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GOT IT!!!!!!

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Jun's version. The VO asked another question or two, Jun had just walked out of the counsulate when I called her, so she was too excited.


This is part of her account from 001, and some of it has been babelfished from Chinese, so don't judge her English by this :lol:


Asked question as follows:

VO: Can you speak english?

ME: Some.

VO: Where did you learn english?

ME: In my college.

VO thereupon turned around to be called the translation to leave.

Official inquiry start:

VO: What does your fiance do?

ME: Xxxxxx

VO: How did you met each other?

ME: We met on internet. a website called xxxxx

VO: Do you have internet massages?

ME: Yep. here it is... (hurries to hand over)

VO: Hmmmm... OK. (had not looked drew back for me)

VO: How long did he stay in China?

ME: He stayed here xx days in his first trip. and xx days in his second trip.

the VO smile, lowers the head in the table writes any. I quickly asked he wants to read the picture, must read the letter, must look GG writes the marriage wish book, must look at the economic guarantor. . .

VO smiles: It's not nessisary sweetie. (reaches this point for 30 seconds also) I to think misunderstood. Also is talking endlessly asked he wants to think this must think that. . .

VO: You love animals? (Asked I most love topic)

ME: Of course. I have two dogs.. blahblahblah... I plan to bring my dog to the US with me... blahblahblah...

VO: Come to pick up your visa on Monday afternoon 4:00....

ME: (now at last believed me) thank you sir! You are so nice!

VO: You are welcome sweetie. congrats!

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Nie Dong has that "sweetie" effect on people too but in the US that can bring a harassment suit (I guess thats the last thing Jun wanted to do!!!lol) in our lawyer crazy world. I'm forced to carry insurance just in case one of my 24 year old employees says that to a fellow employee and she gets bent out of shape! Sorry for the rant - great news. Do pets need visa's?

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Nie Dong has that "sweetie" effect on people too but in the US that can bring a harassment suit (I guess thats the last thing Jun wanted to do!!!lol) in our lawyer crazy world. I'm forced to carry insurance just in case one of my 24 year old employees says that to a fellow employee and she gets bent out of shape! Sorry for the rant - great news. Do pets need visa's?

yeah... a K-9 visa... lol :lol: :lol:

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Nie Dong has that "sweetie" effect on people too but in the US that can bring a harassment suit (I guess thats the last thing Jun wanted to do!!!lol) in our lawyer crazy world. I'm forced to carry insurance just in case one of my 24 year old employees says that to a fellow employee and she gets bent out of shape! Sorry for the rant - great news. Do pets need visa's?

yeah... a K-9 visa... lol :lol: :lol:

A K-9 visa--Oh JP-do you realize how you have opened the flood gates for a Jason PUPPY Joke--but I ain't gonna say--nope not me-I ain't gonna, ain't uh uh, no, nope nada, bu, bu sing---NONONONO!!

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