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Yum steak is good

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While in China I learned to make stir fried vegetables and egg drop soup Hubei Sheng style. Both are very good for the health as well as having everything cooked. I have had to give up many things I enjoyed as a youth trying to maintain good health. The basic problem is that traditional cooking from most regions of the world do not mix with today's high stress and sedentary lifestyle combined with nearly limitless supplies of food.

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Hey Trigg!

I just had a thought (which filled the quota for this decade), I bet opposum or raccoon would make a good substitute for civet cat cooked guangzhou style. Will you let us know how it is? I would think you would want an alternative to a river fish diet. Besides opposum is an American tradition isn't it?

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Hey Trigg!

I just had a thought (which filled the quota for this decade), I bet opposum or raccoon would make a good substitute for civet cat cooked guangzhou style. Will you let us know how it is? I would think you would want an alternative to a river fish diet. Besides opposum is an American tradition isn't it?

Opposum???? Ss that the same as Pos'm??? If it is it's real good. 'Specillay if ya can git it after it's been run over many many times---makes it more tenderer.


Racoon??? Is that same as a Coon?? Thems real good but ya gotta get 'em fresh. Two or three weeks in the road and they get hard to cook right.

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Jim, Oakland Chinatown and also red pork stuffed buns. :P

I will have to keep that in mind next time I am in the area. :P Another place I found was the Shanghai Dumpling Shop in Milbrae.(not too far south of SF) it was very good. B) I learned the hard way to avoid Chinese "fast" food when the cooks are not Asian. :blink: It's like eating Mexican when the place is run by others than Mexicans.

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Opposum???? Ss that the same as Pos'm??? If it is it's real good. 'Specillay if ya can git it after it's been run over many many times---makes it more tenderer.


Racoon??? Is that same as a Coon?? Thems real good but ya gotta get 'em fresh. Two or three weeks in the road and they get hard to cook right.


Road Kill

My favorite snack.. finger licking good..

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Guest blsqueaky
A CFL cookbook would be a great idea.  I wonder how many recipes though would contain cheetos?

Yes, one would be great. We need Roberts input here, since his wife Ping is a chef.


Tonight last time for steak for awhile, nice large juicy rib eye, tomorrow nite, back to Chinese.


Tom, agree with you, Trigg has ben down across the river just way too long.


Lele, I am surprised that you can not find any good Chinese food in Boston. I know that even in this small town Ling found a great all you can eat buffet

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Hey what is wrong with chicken feet???? Authentic Jewish Penicilin (Chicken Soup) can't be made right without the feet in it. My Grandmother wouldn't have served it to us otherwise.


By the way if you ever try Vietnamese egg rolls and wonder what the very thinly sliced white strips are. That's the pork skin (ears are also served thin sliced and those have a pink edge with white center. Both taste bland but crunchy.

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