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Everything posted by Eric&Yuhui

  1. I am not proud tonight to be an American. What a shame... What a coward. Or at the very least a irresponsible individual Jerks abound ( male and female ) , boundary-less. I am so sorry. I just wish I could tell him a piece of my mind for uprooting someone and let her stand in the wind.... PM me or my wife Yuhui if we can be of any help..
  2. If the VO fought with his wife / her hubby that day..... Afraid you're outta luck...Gold visa or not.... Sad, unfair , but true and experienced ... See above post
  3. Riiiiiiiiiight Ah, AOS newbies innocence,, gotta love it !!
  4. You are right.. I only travel First Class... Cargo Class... Near the Doggie bay.... Pressurized AND heated... That reminds me of that recent idiot taking a NY-TX flight in a crate.. Fedex me Scotty !!
  5. At the discretion of the adjudicating consular officer, K3/K4 applicants may be asked to present secondary documents to support the claimed marital relationship. These documents may include letters, photographs, joint ownership of assets, bank accounts, and phone bills. Otherwise, the documents for a K visa application are the same as those for immigrant visa applications. Philippines Embassy
  6. Just want to be on top.... the topic list that is...
  7. Guess you haven't checked the exchange rate for Turkish Lira ( TRL ) lately.... Value barely above Don's 2 Jiao's I'm as cheap as you and him....
  8. OK. We finally went there because the 800 BCIS number is useless... Miami does'n t answer their phones ( we merely wanted to check if they received the change of address from KS to FL after we filed AOS late March ).. You have to make an appointment for that ! Good grief.. So we did.. Showed up.. North side of the building looked like the Shanghai railways station during New Year festival.... Southside ( for those with "appointments" through their infamous INFOPASS web system ) looked like Mumbai, India train station.. You get the picture.. Well, they sent everybody home, because ISABEL shut down the DC computers....( Note : What if you wanted to ask a question that did NOT require access to BCIS computer huh ? ... Well, though ) Now, you would think that because they asked for a phone and email when you make the Infopass appointment, they would use it somehow to advise people not to take off from work and waste an afternoon right ? Not so, Jose... Way to complicated for those characters.. Enuff said.. There has got to be a better way...
  9. True. They even recovered two US warplanes in some southern lakes in China recently.. One they intend to fly again once refurbished in the States... ( Us, not the chinese.. ). Ok, that's my two jiao. <-- Cheap guy !! dave OK, that's my 245 Millions Turkish liras <---- Rich guy eric
  10. I am afraid I was right..and suggest this topic is pinned for a while as it is definitely for a good cause and they need help.. Any pin-empowered boys or girls around here since Don is somewhere over the Pacific and PJ is basking in love in China ? This relates to non-immigrant visas, which K's technically are. So basically, you need to know WHAT was missing from the evidences presented or IF they just didn't believe it, or just had a "gut" feeling. Also need to know under what section of INA, the visa was refused... Section 214b ? Other? In other word, was the refusal due to the interviewer having a bad hair day, or what was he/she refering to. She must have received a blue slip after the interview stating why the visa was denied. It could have said.. bring more stuff ( evidences ) and come back.. or flaty denies the visa ( under section blahblahblah of INA, in which case the file goes back to BCIS, and the applicants have to take it up with those folks.. this below is from the Shanghai consulate ( I would think the GZ consulate follows the same policies ) RECONSIDERATION OF A VISA REFUSAL If a consular officer is unable to approve issuance of a visa, there is no formal appeal process. The only way a visa applicant can be reconsidered for a visa is to reapply. To reapply, an applicant must schedule a new visa interview appointment. The application fee must be paid for each application and a new set of application forms submitted. During subsequent interviews, the applicant should present new convincing evidence of strong ties to China. Information supporting an applicant's case should NOT be sent directly to the Consular Section on the applicant's behalf. All materials that an applicant wishes to have considered should be presented to the interviewing consular officer at the time of the interview. A reapplication does not guarantee issuance of a visa. Please note: any applicant with multiple refusals is strongly advised not to reapply for a nonimmigrant visa unless his or her situation in China has changed significantly. Repeated applications without significant changes in the applicant's circumstances are not likely to end in the issuance of a visa and are a waste of time and money. Also go there : WHAT TO DO IF REFUSED A VISA? Also read this : PROBLEMS AT INTERVIEW, UNFAIR OFFICER AND INFORMAL APPEAL
  11. Excellent! http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/g0/claps.gif I'll tell them you said that !! AOS in 2034 for you !
  12. PJ, please come back. Don is getting out of control .... Juuust kidding Yuhui and I are very happy for you ! Enjoy life in China....
  13. I think Ashcroft has to sign off on it too. Oh.. then ONLY the Prez and Mr Congeniality.. that ought to be easy Was afraid that Colin had to be consulted too
  14. Thanks Mick ! I was about to remind him of that... Tradition that passes from old-Ktimers to new-Ktimers... I bet he didn't !
  15. A year ?? Good grief ! What do they need ? An Executive order from Pennsylvania Ave ?
  16. When you file I-485 Adjustment of status is the first thing that comes to mind
  17. I am glad to report that I no longer fear Yuhui car stunts on the road.. Well, xcept for the 45 mph 90 deg angle right turn... or the damn.. I almost ran that red light thinggie.... She does very well by herself. I am very proud of my honey-bunny.. I no longer kiss the car hood when she ( the car ! ) comes home in one piece... Way to go sweetie Seriously, I had to "force" her a tad to drive by herself so I don't worry too much about her driving by herself while I'm in Europe in 3 weeks........ So she went a few times... shopped like hell.... I should've known better If you love them, set them free.....( Have State Farm standing by eff curse .. :-) ))
  18. Looks like it's heading towards the Carolinas..Probably a landfall at 110-120 mph + Click on the ISABEL link above
  19. Go watch ISABEL A truly very professional tracking website.....She's on a W-NW course right now.....Scheduled to be a H3 by 9/17..... Ahhh. Femme Fatale.....
  20. PJ.. Don't listen to this nonsense.. Just hang a sign around your neck that says "RAID".. Sorry, I do not know the Mandarin for this.. Just kidding..... Enjoy your time in China.. I'm starting to miss it..It's been 8 months since I was there... But then again, honey-bunny is here with me now
  21. Dan... We are straight south of you in Northern Broward county... not far at all For some reason, I thought you guys were on FL west coast
  22. Turkish, actually. But the plane was French Posted on Thu, Jan. 30, 2003 Chinese ID two men who fell from airliner MARTIN FACKLER Associated Press SHANGHAI, China - Two men whose bodies fell from an Air France jetliner in Shanghai last week were identified Thursday by police as Turkish nationals with a history of stowing away in airline luggage holds.
  23. The trick is to use a VERY TINY pen, Robert And keep it short ! How many boxes do you need ??
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