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Everything posted by Feathers268

  1. Cheap is good, very good. When people are talking cheap what is your meaninig? When I stayed in Kunshan cheap meant 200 yuan per night. Quality was that of say travelodge, room, fridge, tv,hot water for tea, even complementary tooth brush and breakfast..
  2. Scream at the walls, throw temper tantrums... Recently I started taking pictures of what ever I do at work or places I have been and send them to her. Jennifer has really liked being able to be introduced to CA though pictures.
  3. SHIT I have a steam mop. Youchyyyyy!!!! I yeild to you man. WOW-that's gotta smart!! OMG!!!! I have both, a sponge mop and a steam cleaner.
  4. In China, I wittnessed Jen tell a few different people exactly what she thinks. I'm sure it won't take her long. Trigg, what is better, string type mops or the sponge ones.
  5. You got that out of them? All I got from DOS today was "dunno". I would hate to debate you. That seems strange. I guess being married isn't worth much to DOS.
  6. I guess I was just let down because I thought the hold music had improved from that sappy slow vegitable music from CSC to being atleast a little upbeat at NVC. Sexually explicit lyrics about killing his girl friend's lover? I would be afraid of lyrics like that.
  7. I saw grilled dog meat on the menu at a resuraunt in Suzhou. Didn't order it so unless one of Jen's relatives did I did not try it. That wasn't disturbing like the picture in the menu of the broiled pig's face.
  8. Just called DOS and......nothing. I really wasn't expecting much but thought why not. By the way, DOS doesn't even have holding music?
  9. aquach, First, I have to say that I envy your CSC time line. I wish it moved like that a year ago. I am not familiar with how to track the package through DHL, but that is probably where you are. In most cases it seems to take around 5 days to ship, 30 days in customs, and then 14 days to get in the system and mail to your SO. As others catch on, you should find instructions on finding info from DHL. In my case I was fed up with the whole thing and did not bother to check. The call from Jennifer saying she had the p3 brought me around.
  10. Come on everyone and pony up. I am one of those concerned about causing a further delay now that I am so close. My solution was to send the signature letter but not give great details about my case nor did I demand personal attention. Dan is correct. With a large response, you can think of your signature as a little fish in a big pond.
  11. nygatl15, First part of my saga is just bad timing. When I filed, CSC was running 150 to 180 days between noa1 and noa2. I had left out the INS style photos and was suprise that they let it pass without a RFE. Shortly after reaching NVC, USCIS caught up CSC and another service center which bogged down NVC. It went from about 20 days to 3 months to process. P3 actually came right at the expected time frame so maybe p4 will come soon. To answer your question, so far it has only been from the standard waiting times at the time I filed. Yunhe recently wrote me and I could feel how this is getting to her also. Best I can say is hang in there, and I hope all of us waiting will have good news to share very soon.
  12. Maybe the aproach should be to look at K visa involving children also starts adoption proceedings as well. I am very sensitive to the idea of prolonging this process but after all of the BS they look at and put us through, this is one thing I feel should be very important to follow up on. If I was required to provide police records at the original filing, the burden would not have been much to do so. I am not involed with children in my case but even so, a violent past or criminal record should be addressed. Besides, if such thing were required at the start of the process, I'm sure a lot of offenders would back out as soon as they learned what was required.
  13. Carl, I'm in between paychecks so I can send you something this comming weekend. Maybe going back to China will be a good option for her, but too many details are missing. Perhaps that is where she will wind up, but for now my hopes are that she can over come this burden and land on her feet.
  14. No fare!!!! Made me look. Hey, thats right! It's Monday and I am off work. Maybe I'll calll DOS today.
  15. Here here, I can share your feelings. 385 days into the process myself, the range of emotions can be very hard to cope with at times. This site has saved my sanity on many ocasions as well as providing a wonderful forum to vent a little steam. Recently, times have shortened a little, but there is still a long way to go. Good luck to us all still waiting, and here's to a future when the visa process in no more difficult in China than anywhere else.
  16. Dan, What I have been most interested is various spicy broths. The resuraunt we ate at in Kunshan had woks split in the middle and had the pepper on one side and seafood on the other. The owner looked like Jack Soo from Barney Miller and was originally from LA. He and I hitting it off really scored some points with Jen. B) They also served many processed items I am hoping to discover. The best was the live shrimp he brought out in celebration of or engagement. Thanks for the ideas, I will continue my research later. I also recently found a place in the southern Bay Area called Hot Pot City. Haven't been in yet but I will give it a look the first chance I get.
  17. This is the best place to express such things. I was just there a week ago when I went past the 1 year mark of filing the petition for Jennifer and I. I also know of the hurt feeling inside and the envy I feel with family and friends as I wait for the love of my life. The best I felt in a long time over this was being able to vent such things and know that those here who read it understand what we all go through. For me it has been since December of 03 since I was there. Like so many others, my SO talked me out of another trip because of the fears of expence as well as the foolish idea that this would all be over very soon. I still remember every feeling and every moment as if I had just returned. Every time I am in SF or somewhere with a large Asian population, I can't help but miss Jennifer even more. Our journey also should be over soon and provided that GZ doesn't find some cruel means of dragging this further. Maybe this will insure a very long and happy marrage. Just imagine what would happen if states started requiring all of this BS to get married in general. I wonder what average Joe Public would say and do if everyony wanting to get married had to wait over a year, and then have to prove to a stranger they had a relationship before getting the licence.
  18. Thanks man, I like when you update the info because it seems our p4 date keeps being projected sooner each time. I'll let you know how close your pridiction comes, byt you might have to just listen for the jumping up and down and screaming.
  19. I am very interested in this idea also. A resurant in Vegas that serves my Jennifer's favorite dish? That would be the perfect place when we are there also. B) I want details! Also if anyone knows, I found was relativly successful with my first attempts at this myself. Any ideas on spicing and various items for the pot?
  20. I have had quite an experience with this recently. Problems with sending money is that many states here require that the rate of exchange is locked at the time of sending the transfer. AG bank will not accept this and therefore won't pay out in most cases. This caused a lot of trouble last time I sent money to Jennifer. China Post will do it, but sometimes the employees are too afraid to do anything unless managment is holding their hand. I finally resolved it by having the transfer pay out in US funds so rate of exchange did not apply. You have to ask for that by phone so you can't use the internet site. Hope this is helpful. Jim
  21. Or is it the 30th aniversary of your 21st birthday? Either way, very happy birthday there old guy! B)
  22. How do you order a quad iced venti mocha in Chinese anyway???? "yao he Zhi Ga Quad Iced Venti Mocha" - or point and grunt.. works for me. I think I can handle the point and grunt. Here at home they know my service van so I don't even need to do that.
  23. Hey, Real quick, I must run off for emergency laundry repair but I fond that nygatl15 has posted a question in "our Stories" that is better seved here. He has a question about having to chane the address of his SO and is just out of NVC. See you all later. B)
  24. How do you order a quad iced venti mocha in Chinese anyway???? B)
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