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White Slip ... More info to follow by 10am EST

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Thank you everyone for your caring, wonderful words, and support! :rolleyes:


I am so happy right now, and she is extremely happy too! Not only did she and her parents all eat very well, but I think that this is the first night worth of sleep in weeks (since I left at the end of January) that all 4 of us (she, her parents, and I) will be able to get a full night's worth of sleep!


Thanks to all of the great advice from the forum and from individuals.


Let me post more details below. Then, as soon as the actual visa is obtained, I will post that fact too!!! So excited.




When she came back at 1pm (along with the other K and IV applicants) she told me it was *extremely* quiet. It was so quiet that everyone could hear every word from every interview. She said that people were really tense.


After 7 other people were called, someone called her name in guangdonghua. This is odd, since being from Shandong, she does not speak guangdonghua. After talking for 1 minute, the lady realized that she called the wrong person, wanting the number that was switched from hers (like calling 23 instead of 32...oops).


She then went back to waiting.


She was called, by a different person a few minutes later and was not worried at all!


This was really good, since although the 9th one to be called, she said that all 8 before her (including the one with the same man that was to interview her) had *all* obtained either yellow or blue slips. Not a single white slip so far the entire day! Eke.


She said that the interviewer was a nice man, about 35-40 years old, caucasian, very thin, and not too tall (shorter than I am, but not by much). He also has braces.


He saw that her passport was stamped applied for K1 (because of being called a few minutes before). He is ok when she tells the story.


Oh, one thing to note: she spoke completely in English. Before her, not a single person spoke English. Just stating a fact for people's information.


questions ran something like this:

vo (visa officer): ok. thank you. passport please.

vo: who helped you with this application (fishing for my name)?

vo: how did you meet each other?

vo: asks to see photos of us together. (my darling gives the man the first sheet of 8 photos, and then the second, and he never asks to see the remaining 10 sheets -- she also talks about where the photos were taken, etc.).

vo: asks how many times I have been to china and what we did while in china:

vo: what does he do?

vo: Oh, he is a student, how does he get money? (she answers about research and he is ok, never asking to see the i-134 form)

vo: what do you like about him? (good question! never thought about this one before, but my darling certainly can talk about this one, as can I, for hours on end).

he then hands her the white slip, and says many wonderful things about wishing our upcoming marriage well (my darling told him the day that we have planned before the end of March), and was very nice to her! she thanks him, and wishes him well, and he repeats in Chinese to come back tomorrow and really wishes us well for our future living together in the us.


That's it! what a relief! she said that she thought that he was nice and that in the end we can finally be together! she had a good feeling after saying hello to the person, even though the person before her was issued a blue slip by the person (but she spoke no English). in the end, i think that it paid off very well! i can not wait for the actual visa to be issued tomorrow.


Will write more then.


Later all and thanks again for everything!

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thanks again everyone!


For the people that I know who will soon go through this, the best of luck to you! I strongly recommend that you get there at few days early, and try your best to relax, and enjoy some things in the city.


You will all do so well!!


As for me, as soon as I get word about the visa, the future, togehter, finally, and forever, shall begin! Time to get everything in order for our future together! I will write back again later today/tomorrow once I have word finalized.


Thanks and good wishes to all!

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Thank you everyone for your caring, wonderful words, and support!  :)


I am so happy right now, and she is extremely happy too!  Not only did she and her parents all eat very well, but I think that this is the first night worth of sleep in weeks (since I left at the end of January) that all 4 of us (she, her parents, and I) will be able to get a full night's worth of sleep!


Thanks to all of the great advice from the forum and from individuals.


Let me post more details below.  Then, as soon as the actual visa is obtained, I will post that fact too!!!  So excited.




When she came back at 1pm (along with the other K and IV applicants) she told me it was *extremely* quiet.  It was so quiet that everyone could hear every word from every interview.  She said that people were really tense.


After 7 other people were called, someone called her name in guangdonghua.  This is odd, since being from Shandong, she does not speak guangdonghua.  After talking for 1 minute, the lady realized that she called the wrong person, wanting the number that was switched from hers (like calling 23 instead of 32...oops).


She then went back to waiting.


She was called, by a different person a few minutes later and was not worried at all!


This was really good, since although the 9th one to be called, she said that all 8 before her (including the one with the same man that was to interview her) had *all* obtained either yellow or blue slips.  Not a single white slip so far the entire day!  Eke.


She said that the interviewer was a nice man, about 35-40 years old, caucasian, very thin, and not too tall (shorter than I am, but not by much).  He also has braces.


He saw that her passport was stamped applied for K1 (because of being called a few minutes before).  He is ok when she tells the story.


Oh, one thing to note: she spoke completely in English.  Before her, not a single person spoke English.  Just stating a fact for people's information.


questions ran something like this:

vo (visa officer): ok. thank you. passport please.

vo: who helped you with this application (fishing for my name)?

vo: how did you meet each other?

vo: asks to see photos of us together. (my darling gives the man the first sheet of 8 photos, and then the second, and he never asks to see the remaining 10 sheets -- she also talks about where the photos were taken, etc.).

vo: asks how many times I have been to china and what we did while in china:

vo: what does he do?

vo: Oh, he is a student, how does he get money? (she answers about research and he is ok, never asking to see the i-134 form)

vo: what do you like about him? (good question! never thought about this one before, but my darling certainly can talk about this one, as can I, for hours on end).

he then hands her the white slip, and says many wonderful things about wishing our upcoming marriage well (my darling told him the day that we have planned before the end of March), and was very nice to her!  she thanks him, and wishes him well, and he repeats in Chinese to come back tomorrow and really wishes us well for our future living together in the us.


That's it!  what a relief!  she said that she thought that he was nice and that in the end we can finally be together!  she had a good feeling after saying hello to the person, even though the person before her was issued a blue slip by the person (but she spoke no English).  in the end, i think that it paid off very well!  i can not wait for the actual visa to be issued tomorrow.


Will write more then.


Later all and thanks again for everything!

Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing your interview experience. :greenblob: :greenblob: :greenblob:

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Thank you everyone very much for all of your help and your ideas and your words and your stories and your experiences!


My darling, Rong, told me that she indeed has a K1 Visa! This is extremely wonderful news.


She will stay in Guangzhou until she and her parents leave on an afternoon train back to Qingdao (where she is from) tomorrow.


Then she will fly on the 9th (we already reserved our tickets) to New York JFK on the direct Beijing to JFK flight.


So fast! So much to do. But so happy, that even if I only get 4 hours a night between now and then moving all of my stuff into the new place (that is after purchasing it first!), taking classes, getting everything cleaned and in order, etc., that I will be flying even higher than when I was a little kid in the open candy-shop! :greenblob:


I will not go into lurking away from the boards, I promise.


Good Luck to everyone currently working through the process, no matter where the are!


And if anyone has any questions about China or about Environmental Science (what I am studying) or anything in particular, send me a PM/Email! :greenblob: If I can not help, at least I may be able to point you in the right direction. :redblob:


so happy!!! but i have to run... thanks again everyone.

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