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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. If membership was simply required for a nonpolitical job it has been ok. Be sure to have the evidence to present to support the claim it was involuntary.
  2. The only document employers can go by is the I-9 to determine work eligibility. It is required for all employees upon start of work. Status or citizenship is not an issue except that the document clearly states eligibility can be proven by presenting an unexpired I-94 as proof. This is the I-9 is the only document an employer can go by. failure to have it correctly filled out would in audit result in $250.00 / line error or $2,500/document / employee fines. Most of our fine was for failing to update epired driver's license info for American citizens employed. This is the document (I-9) that determines if the company hired someone while knowing they were not eligible for work. The issue for most employers is whether or not they can keep an employee after the 90 day expireration and before EAD or PR. Most update records once a year and would not check until that update. It is a technicality that puts the employer in jeopardy. If the employer wants to risk it they will as the chance of being audited during that gap is about equal to world peace being declared.
  3. My sister told me that when she lived in Cincinnati, there was a humorous newspaper article about the 'most creative' vice defense the judge had ever heard, You see, that city is famous for sandwiches that can be ordered 'one way', 'two way' or 'three way'. So, when a guy asked a police decoy if she wanted to 'get into a three way' with him his lawyer got him off by pleading: 'You Honor! He was inviting the young lady for a SANDWICH!!!' -James 227369[/snapback] I never heard of three way sandwich. It is the cincy chili that is ordered one, two or three way. So where in the list is you prefer dishes prepared with bones and tendon than with too much meat? It doesn't get much better than having spicy beef tendon, yummy hao tsu!
  4. Congratulations! Soon you will be working on AOS
  5. I don't think it is a me or we question. It is strictly a matter of practicality and the needs of the visit. Many are away from home for the longest they have ever been. There are things that must be taken care of in addition to the family/friend obligations. I see no reason to consider this abandoning the marriage by being away so long. That would center on intent. Perhaps this whole discussion should center on the intent for being away so long. Anyway what is long? All of this is relative and differs case by case. Some must take care of property or business. Then there is the family and friends. Some may feel more comfortable (relieved at not paying U.S. medical costs) visiting family doctors and dentists. There are many familiar things to be done and in a familiar language where they can feel in control again. The time frame is irrelevant! It is what you and your spouse feel comfortable with. Discuss it together and arrive at what you both can deal with. In an international intercultural marriage you can't just fit things nicely into a single faith, culture, nationality marriage where each holiday you must decide whose parents to be with.
  6. Since we went to ITalkBB we have only had one problem, I would receive a call and not be able to hear anything, and a restart of the phone box solved that. 226441[/snapback] We still occasionally get a really bad connection but only with local calls... 226488[/snapback] Have you tried seeing if there is an upgrade on line for your router? Linksys.com provides voip upgrades for many of their routers.
  7. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!! 226473[/snapback] Trigg: I will reassess my calculations and consult with my mentor Professor Irwin Corey and then report back to you. Ken 226474[/snapback] Ken Trigg is just trying to sway you with Triglogic. Don't give in. Keep your system and market it. If you go with Triglogic you will find a consulting bill in your email I'm sure. Read the post again, Trigg needs any means possible to raise money and avoid a mop slap that will make history. 226477[/snapback] Well DUH Dan!! Of course I'm trying to cover my oversize hiney. Oh, did I mention that wifey flies into LA on the 11th too late to catch a flight home. I told her i booked her a nice suit at the hotel Dan and I hired her a chauffeur to pick her up at the airport ant carry her half ton bags via Danny's skycap and goat skinning services?????? 226479[/snapback] No problem Trigg. In true Chinese fashion we always have room to put up a friend or two over night. (I hope the carpet doesn't make too soft a bed). 226482[/snapback] Cool!! She'll have the mortgage book with her too. i'm sure you will take care of it for me. Dayum, my first day posting again and I've already managed to hijack a thread and piss off the mod squad!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BACK!!! 226487[/snapback]
  8. I included two in the original application along with supporting evidence of everything mentioned with an outline listing everything in the packet. At interview nothing additional was asked for except pictures (most were in the packet already with dates and references). She handed the VO a CD with a screensaver I had sent her of our times together. He popped it in, smiled, interview over. I believe the important thing is to present anything that might be questioned with supporting documentation in your favor. This should all be with the application. Make it easy for them to have no doubts of fraud (they are not looking for love but rather visa fraud which means using a K-1 for other intent than marrying). So they can have the decision to pass before interview. Make it organized and simple so a rushed gov employee can scan it for gaps and red flags and find none.
  9. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!! 226473[/snapback] Trigg: I will reassess my calculations and consult with my mentor Professor Irwin Corey and then report back to you. Ken 226474[/snapback] Ken Trigg is just trying to sway you with Triglogic. Don't give in. Keep your system and market it. If you go with Triglogic you will find a consulting bill in your email I'm sure. Read the post again, Trigg needs any means possible to raise money and avoid a mop slap that will make history. 226477[/snapback] Well DUH Dan!! Of course I'm trying to cover my oversize hiney. Oh, did I mention that wifey flies into LA on the 11th too late to catch a flight home. I told her i booked her a nice suit at the hotel Dan and I hired her a chauffeur to pick her up at the airport ant carry her half ton bags via Danny's skycap and goat skinning services?????? 226479[/snapback] No problem Trigg. In true Chinese fashion we always have room to put up a friend or two over night. (I hope the carpet doesn't make too soft a bed).
  10. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!! 226473[/snapback] Trigg: I will reassess my calculations and consult with my mentor Professor Irwin Corey and then report back to you. Ken 226474[/snapback] Ken Trigg is just trying to sway you with Triglogic. Don't give in. Keep your system and market it. If you go with Triglogic you will find a consulting bill in your email I'm sure. Read the post again, Trigg needs any means possible to raise money and avoid a mop slap that will make history. 226477[/snapback] Trigg: Because of the unusual circumstances of this matter I will be forced to bring in another specialist in this field. The one and only Soupy Sales. Ken 226478[/snapback] Not the one and only SOUPY!!!!
  11. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!! 226473[/snapback] Trigg: I will reassess my calculations and consult with my mentor Professor Irwin Corey and then report back to you. Ken 226474[/snapback] Ken Trigg is just trying to sway you with Triglogic. Don't give in. Keep your system and market it. If you go with Triglogic you will find a consulting bill in your email I'm sure. Read the post again, Trigg needs any means possible to raise money and avoid a mop slap that will make history.
  12. Intent to marry letter is a simple statement of your intention. I used the cover letter to simply state why we were submitting the application and simply describing the relationship that led us to this step. She also wrote a few lines letter stating that she wanted the visa so we could marry and be together. All of this we included with the app and they had it in the folder at interview. For the P-4 we simply wrote a paragraph stating our purpose was to get the visa so she could come to the US to marry me.
  13. It ain't so bad havin' her gone. She calls everyday to nag about something--takes away the 'I miss her" pains a bit!I just wish I knew where she puts the clean undies?? 226252[/snapback] Hey Trigg, I thought she wasn't going to be gone long enough for a change of undies. Are you planning to put on fresh undies and take a shower before heading to Las Vegas? Now this is information even your wife might pay for. 226277[/snapback] Already been to Vegas Danny Boy!! Hey man, got a quarter I can borrow for a bowl of soup?? 226285[/snapback] Do you have a paypal account?
  14. It ain't so bad havin' her gone. She calls everyday to nag about something--takes away the 'I miss her" pains a bit!I just wish I knew where she puts the clean undies?? 226252[/snapback] Hey Trigg, I thought she wasn't going to be gone long enough for a change of undies. Are you planning to put on fresh undies and take a shower before heading to Las Vegas? Now this is information even your wife might pay for.
  15. Yup getting your money's worth from the cost of going home is a good part of it. Besides there are family and friends to spend time with. Many have financial ties still that require going to take care of accounts, property and or old job ties still providing benefits. Those that work at Asian restaurants reap one of the benefits of going for one or two months while a temp fills in. Temps aren't usually available for under a month. For a week or two everyone just works harder. Some restaurants that are large or the owner has several have a waitress that is the fill in for whoever is out for the month. If they work for Chinese 6 days a week they need more than a week to recoup. Besides most after a month or so of returning to Chinese language and ways start missing things American and think of us at home making a sweeter home coming. I know some that go for a week or two but they get to go every three or four months.
  16. If life is good why worry about what she says to others? Do you have any contact with her family? One possibility that comes to mind is that if she had a good job in China it could be continuing a small salary and insurance in the way of retainer. This would end if it got back to the company that she left China and married. On actual termination the insurance can be negotiated for a period covered by the company. Sometiomes even for life. This is just one possibility that comes to mind. But if the U.S. friends and home life seem good for you why question her motives for hope she deals with China? If you are worried that she is keeping it open to return to Chinese single life you may jinx your chances for a future. It is not uncommon for Chinese to keep an alternative open while they make sure of the direction they are going. This in no way indicates they are not commited to the relationship. It is just prudent.
  17. No more land line! We cancelled the old home phone and now only use italkbb for home. It is working fine. Saves money and gives us more use of the internet cable which also supplies us with kylinTV.
  18. Ron from your timeline you are right on schedule. The worst part of this process is the waiting until the next notice or sign that anything is being done with your case. Hang in there you have only begun. Take a look at the timelines of others on their posts to see how they are running now. I would guess from yours that it will be another 3 to 4 months to your next step - the P-3. Good luck!
  19. and then check again. One of the biggest problems in a free society is misinformation. Good advice guys! Did anyone know that an advisor can be held accountable for wrong information but a consultant is not. This may be over simplification but generally holds true. An advisor is expected to have correct information to be followed. A consultant simply puts forward their ideas and you decide what to follow. Yup the CFL Consultancy, if you think what we said can be helpful, use it at your own discretion and risk.
  20. It is by your own morals or judgement of the individuals. In China the majority of the classes caome up with a certain rating order. I don't want to reveal it because that may bias other responses.
  21. interpreting a story tells a lot about a person's culture. I have found that there is often disagreement regarding the values attributed to the characters in a story. In China this story is used by some teachers teaching cultural as well as individual values. John and Mary decide to go out on a day cruise in a small ship shortly after getting engaged. They bring John's best friend Bob. Also on the cruise is an old man, a businessman, the captain and a sailor. They go out on the sea and suddenly a storm comes up. The ship capsizes and they all get in the two life boats. John and Bob are in one with the captain. Mary, the old man, the businessman and the sailor are all in another. They get seperated and lost during the storm. Luckily both life boats are picked up but by different ships. The two ships take the survivors to two harbors some miles apart. They are all given medical treatment, clothes and bed to sleep in. That evening Mary hears that John is safe and at the other harbor. She is desperate to be with him. She asks the old man to help her get there. He says he is too old and can not be of help as he must take care of himself. She asks the businessman if he could take her. He tells her his company will be coming to pick him up but it would be out of his way and his schedule has alrebeen disrupted. So then she asks the sailor. He tells her he thought she was very pretty when she came aboard. He will help her reach John in the morning. That is if she will spend the night with him. This upsets Mary very much. She could not do such a thing. But she must get to John and doesn't even know if John knows she survived. So she does it and the next morning the sailor takes her to the harbor to join John. THey have a very happy reunion. Mary wants to be completely honest with John and can not hide what happened. She tells him with tears in her eyes. John immediately pushes her away and calls off the engagement. Mary pleads but to no avail. John will not have a woman who would do that. He leaves her in tears. Bob remains trying to console her. A few months later Bob and Mary are married. Now on a scale of 1 through 5 rate the characters as 1 being the best and 6 the worst. (the captain is not part of this) I will only tell you I agreed with most of the ranking by the class but not all. Certainly one character assessment surprised me. Let's see what you come up with.
  22. This is mind boggling, Dan. 10 ft Sturgeons???? Is that true? Or at least true today? Maybe, if never interfered by humans and allowed to grow, but, 10 ft, today? I am feeling so naive now. This damn dwarfs what was undertaken and accomplished by the Great Wall and the Pyrimids??? I can only suppose it will be on the Discovery Channel as one of those Modern Marvels soon (if not already). Or, did I miss that one? Gee, I can hardly wait for when it aires. 222550[/snapback] Indeed mind boggling. Yes 10 foot creatures swim the Changjiang. As for the modern marvel, there have already been two specials made about it. The Wuhan Aquarium has exhibits of sturgeon from 6 inch young to two full grown monsters. http://www.arkive.org/species/GES/fish/Aci.../more_info.html http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-1...tent_270529.htm The Chinese Sturgeon is larger than the Yangtze Sturgeon. According to the article I did not see full grown as those can reach 15 feet. Yhis is on the river dolphin http://www2.newpaltz.edu/~rowe22/ 222556[/snapback] One last question; What would caviar look like from 15 ft Sturgeons? 222737[/snapback] You would think if there is any quality to the roe China would be marketing it internationally. Smoked Sturgeon is one of the tastiest of fish dishes.
  23. This is mind boggling, Dan. 10 ft Sturgeons???? Is that true? Or at least true today? Maybe, if never interfered by humans and allowed to grow, but, 10 ft, today? I am feeling so naive now. This damn dwarfs what was undertaken and accomplished by the Great Wall and the Pyrimids??? I can only suppose it will be on the Discovery Channel as one of those Modern Marvels soon (if not already). Or, did I miss that one? Gee, I can hardly wait for when it aires. 222550[/snapback] Indeed mind boggling. Yes 10 foot creatures swim the Changjiang. As for the modern marvel, there have already been two specials made about it. The Wuhan Aquarium has exhibits of sturgeon from 6 inch young to two full grown monsters. http://www.arkive.org/species/GES/fish/Aci.../more_info.html http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-1...tent_270529.htm The Chinese Sturgeon is larger than the Yangtze Sturgeon. According to the article I did not see full grown as those can reach 15 feet. Yhis is on the river dolphin http://www2.newpaltz.edu/~rowe22/
  24. Travelling up the river two years ago was an amazing experience. The relocations will have a variety of impacts on people and environment. I saw homes that had been relocated from river's edge to the tops of mountains with clouds swirling around them. these will be above the new river level. Fish may be effected also since different fish thrive at different depths. The river is several times deeper in some areas than before. The river dolphin may have already become extinct during construction or if there are a few could revive with the new depths. The Sturgeon are the largest fish there and they can grow over 10 feet long. Mountains have been swallowed, others are now hills. Some banks can not be seen from the other side since the river covered mountains and filled across multiple valleys. Truely this is one of man's greatest experiments. It far exceeds the work and impact of the great wall or the pyrimids.
  25. Don't worry Paula. Give them what they want and you will soon be in America. You got snagged on a technicality but everything was approved. It should be only a matter of paper work.
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