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Anyone Else Get Their P3

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So I was just wondering has anyone who received NVC case number around 2/23 and was shipped from NVC to GUZ in the first 2 weeks of March received their P3 yet? I was hoping that we would get our P3 in mid April but who knows.


It seems that people who got NVC approval around mid February already have their P3 sent to their SO's. Oh to see when your case was assigned a case number you just look at your case number and after 2005 there is a 3 digit code beginning with 500. Mine was 553 so it was the 53rd day of the year which was February 23.


Thanks to anyone who responds. I am trying to time it and my SO travels a lot so I am hoping that while she is home she will recieve the P3 or at least try to get her to be home around that time.

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For CR1 it's 6 to 8 weeks from the time you pay for the DS230 app until you reveive it back so you can fill it out. Think they need to hire more dudes in the mail room to stuff envelopes and lick stamps. That's just plain lazy. It's not even like they need to wait for the check to clear, it's certified.

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Where is ours :D . On april 1st I recieved NOA2 from NVC with approval notice valid from 0205 to 0605. Included In the envelope was a letter from NVC dated March 10, 2005. Stating : that within one week, our approved 129f would be forwarded to guangzhou. The letter also contained the GUZ case number. with date of 2005566XXX.


My question is: within one week of WHEN? feb 16th or march 10th????

I emailed GUZ april 12th asking if they had recieved our 129f and if they had send my SO her p3 packet. Thier reply was fast! Same day. It said, Dear Mr. D,

This office has not received the referenced file from the National Visa

Center. Normally, from the date NVC sends out the file it takes

approximately two months to reach our office. Blah blah blah about how they are doing a wonderful job for us :rolleyes: and dont bother them repeatedly with emails cause thier busy :D . This was my first email to them :lol:


Grumble grumble, sorry just venting.


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