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Good work on this letter writer.

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I don't want to brag, but I can lay claim to sending the letter to Sen. Cornyn. I was not sure until I saw the last line which gave the city as Kerrville, TX, which is where I live and I did send this letter to not only him, but Rep Henry Bonilla, Sen. Kay Hutchison and on a whim, President Bush.


I wish I could claim I wrote the letter, but I downloaded it from another's post here on CFL. It was such a powerful letter, I felt it was necessary to pass it on. I hope the actual author does not mind my sharing it.


For those who do not follow congressional commitee assignments, Sen. Cornyn sits on the Judiciary commitee, and is on the subcommitee that deals with immigration and naturalization, so if there is one senator we need to inform, he is one of them.


I am glad that the senator deemed it important enough to publish and it will move him to act.



Kerrville, TX

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Great work Carl. This may help set the stage for the letter we will be sending to Ms. Harty soon. Seems timeing is everything and the time is now.


Thanks man--great stuff




Now is the time. The momentun is set and if we miss it allthis great pubislity will be lost.


Send in your sig page now.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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