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Conservative guy gets the shock treatment

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Well, being a conservative guy who watched too many John Wayne movies and didn't want to believe anything bad about my country, my long ordeal with our K1 and especially our return to the US was a real eye opener. The many difficulties for those trying to procure K1 and K3 visas is well documented and I've lived them on this Web site in the stories of others and experienced them first hand with my fiancee at the Consulate in Guangzhou. But nothing really prepared me for what I witnessed upon my return to the US.


Upon return to the US my fiancee and I were shunted to one line where new immigrants were being processed. We weren't supposed to be there but because of a shortage that day they sent us there even though the K1 is non-immigrant. Only one guy was working that line. Man I tell you he really bullied and abused those people. He yelled at them and gave them the ugliest, most hateful looks I'd ever seen since Marine Corps boot camp. They were just terrified of this guy. He really seemed to get upset expecially during the fingerprinting process when they couldn't understand his commands. Sometimes he got so upset with them he just threw them back in line to wait again. Many of those he was processing were somewhat old. It really broke my heart to stand there and watch this crap for over half-an-hour. The terrified look on those people's faces really got to me. It should have been a happy occassion for them.


What a welcome to the US!! They probably spent years going through all the BS to get the visa from the Consulate in China, then thinking their lifelong dreams have come true, arrive in the US only to be treated like recently captured POWs in some war. The other officers there treated people very nicely but it really upset me to see that one guy doing this. I knew we had some problems but it was only at that moment I realized this great country of ours has some very serious problems with our State Department, Department of Homeland Security, and how they both view and treat immigrants, which are the life blood of our nation.

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I'll agree that the country has problems but most have said that the immigration officers have been very nice. After looking at my darlin's papers the Immigration officer smiled and said welcome to America. This giy needs to be reported-or taken out back and "talked" to with extreme predjudice.

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There are always bad apples in the tree. Someone should report this jerk, and let his supervisor deal with it. With enough complaints, something might be done. Unfortunately, most new immigrants would be to afraid to complain.


Example, the idiots in the Abu Grahib scandel. I work in a Federal Prison, for 12 years now. I was 13 years US Air Force Police prior to that. I have never done that, nor condoned, nor would condone now what they did. We have Al Quieda terrorist in my prison right now. We dont treat them that way... but the only thing americans remember? Abu Grahib and the prison scandel. Fortunately, they are going to be doing time for prisoner abuse. Now we might disagree whether they were directed to do this or not, but thats not the point. My only point is.... If you ended up in his line, and he treated your wife/finace that way, as a US Citizen, you in no way should have tolerated it. You would have the smarts to report his rude and crude behavior.


Sorry to ramble, I am in a angry mood today concerning immigration and the illegals that bypass all the pain we are going through..




wish my wife was here to give me a mop swat right now... could use it.



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i don't blame the illegals bypassing the system, the system has fail and because it fail it cause more problems that fixing it.


I lost faith in both parties solving anything because they too busy trying to hamper each other, they forgotten the people they represent.


"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"


we threw that out the window, took both parties to do that not just one. somewhere we lost what america was, a nation of immigrate.



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You know as I read these posts about 'ugly" behavior I wonder...I know we sometimes feel we need to walk on eggshells with these immigration offcials because they pretty much have the power of God over our lives. But after reading this board and several others I feel sometimes we should stop and say 'Wait a minute. These are people that deserve at the very least to be treated with respect. What gives you the right to belittle and demean them? Maybe you need to go live where they came from for a couple years. I think your attitude will change."


I am not sure..but I feel that we need to stop ignoring the problems with people and their God complexes in this country and start putting them in their place. WE ARE ALL PEOPLE.


Yeah I know...how do we do that? Ask the man with the answers. (no not God I was thinking maybe Trigg.........) :greenblob:

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