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Everything posted by Yuanyang

  1. Anything to keep the Good-Old-Boy secret Porn forum going with another 120Gb
  2. I'm guessing here: He needs to file the back taxes for the previous years. He may even have to pay a penalty. Note: This is one of the most common issues that I've seen on CFL regarding taxes. That is the USC's income is so low that no taxes will be collected so they do not file. ALWAYS file your taxes, even if you're certain you don't have to pay!
  3. Thanks for doing the 'thankless' jobs around here.
  4. But how would they know that you kick the bucket if you don't tell them you did...? or maybe if you stop paying thier bill! Assuming Fisher is still alive he'll tell everyone.
  5. I enjoyed it. A bit over at times but overall I think most guys will like it.
  6. I don't know if "prefer" is the right word or not. I'd say that all things even that a Chinese girl is more likely to not have a problem (socially or with family) dating or marrying an older man than would a Western girl (Sugar Daddies excluded of course).
  7. Many thanks to PJ, The Don!, Carl, and many other for keeping the Candle burning!
  8. Yeah, he looks a whole lot like .... http://www.viralblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Psy-gangnam-style.jpg Not!
  9. Geez Randy, are you that bored? Congrats!
  10. Originally, I had thought you guys were talking about CSM Plumley (potrayed in We Were Soldiers) Shown here with Hal Moore. http://cdn5.warhistoryonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/MoorePlumley.jpg From the movie. Those who knew CSM Plumley said he was 'down played' and 'softer' in the movie than real life. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/10/11/article-2215992-157284F0000005DC-570_634x339.jpg
  11. uh, he ain't dead yet. Close, but not yet.
  12. China's still working on making aircraft that can land on an aircraft carrier, No doubt our good friends in Russia will sell them some if they want. But yeah, China's a big nuke power and seem to have all the toys that go with that like MIRVs (multiple independent re-entry vehicles). They can get Texas and Florida in one shot!
  13. Of course it's YOU! Why do you think she sought out someone from the other side of the planet? She wanted The Stooopidist Man in the world. (That's what I tell mine. )
  14. Wow. What state? Texas I paid a nominal expedite fee (forgot the exact amount) and got the papers back via courier in 3 days.
  15. Carl, I'm amazed at the precision you've put into this. Then I see 'Trigger', Willie Nelson's guitar. I understand he'll never give this baby up. http://guitarsmusic.net/files/2011/06/Willie-Nelsons-Guitar.jpg
  16. Doubtful, since it's easy enough to find her records anyway, but probably a good idea to keep. I assumed everyone did this (data page/visa off US passport) given that hotels will keep your actual passport and just in case you come across some hard-nosed federales you'd have papers to present to them.
  17. Does having a photocopy of the green card help? Does it reduce the costs? I'm just wondering because we always have those same as having copy of the data page and visa on the US passport when traveling.
  18. Mike, I did mine back in 2005 so I'm not up to date but this is what I did and it worked. I filled out the online form from the consulate site (Houston) and said I'm single. I had that notarized. I then got a certified copy of my divorce decree. I sent both down to Austin so 1) the Secretary of State could affirm (certify) that the notary was a notary and 2) that the District clerk that certified my divorce decree was really the District clerk. Now I sent those down to the consulate and they issued a "Certificate of Marriageability". Remember that anything that you get from your state office that is stapled, keep it stapled. When he gets the certificate from the consulate, keep it stapled. Make copies, scan all you want but don't break those staples. Here's the skinny from the Houston Consulate.
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