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Well, it's interview day, Nicole is somewhere in the bowels of GUZ, I'm in Blenz doing what we all do at Blenz while waiting, surfing the net and wishing I had Cheetos


I haven't been this nervious since my first follow up PET scan after my last round of chemo/rad... and the final outcome of the day will have the same affect on us it seems.


Weather is warrm, but it's so foggy we needed GPS satellite navigation to find our way the 2 blocks from the White Swan to the consulate. Glad we elected to stay here last night instead of home, which under normal conditions is only an hour drive, but with this fog the highway is probably closed...


Action so far, got there at 7 for the 8 o'clock appointment, line already, I think for the 7 o'clock people. In everyone went. Looked to be mostly family follow on people, if there were any K-visa people or spouses there were no american SO's there in line with them, at least I was the only western face.


So now the wait. More later.



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Thanks everybody. Well, now it's afternoon, and she's back in the loving arms of GUZ for round 2. In the morning she went in they collected the money and the I-864 plus all my tax returns and docs for income, Gave her a number and told her to return at one.


So, by 12:30 we were back in line, and one of the "yellow cows" starts putting people right in front of us. Ok, one we let pass, two got our dander up, but the third one starting a shouting match between yellow cow, Nicole and myself. Good thing I don't speak cantonese, and I haven't learned "bad words" in mandarin. Well, ok a couple. But figured with her limited intelligence she wouldn't understand mandarin anyway. Anyway yellow cow was probably used to it, but all it all managed to do is put Nicole in a bad mood. Guys, this ain't gonna be good. She dont' like crowds and don't like waiting.


Walking back to Blenz, I did spot what I think were 3 VO's from the description I've heard walking back from Lucy's to the consulate. Big young guy with bald head and goatee. Thin young American women, blond I think, and Asian guy with glasses that looked like he just sucked a lemon. Or maybe not.


Anway, we'll see what's up. Probably shouldn't have hassled yellow cow, but sometimes I like to aggravate the locals as much as they aggravate me.




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