I thought it might be interesting to share with one another whether or not your SO has learned to cook western food, and if so, what is her or his specialty? Li is a great cook, hands down. Whether it be Chinese cuisine or Western fare, she is an artist. Her favorite is Rib Eye steak, which she broils slowly on the stove top or, sometimes in the oven. She has also learned to make great Mexican food, particularly succulent burritos and enchiladas. Yum Yum! Her next project is trying her hand at cooking on the grill outside. I can't wait. How is it with you folks?
  8. Likewise! When we left China two plus years ago, we both had one-way tickets. Flew our of Gunagzhou. Don't see any reason for round trip unless it is a great deal and you plan to return to China in the near future. Have a safe trip!
  9. Wow Trigg!!! You are even older than me!!!! Seriously, have a great day. You deserve it. Take yourself our for some fish head soup.
  10. Thanks Frank. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Now, if I could just convince everyone that I should get a gift for 56 consecutive days. No, not a bad idea at all.
  11. Hmmmm.....my birthday was over a month ago. Old Fart???? Old Fart???? What's that line about the pot and the kettle?
  12. In five or six years you will be part of Huntsville. Maybe a new Chinatown around Harvest? We just returned from Chinatown Atlanta this evening. LaoPo says "many GuangZhou people here. We move here!" Sorry darling, but the money is here. We have a good Chinese market here, but we still managed to bring home a cooler full of goodies. Pork bones, various roots, and the fish were still kickin'. Fresh for Yue means it ain't quite dead yet. Boy, have you got that right! Before long, Huntsville will have annexed all the way to the Tennesse line. We live about a mile into Tennessee. Have only been in Ardmore for about two years. I am a native of Huntsville and lived there until I was 10. My family moved to Venice, Florida, where I lived until I was 18. After a stint in the Army, I moved back to Huntsville and went to UAH, then to work. I remained in Huntsville until moving to Miami in 1983. Lived in Miami until '98, then moved to China. Lived in China until we finally got the visa and returned to the States around two years ago. Ended up in Ardmore. I really like Huntsville, by far the most cosmopolitan city in Alabama. Over the years, I have hiked every inch of Monte Sano, on every side. Still have quite a few relatives there. In fact, my uncle just retired as the Huntsville Fire Chief on May 31. We get down to the Rocket City pretty often. Is your S.O. in the States now? PM me. Maybe we can meet for lunch some time. Be glad to share our visa story with you. It is, to say the least, a long and strange journey. Li and I have been together for over seven years now and have a one-year-old daughter.
  13. Geezzz Tony, sorry to hear about this. I am not sure what the answer is, but hang in there, I am sure there is one. Have you tried calling the 1-800 USCIS number for advice? Not sure that would help but it's worth a try. Keep us posted.
  14. Glad it all finally worked out for you guys. Every step of this process can be a headache, especially when mined with inept workers. SSN has been a headache for many. For us, however, it was one of the few procedures that went smoothly.
  15. That's great news! Congratulations and breathe easier now that the paperwork is over for awhile. One bit of advice: check the green card carefully when you get it and make sure there are no errors. Ours had the wrong birthdate on it and we had to schlep all the way over to Memphis to get it corrected. We received the replacement card and there was a different error on this one. Can you guess? That's right. They want us to come back to Memphis again. So, be sure to check that green card.
  16. Now how in the world did I miss this? Thanks for all the well-wishes, even if my birthday was on April 29. You guys (and girls) are great. Actually, we had a run on birthdays and holidays. April 29 was my birthday, May 7 was Li's birthday, May 8 was Mother's Day, and May 18 was Salina's birthday. Hmmm...Father's day is coming soon.
  17. From reading this thread, I can clearly see that the GZ email responses haven't changed much since 2002.
  18. Fantastic! Best wishes for a bright future.
  19. We actually have three and a half down here in Ardmore, only two if my family is out of town. Salina, our daughter, accounts for the half. The other couple owns the local Chinese take-out.
  20. Anybody heard anything from the Triggster? The last thing I heard was what sounded like a wet mop slap, followed by some choice words about not mentioning sheep during the interview. Wot mop slap??? Great description, indeed.
  21. Li has been fingerprinted three times since coming to the States. Once in Birmingham, once in Atlanta and once in Memphis. They charged us a fee each time.
  22. Congrats and best wishes for a great future together. Isn't it great to pass that GZ hurdle?
  23. If you consider a toilet in a crowded restaurant public, yeah, it was public.
  24. I got my foot stuck in a chinese toilet one time......Don't ask!
  25. I hear you can get inflatable sheep over there, too!
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